Friday, October 29, 2021

Eleven- Covid-19 day 601

 Happy birthday to my beautiful Giovanna. I can’t believe she turned ELEVEN!

What a beautiful young woman she is becoming! I am so proud of her big heart and all the love it carries. She cares about everyone around her, and she is a light for all who has the privilege to cross her path.

She is a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend. I love sharing this life with her as her mama, and I am grateful that we get to spend all eternity as a family.

Soon I’ll be posting all fun things we did for her birthday.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Six hundred- Covid-19 day 600

 If anyone had told me we would be hit by a pandemic that would change our lives forever I wouldn’t have believed.

But the pandemic is very much real, and it’s been around for six hundred days already! The Covid-19 has taken friends and acquaintances, (not family members, thanks goodness).

And every shift I work at the hospital I care for patients that either is struggling with Covid or have severe consequences from it. It’s sad, specially because these patients generally didn’t get the vaccine.

Right now the Villatoro family has Covid-19 (Pati and Jennifer), and Georgia (Kelly’s mom). We are hoping and praying for their fast recovery.

The third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is already available for adults who have taken the first ones, and children twelve years old can also get their first dose.

We will be all getting our shots soon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Dentist appointment- Covid -19 day 598

 Bianca had dentist appointment today. I am so grateful her dentist’s office is right across the street from her school.

Around 1:20pm I checked her out from school to have her checking and cleaning appointment. Everything looks really good, and her two bottom baby teeth are getting loose. We already can see a permanent tooth coming out.

Half hour later Bianca was back to class. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Chemistry Magic Show- Covid-19 day 594

 Tonight I took Giovanna for a date at Brigham Young University in Provo. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry organized a magic show in celebration to National Chemistry Week. They taught about combustion, oxygen, nitrogen, molecules, and energy.

I love going out with Giovi, specially because that's the time we have to talk about things we usually don't because of schedules, work, school, etc. I can really pay attention to what she is saying and provide a well- thought-out feedback.

I hope to be able to do the same thing with Bianca. I want my girls to grow knowing they can tell me anything, and that I am and always be their best friend, just like their grandma has been for me.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Too fast- Covid-19 day 593

I just want to remember when Giovanna would read a book while listening to her favorite songs, and Bianca would do her homework in the car while her sister was in her gymnastic class.

They are growing too fast. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A lot more- Covid-19 day 592

 When we work in a hospital caring for patients, we start thinking a lot more about ourselves. At least, I know I do. 

I think a lot more about how I’ve been treating my body, what changes I need to make to live a healthier life, but mostly, I feel grateful- grateful for my health, for healthy children, and for the knowledge I have about word of wisdom and eternity.

These last few days I cared for young patients who came in with major complications from alcohol abuse, hyperglycemia, and Covid-19. Their cases gave me the determination to work even harder to care properly for the body my Heavenly Father gave me.

I also cared for a few patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. It is scary for them and for their loved ones, and I wish some of them had the comfort of knowing life doesn't end with death, and there is an eternity waiting for all of us beyond this veil.

"The state of our health affects every facet of our life- our feeling of personal well-being, our approach to work, our social interactions- even our service to the Lord"

-Barbara B. Smith

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Discovery Gateway- Covid-19 day 591

I can't believe Fall break is over and the girls start school again today. It really went by fast. And I am so sad Bianca and I were so sick throughout Fall break and we couldn't do or go anywhere fun. But, yesterday we managed to go to the Children's Museum in Salt Lake after Bianca's appointment at Primary's Children Hospital to check her wrist.

We spent solid three hours there. The girls had so much fun! Last time I took them there they were so little. I remember when we lived in Salt Lake and used to take baby Giovi there all the time- here, here, and here.

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Pie & Flour Fight- Covid-19 day 590

 Last Saturday we took the girls to The Pie Pizzeria. We love their pizza. Ale’s favorite one is Chicken Ranch, and mine is called The Wise Guy- with artichoke, spinach, fresh tomatoes, mozarela cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette.

On Sunday, the girls and I baked some chocolate chips pumpkin cookies. And, as per tradition we had a flour fight. The girls know every time we bake something, our baking turns into flour EVERYWHERE.

I love these moments that I hope my girls won’t forget and hopefully will pass on to their own families.

Look at our happy, floury faces! 

Friday, October 15, 2021

10/15- Covid-19 day 587

 I probably passed by it at least five times without noticing it sitting on the counter until Ale told me about it right before bedtime- my favorite chocolate, and a Trident just like the one from our first kiss back in 2005.

One of my favorite things about my husband is that he remembers. 

I love you babe, forever and ever. Happy 16th first kiss anniversary!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Fracture Part II- Covid-19 day 586

 Remember Bianca fractured her wrist?

Well, today I took her to the orthopedics to check if she needed a cast or if she should keep the splint on. It turns out, the doctor said the splint was fine. BUT, I have to say that I've scheduled another appointment for her with a different doctor just because I didn't feel confident with this one.

The doctor didn't explain things, barely looked into our faces, was rude when Bianca was whining (because she has a major cold. Poor girl is feeling miserable), and he said I could tighten Bianca's splint myself when I asked him to take a look at it to make sure it was giving her wrist the right support.

So, next Monday she has another appointment all the way in Salt Lake at Primary's Children Hospital. (Yep, I hated the doctor this much).

I just want to make sure the splint will do a good job in healing her broken bones in the right place, or if a cast would be a better option since she is such an active girl and keeps moving her hand all.the.time.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Sick- Covid-19 day 585

This pretty girl of mine is sick, with a really bad cough.

I am so glad tomorrow Fall break starts, and she can rest and not to worry about waking up early.

I love you baby girl!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Fracture- Covid-19 day 584

 Last week, Bianca had a fall at the playground while trying to do the monkey bars. She cried a lot, and said her wrist was hurting. I applied ice and gave her Tylenol.

Few days later she was able to move her hand up and down, but her wrist and lower arm were still tender and swollen.

Today, I took her to her annual check up, and her pediatrician checked out her arm and asked for an x-ray. Unfortunately, the x-ray shows Bianca has fractured her wrist.

She was put into a splint, and next Thursday she has an appointment with an orthopedist to see if the splint will be enough, or if she needs a cast.

Fingers crossed for no cast.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Daddy is back- Covid-19 day 583

 Guess who’s back?

A week ago nostro daddy left to Italy to visit family members and pay tribute to his ancestors.

For years now, Ale’s been working on his genealogy. He found generations that came from Italy and migrated to Brazil.

He came back home with so many stories to tell. 

I am really happy for him for having this opportunity (and for the delicious Italian treats he brought us).

Today he finally starts at Goldman Sacs. Hooray.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Scout’s new playground- Covid-19 day 580

 Today Giovanna and I made a playground for Scout. A while ago our neighbor gave us some hamster’s tubes, and we never really got to use them because his tank was small for them.

So, I got the tote under Bianca’s bed that I was using to keep gift bags, and we filled it with tubes, wheel, and other toys for Scout.

There’s plenty of space for him to run, and now his tank has more space too. I also went to the grocery store and I got some treats for him.

He is loving his new playground. And we love him. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Never end- Covid-19 day 579

 I swear I thought this day wasn’t going to end.

After working a 12 hour night shift at the hospital, I came back home to shower before leaving to pick up the girls who slept over at the Villatoros, since Ale is still in Italy.

After picking them up around seven, I had them change into their uniforms in the car on our way to Kneaders to have breakfast.

After delicious pancakes and croissant, I drove them to school. I came back home and went straight to bed. After three hours of sleep, I woke up with my phone ringing.

Giovanna was calling from school because her throat was hurting. I asked the staff to give her a Tylenol and I hung up the phone. Then I set my alarm to 1:50 since I had promised Bianca I would be at her school at 2:30 to volunteer at her PE class.

Half an hour later, I grabbed Giovanna and we came back home. The girls had a few snacks, and off we went to Provo for Giovi’s gymnastics at 4:00.

After gymnastics, I stopped to Costco to put gas in the car, and to have a slice of pizza for dinner, because there was no way I was going to cook.

Once we got home, I helped Giovanna with homework, and around 9:30 we were all in bed- well, technically in the living room, since the girls wanted to do a “sleepover”.

I thought this day wasn’t going to end. Giovanna took a picture of me driving from her gymnastics. The photo says it all.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Picture day 2021- Covid-19 day 578

The digital pictures from Picture Day are ready! I got them today in my email box. The girls look so cute!

Giovanna - 5th grade


Bianca - 1st grade

It’s interesting how things have changed. When I was little I remember dressing up, or sitting down on a set prop for picture day. Nowadays, the kids just pose and parents can pick whatever digital background they want.

It’s sure easier, but I think the children ends up missing all the fun. Anyways, I am happy to have these beautiful memories.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Halloween time- Covid-19 day 577

 Our home is decorated for Halloween!

When daddy gets home from Italy, we will buy and carve our pumpkins.