Friday, May 27, 2022

Off to St. George

 Our family is going to enjoy the Memorial Day weekend in the beautiful St. George. 

Honor and gratitude for America’s fallen heroes who fought so we can enjoy peace and harmony with our loved ones.

Happy Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Last day of school

 I can’t believe today is the last day of school! This year is definitely flying. I am excited to enjoy warm weather and POOL with my girls.

I also can’t believe next year Bianca will be a 2nd grader and Giovanna a 6th grader! It will be her last year in elementary school and I am not sure how to feel about that.

This year I prepared baskets for their teachers with their favorite things. Ms Clark likes diet coke and cheez its, and Ms Clyde likes chocolate milk and boom chicka pop. Of course I added some chocolates in the basket! I also prepared some otter pops for the kiddos in their classes.

The girls had an early day out, so I took them to celebrate their “graduation” at Olive Garden.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Museum of Natural Curiosity

This past weekend we took the whole clam to the Museum of Curiosity. Vovó Zete is leaving back to Brasil in a couple of weeks, so I want to make sure she visits all Thanksgiving Point museums before she goes.

They changed a few things around, but the museum is still one of my favorites to take the girls to. There is so much to do! Plus, they have the outside area that is as fun as inside.

It was a lovely afternoon.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Dentist appointment

 Today the girls had dentist appointment. Everything looks good- hip hip hooray! They have no cavities, and both of them are about to loose some more teeth.

Giovanna will need to see an orthodontist again. It is likely she will need to wear braces. I have a copy of her x-ray, and I’ll soon schedule an appointment for her.

Good job baby girls. Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tom Sawyer

My baby girl participated in her first play at Timpanogos. Her class performed “Tom Sawyer”. I confess I didn’t know who Tom Sawyer actually was until I sat the whole family down to watch the movie a couple of weeks before the play.

It was actually a great idea, because I am sure if we hadn’t watched the movie, we wouldn’t have been able to understand the play.

Giovanna played , and se did so good. She even memorized the narrator part her teacher said she could read on the paper. All the kids did a great job!

Mindy and Bella came to watch Giovi perform. Vovó Zete was there too, and so was I and Bianca. Daddy had to work, but Ms Clyde made sure to record the play for those parents who weren’t able to attend it.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Tulip Festival 2022

We finally got a Thanksgiving Point annual membership. I say finally because the girls love it there (I love it there!), and I’ve been wanting to have a membership for a while now. It’s definitely cheaper than paying regular price for each ticket per each venue, and much less crowded than on Two BucksTuesdays.

We kicked off by visiting the Tulip Festival at Ashton Gardens. The tulips were so pretty! Much prettier than last year when most of them were already dying around this time of the year.

I am so glad vovó Zete was able to go with us. Tulip is her favorite flower.

I am so excited to keep enjoying our membership and creating beautiful memories like this one. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Perfect afternoon

Have you noticed how beautiful and warm today has been?

I had the girls turn off the TV and games, and we all headed outside to play. I got blankets and chairs, and me my mom sat down under the tree and talked for hours while the girls played.

That’s my idea of a perfect afternoon. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Ordinary day

 After several weeks of cold (and snow), the weather is finally getting pleasant and warmer.

Today, after dropping off Giovi at the gymnastics, vovó Zete, Bianca and I sat down on the grass under a beautiful blue sky. We played campfire, dancing, and singing while waiting for Giovi to be done.

I absolutely love sitting/laying on the grass and admiring the green trees and blue sky.

It was a great, ordinary day. I slept wonderfully in the morning  after my twelve hour shift the night before, and I woke up feeling happy and rested. I usually wake up with body ache and feeling crapy after my shifts.

I am also enjoying the fact Bianca is not bringing homework anymore since summer break is right around the corner (two more weeks!!). 

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Back to work

 Back to work tonight after one whole week off and I found this.

I am grateful for being able to work in healthcare, help those around me, and make a difference in other people’s lives. 

Let’s have a great week, shall we?

Monday, May 9, 2022

Mother’s day 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to all amazing mommies out there. This year I was lucky to celebrate it with my mom who’s still visiting from Brazil.

We all went to church in the morning, then I prepared a special dinner for us later on. I cooked creamy parmesan chicken, the girls set up the table, and Ale baked his famous delicious rolls.

“There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood. The influence of a mother in the libes of her children is beyond calculation”. James E. Faust

Friday, May 6, 2022

Mom’s rolls

 Today the girls helped me baking the only rolls I can bake: cottage cheese rolls. Any other one doesn’t work for me, which is fine since these rolls are by far my favorite ones.

I love when the girls come help me in the kitchen. We always have ao much fun, and we always end up covered in flour after a flour fight. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Hope of America 2022

This year my beautiful fifth grader participated in Hope of America, a beautiful program that gathers students from over 100 schools in the valley to celebrate America and to sing songs of hope, service, and patriotism.

Giovanna along with her classmates memorized sixteen songs to perform throughout the three-hour program. It was beautiful and touching.

I cried a little thinking that our kids are truly the hope of America, and it is our responsibility as parents to teach them how to be their best; raise them to be loving, caring, who respect and follow God’s commandments and the laws of this earth.

President James E. Faust once said: “Surely no more important work is to be done in this world than preparing our children to be God-fearing, happy, honorable, and productive”.

I sure hope to keep thriving in doing my very best to fulfill my sacred calling as a mother of these precious treasures of mine.