Friday, October 2, 2020

Parent Teacher Conference- Covid-19 day 201

While in Bianca’s room, I noticed two princess Sofia dolls sitting in the Barbie house’s bathtub covered by a face mask.

It got me thinking about our children’s new reality of face masks and hand sanitizers.

Heavenly Father knew what He was doing when He taught us to be become like a child- “submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love”, and can I add resilient?

am impressed by how well our girls are adapting to this new reality. I am so proud of them, and I learn from them each and every day, specially during this atypical year.

Yesterday I met with their teachers for a virtual Parent and Teacher conference.

Bianca is doing good overall, but she needs some extra help improving her letter sounds knowledge.

We just heard good things about Giovanna and how she actively participates in the classroom, and ask questions when she doesn't understand something. We heard from her teacher she strives to learn, and is a wonderful friend and student.

She is in fourth grade and although she is learning fifth grade material, she is doing great! The Saxon method the school uses has been making a huge difference too. And to think not long ago Ale and I were talking about learning disability.

We have no words to express how proud we are of her immense effort.

I know Heavenly Father is also loving her effort too, because He loves effort.

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