Monday, December 28, 2020

Christmas 2020- Covid-19 day 286-288

 In honor of 2020 that was so different from all of us in the world had imagined it would be, our family planned a different Christmas eve from previous years.

For dinner we cooked salmon instead of our traditional turkey.

Ale tried new rolls. Christmas is the only time of the year we eat The Lion House rolls. This year he made Beehive rolls. 

They were so good! BUT The Lion House rolls are still my favorite. 

Grocery shopping for our dinner was kind of hard. We couldn’t find much, so we had to be creative. Gingerbread houses were nowhere to be found.

The girls and I backed and decorated our own gingerbread houses. It was surprisingly easy to make. Just putting the parts together didn’t work as expected, so we ended up gluing them with hot glue gun.

We also watched movies and played games. A little past eleven the girls left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for his reindeers.

On Christmas day they woke up to find the cookies, carrots, and milk were gone, and gifts were left under the tree.

They both rushed to the Christmas tree to be the first one to find the pickle- a Christmas tradition we started in 2018.

After a while Bianca found it granting her the right to open the first gift of Christmas in our home.

They were so happy! We had a happy, spiritual, and beautiful time as always. I love Christmas! 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas! -Covid-19 day 285

 “It came without ribbons, it came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags.

Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more”.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

New hair- Covid-19 day 282

Past Saturday my dear friend Mindy surprised me with an appointment to the salon for a hair do. I was so excited to try a new color and get a fresh haircut!

Plus, we had a wonderful time talking and laughing and just relaxing for a few hours away from kids and responsibilities.

We ordered doordash, and we ate our lunch between one hair wash and another. It was a magnificent afternoon. I absolutely love my Christmas gift!

Thank you Mindy! We both look fabulous.

Monday, December 21, 2020

B&B weekend- Covid-19 days 279-281

 Weekend was full of laugh and fun and friendship. I love spending time with the Britos.

We cooked yummy food and treats, and played games til two in the morning while the girls watched to movies and played together.

 We also had our traditional B&B bingo. It was hilarious, and we had a great time as usual. Then we slept there for two days and just came back home last night. Claire came with us.

The kids are in Christmas break and there is no rules on what time to go to bed, how much TV time they can have, or how much candy they can eat. They are in heaven.

I can’t believe 2020 is almost over! Christmas is almost here. Four more days! And we are so ready.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Christmas break- Covid-19 day 278

 Today after school was over the girls walked around the buildings finding and delivering some Christmas gifts for their teachers and school staff.

I absolutely love Timpanogos Academy, and although I was a little nervous on the beginning about changing schools, I am so happy we did.

Giovanna is doing amazing, and their method is so much better than the district’s. And I love the fact they keep coming back to old concepts so kids don’t forget them.

We are all very happy and grateful! Annnnd, Christmas break starts today!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wrapping- Covid-19 day 277

 My fingers hurt. I think I have wrapped over forty gifts for friends, teachers, primary, and family. I still have more to go.

I love the fact Christmas is a season of giving, when we more fully dedicate our time and energy for those in need and loved ones.

I wish Christmas spirit lasts all year long!

This weekend we are driving to North Salt Lake for our annual B&B (Britos and Bellinis) Christmas bingo. 

I am excited! Plus, I could really use some fun.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas shopping- Covid-19 day 276

2020 was a tough year, and I guess 2020 Christmas shopping couldn’t be any different.

I’ve been to over fifteen stores for the past two weeks in search of Christmas gifts. I was so stressed and my anxiety levels were reaching the sky.

Everything about this year’s Christmas shopping was bad- the traffic, the crowded stores, the lines, the fact I couldn’t find anything I wanted, plus the apprehension of getting the virus!


I still have a few things I need for our Christmas dinner. I just need to find courage to go out there again. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Light- Covid-19 day 275

 Probably my favorite part of Christmas season is the lights. When the day is over and the dark starts to present itself, I turn on all the Christmas lights around the house.

There is something about lights that brings me peace and warmth. I even mentioned to Ale today we should have light up pine trees in the home all year long.

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12)

This weekend we started our Light the World. It’s been a hard year and I know we can be a light in someone else’s life in times of darkness and sadness.

Click here to help light the world too.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Primary Program- Covid-19 days 272-274

The weekend was full of cleaning and studying. With Christmas break around the corner, Giovanna has homework, tests, and book report to finish.

I also took a long nap after getting so discouraged with sad news about a dear couple who had passed away due to Covid.

President Emerick and his wife have been always an example of dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They were there when my family got baptized in the church, and now they leave four wonderful children to keep their legacy of unselfish service.

With the vaccine being authorized, in the next week or so professionals from healthcare and residents of long-term care facilities will be the first ones to be vaccinated.

I am hopeful that with this new vaccine our lives will be back to normal, and people will be finally safe.

I know death is part of this great plan we are all part of, and I also know death is not the end. We will be reunited again as families for all eternity. But my heart aches for those who have lost their loved ones.

This past Sunday, we finally watched the much anticipated Primary Sacrament Meeting. Because of the Covid-19 we are still holding home church.

I am so grateful for our ward that has been broadcasting the meetings every Sunday so we can somehow be there.

The video that I had worked for several weeks was shown during the meeting, and all parents loved it. 

It was a special, spiritual meeting. The children have the power to touch us with their sweet spirit.

I love being a member of Jesus Christ’s church. I am so much better because of His gospel!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Weekend plans- Covid-19 day 271

 Plans for the weekend? YES!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Red alert- Covid-19 Day 269

Guess who has finally arrived this morning at our home?


The girls were really excited to see her again and very curious about a letter she was carrying in her tiny hands.

It turns out the letter was a warning from Santa about their not-so-good behavior lately.

They were very disappointed to find out their names were on the naughty list. Gladly, it was a WARNING, and they still have time to work on their best behavior.

Twinkle will be watching them closely til Christmas eve. 

Way to go Twinkle, my good helper! 


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Christmas cards- Covid-19 day 268

 I have decided to send Christmas cards this year. It’s been so long since I sent out X-mas cards, I think Bianca was still a baby.

I feel like after a long year of distancing, sending and receiving cards somehow brings us closer together.

I picked one of the pictures I took from the girls while Ale was in Las Vegas to use on our card. They dressed in their Christmas dresses and gladly posed to me (It was a first).

The picture on the card looks a little darker than I wished, but I am excited to send them to family and friends anyways.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Weekend- Covid-19 days 265-267

Dad is back home and the girls are so happy. The weekend, unfortunately, wasn’t exactly what we had planned.

The girls broke one branch of our Christmas tree, then the mirror in my room, and a frame with a picture of Jesus Christ that used to sit on Bianca’s dresser.

I confess I’ve been discouraged with the girls lately. They fight more than play, and I can hear Bianca yelling at her sister as she teases her all day.

On Saturday morning, I ran to Kneaders to get caramel syrup for our pancakes while the girls stayed home setting up the table for breakfast.

We watched “Black Beauty”- the new Disney+ movie,  and we played games. But after the girls broke the things around the house, I was done and sent them to their room for the rest of the Saturday.

Then on Sunday we had Sacrament meeting in the morning, and in the afternoon we went to pick up Ale. 

I also took the girls to the Christmas drive thru the sisters from the stake had planned for the Primary children.

As we drove the girls read signs about the events that preceded Jesus’s birth and enjoyed a live nativity. Then in the end of the drive thru the sisters handed bags with crayons, nativity coloring pages, and a treat for the girls.

It was so simple and so thoughtful. I love this time of the year!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Gone to Vegas- Covid-19 day 264

 And it is that time of the year again. Today Ale flies to Las Vegas with work. And I have fun plans for the weekend with the girls.

Have a good weekend you all!