Thursday, August 27, 2015

Nana's condensed milk rolls

Today grandma taught Giovanna how to make her traditional condensed milk rolls - very popular in our family. Every day Giovanna learns something new with her grandma. It's hard to think about when the time to say goodbye comes. I wish I could have my mom here with us forever!

 Today we also had doctor's appointment. We chatted a bit about these last 10 days, about my new routine with a new baby and also about other things.

 Everything is fine with me and baby Bianca. She's been gaining weight and developing well. She is wonderful in every single way!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Children are having a blast with grandma. She is warm and loving and wonderful! There are lots of hugs, kisses and laugh. My mom always says being a grandmother is like being a mother for the second time just with more patience. We are very luck for having her!

Grandmas are so special. My mom reads to the girls every night. She helps me around the house, she cooks my favorite foods, and every day when I wake up she has my hot cocoa ready! 

A few days ago she bought a sewing machine for Giovanna. Every time my mom sits down to sew something, Giovi sits down next to her to sew too. I love seeing them together. I melts my heart!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Temple Day

Today Ale and my mom went to the temple. I stayed home with baby Bianca while Giovanna was at school. I used the couple of hours I had alone to make some light cleaning. 

They came back with these beautiful pictures

That is the beauty of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: the church, the teachings and the temples are the very same in any place in the world.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Baby Bianca is here!

After taking one week break I am back to finally introduce you our beautiful daughter Bianca.

Last Sunday I taught my last class for the youth. We talked about Family and Marriage. It was really spiritual, reassuring my own role as a mother and helping me focus and stay calm for my baby delivery next day.

Then on Monday Ale, my mom, Giovanna and I headed to the U hospital in the morning. The doctors and nurses were great. My surgery was quickly and painless, and I'm recovering well.

 Baby Bianca is wonderful. She is so sweet and smart. She already smiles and lifts her head up! Our home is filled with life, love, peace and positive energy.

Giovanna is in love with her little sister. She plays with her, gives her bottle and helps changing her diaper. She is such a good helper and adores her little sister very much.

She did great in the hospital when she had to sleep there. She didn't complain and she was - and has been - very, very understanding about my recovery.

My mom is still in town helping us and making us company. I'm so grateful for having her here! Actually I'm grateful for my life, my family and everything Heavenly Father has given me.

Being a mom and having the power of giving birth are the most sacred and precious gift a woman could ever receive, and I feel very fulfilled with my calling.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Brigham Young Historic Park

I just want to express my gratitude for having my mom with us. She is a delight and I love her very much! These pictures were taken at the Brigham Young Historic Park in downtown Salt Lake.

“Life is not only meant to be appreciated in retrospect . . . There is something each day to embrace and cherish.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Last Prenatal Visit

This will be our last week as a family of 3. Next Monday we will be welcoming to this world our little girl Bianca. It wasn't exactly easy to get here, but I'm so happy and grateful we made it. Family is the most precious and sacred thing we can have in this decaying world. 

I'm specially grateful for having my mom with us at this last appointment. She could meet my doctor, the facility and staff, and my prenatal visit routine. She also heard Bianca's heart beat, and I am so happy she can share this wonderful moment with us.

 We talked to the doctor about what to expect next Monday. We'll be probably arriving at the birth center around 5:30am and the C-section is scheduled to 7:30am. My mom and Giovanna will be waiting in the room while Ale will be with me in the operating room. I'll be recovering at the hospital for three days, then we'll be all set to finally go home and enjoy our baby girl.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Grandma is finally here!

Yesterday we had a busy day. We woke up super excited to finally pick up my mom at the airport. In the morning we took Giovanna to preschool. Then we bought some balloons and drove straight to the Salt Lake International Airport. We parked the car and in less than ten minutes waiting, my mom arrived. 

The flight was long and she was so tired, but at the same time so happy and relieved for finally being here. Giovanna was thrilled for seeing her grandma after two years, and I just couldn't hold my tears. Ale was there too...  recording everything! 

What a priceless moment!

Of course first thing we did when we got home - after eating - was opening the suitcases! My favorite part!

 Thank you family and friends from Brazil for the beautiful gifts. We absolutely love each one of them and we love each one of you!

Monday, August 10, 2015

These days

Here are a few things we have been doing these past few days while waiting for our baby girl's arrival.

Our tomatoes are ready to be picked up and eaten! We've been enjoying salad with our fresh, organic tomatoes. Giovanna is in charge of harvesting them.

We've been organizing Bianca's stuff, and we are making sure Giovanna is part of it all. She will be the best bigger sister.

And we've been playing too!

 There's been also a lot of reading and trips to the library this summer!

 And some adventures at night too. Summer nights are the best, right?!

Tomorrow we are picking up my mom at the airport. She is coming from Brazil to spend a couple of months with us. I'm so excited! I barely can wait until tomorrow!

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Mom is coming to town

I hope this weekend flies because on Monday my beautiful mamma will be finally on her way to Utah! I can't wait to see her and have those wonderful mother&daughter moments! I miss her so much! Since she'll be staying for a couple of months, she will be able to attend General Conference, Giovanna's 5th birthday party and Bianca's blessing. I'm soooo excited!

My mom, my sister and I are very close, so living far from them was one of the hardest decisions I had to make. So every time they come to visit us it is reason to rejoice!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bianca's Baby Shower II

A few days ago sisters from our ward also threw a beautiful baby shower to welcome baby Bianca. I feel so grateful for having so many wonderful people around me. I am grateful for their love and unselfish service.  I had a delightful time laughing and learning from these amazing women.

Thank you for your friendship and example.