Monday, August 19, 2019

Last day of summer break

I can’t believe how fast summer break went by!

Today we invited the Matutes, Medinas e Villatoros to come over and swim our last splash before school starts tomorrow. We met at five and swam just for a few hours since all the girls would be waking up early in the morning on the next day. 

This year Giovanna will be attending third grade and Bianca preschool (again). Giovi’s back school night was a few days ago and she already knows her new teachers, classroom, and her classmates. She is not very excited about her classmates though since her best friends are in a different class (just like last year).

Bianca’s teacher will be visiting her next Thursday, then school starts on the twenty-six for her. She is so excited to go back to school!

Summer was good to us! We had lots of trips to the pool and other fun things.

Best moments of summer 2019:

Giovanna's golf camp

Visiting Butterfly Biosphere for the first time

Orem Summerfest


Fourth of July

Pool, pool and more pool

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