Monday, November 30, 2015

Moments like these

I love my family. I love my life. I love who I am.
The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going.

And I love moments like these.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving day I am grateful for so many things and so many blessings I have received. But I have no words to even start describing how grateful I am for the peace me and my family can enjoy. The world is not a safe place and some people are capable of terrible things.

I am grateful for being able to drive my kid to school, take a walk in the park in a sunshine day, sleep peacefully in my bed, and have little joys this earth can still offer. These things are rare in these days.

I am grateful for my health, my loving husband and my incredible children.
They are the light of my life!

I am also thankful for my mom who taught everything I know and for helping me to become who I am. I am thankful for my beautiful sister Carol, my niece and nephew Bia and Lucas, and for my awesome brother-in-law Alexandre. Life wouldn't be the same without you guys!

Lastly I am grateful for the difficulties of life that make me stronger.

Happy Thanksgiving!

* * * * * * *

Our traditional Thanksgiving with the Matutes!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Dare to Dream

Ale surprised his girls with tickets to watch to Disney on Ice in Salt Lake. Giovanna is still a big fan of princesses. I can't tell how much we enjoyed the show. Everything was perfect - the show, the seats, the environment, the kid's behavior. Bianca slept the first half of the show, then she woke up to watch the rest of it without crying or even complaining about the loud noise. 

And I didn't stop talking about it for at least the following two days.

I am so glad Ale recorded my favorite part of the show! I might have cried a little. Take a look!


Monday, November 23, 2015

Back home

Ale came back from San Francisco with these beautiful memories.

He said he wouldn't live there which means San Diego is still on the top of our "Places to Live" list. While daddy was there, the Bellini girls also had some fun at home. We camped in the living room all nights, watched movies and played games.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Just us girls

Yesterday I got really sad news about an acquaintance who passed away after fighting a cancer for four years. His name was Marshall, and his wife used to be Ale's co-worker. I broke down in tears (even though I didn't know him) because I can't imagine how hard can be losing someone like that.

Our hearts and prayers go out to his family.

 Tonight Ale is flying to San Francisco to get some documentation in order. Since I'll stay home with the kids I am planning a living room camp out with movie and hot chocolate. I'm sure Giovanna will love the idea. She loves any reason to throw pillows, blankets and stuffed animals on the floor and watch to her princesses movies.

Then I have ambitious plans for tomorrow: run some errands with my two girls. Heavens help me and let's pray for Ale to come back soon.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bianca is 3 months old

My baby is three months old. She is a delight! She is very alert and curious about everything around her. She is growing beautifully!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Girl's check ups

Thumbs up for this brave little girl who did so good on her two month checkup. Mom is also doing a good job breastfeeding Bianca and helping her grow healthy and strong.

Another hooray for Giovanna who did great on her ophthalmologist follow up visit. A while ago she developed a bump on her right eyelid which was diagnosed as stye. Unfortunately, nothing has changed since her first visit and the warm washcloths compresses didn't seem to do much. But since it doesn't bother her at all the doctor suggested to just leave the way it is and watch it. If anything happens - redness, swelling or pain - she'll might need surgery.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

We took the girls to watch the Veteran's parade here in Taylorsville. It was really windy but we got to enjoy this beautiful celebration before heading home for some hot chocolate.

I feel profound gratitude for those who served and still serve this beautiful country.
Thank you for fighting for our peace. 

Happy Veterans Day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Family photoshoot

It's been a week since my mom flew back to Brazil after three months with us. It still hurts. She is so loving and caring! We already miss her very much! Giovanna cried at the airport when she finally realized grandma was leaving. It was really sad and it broke my heart into million pieces.

But we had tons of fun together these past three months. She helped on with Giovanna's birthday party, celebrated Halloween with us (even trick-or-treated on her police officer costume), and watched Bianca's blessing. She also went to the kids doctor's appointments and Giovi's school presentation. It's wonderful the fact she can be part of our children's life even living so far. And for that I'm deeply grateful. I'll be posting about our adventures.

Before she left we took some family pictures.

For more pictures click HERE.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mom goes back to Brazil

Yesterday was a sad day. I don't even want to talk about it.

 "No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child".
Mommies are truly gifts from heaven. I couldn't imagine my life without mine and I couldn't imagine not being one. I'm grateful for being a women and for the power I have of giving birth. I am grateful for my mom's teachings, for her example of courage and kindness, for her honesty and strength.

We love you vovó Zette and we hope to see you soon. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Bianca's Blessing

Yesterday Ale took our baby Bianca on his arms to give her a name and a blessing. 

In the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this ordinance is performed in fulfillment of the commandment in the Doctrine & Covenant 20:70 that says:  

"Every member of the church of Christ having children is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name"

Just like Jesus taught in St. Mark 10:16.

In conformity with this revelation, only worthy men who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood may participate in naming and blessing children.  Ale invited a few close friends to participate on Bianca's blessing. And this year my mom was with us! Unfortunately she couldn't watch Giovanna's blessing, so this year I am extra happy! It was beautiful! We are so lucky for having the gospel in our lives. 

I pray that my children can always feel their Savior's love and always find joy on His path.