Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Back to School Feast

This past Saturday we had our Back to School Feast. It is so nice preparing this feast for the girls, and I always look forward to it.

Every year is different. Sometimes we go out to eat. Sometimes I prepare dinner. Either way, it is always special having our family together talking about hopes for school year, new teachers, and new friends.

I love having this time with my girls, and I know they love it too.

For dinner I prepared Garlic Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein just like last time. Then we had Ghirardelli brownie with vanilla ice cream for dessert. 

Ale also gave each of our girls a blessing of the priesthood for a wonderful school year, full of fun and learning while being safe and protected. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tooth Fairy

 Tooth Fairy NEVER fails!

Giovi and Bibi lost their tooth on the same day.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Bianca and Giovanna lose their teeth

 Tonight Tooth Fairy will be visiting two beautiful girls in our home. Giovanna’s and Bianca’s tooth fell out on the very same day.

Giovi lost her bottom right premolar while playing with her tooth and watching TV. This is the eighth tooth she loses.

Bianca lost her third tooth while in school. When I picked her up, she ran to me holding a little bag with her tooth in. It had fallen while she was eating. She was so excited!

I am so happy losing their baby teeth has been a good experience for them. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me. My teeth wouldn't fall by itself, and I had a really bad odontophobia growing up.

Anyways, I am excited for both of them to find dollars under their pillows tomorrow.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Dinosaur Island at Thanksgiving Point

One last visit to see the Dinosaur Island before they go away.

The day was HOT, and I felt like hurrying up throughout the visit. Since I was diagnosed with skin cancer I feel extremely uncomfortable in the sun.

I don’t go out in the sun anymore without wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat. Wished I had done that before though!

Monday, August 22, 2022


Guess who needs glasses?

Well, technically I’ve always needed glasses because of my stigmatism, but it’s been years since I wore glasses. But I’ve been having headaches and feeling a sharp pain right on top of my eyes lately.

 Last week I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist, and it turns out my eyes are tired, specially after a twelve hour night shift where I spend a good amount of time on the computer charting patients.

My eyes are also dry. And the tendency is to get even dryer with Accutane. I should use eye drops at least five times a day from now on.

Also, a while ago I noticed a white bump in both of my eyes, although it’s more noticeable on my left one. It turns out I have pterygium due a long term exposure to UV light, which, unfortunately, makes sense because I never really wore sunglasses.

It’s crazy to think the sun has damaged my skin and eyes this way. I LOVE sun, and now I can’t leave the house without proper protection, and absolutely no basking in the sun. 

At least now I have an excuse to accessorize my outfits with fun hats and sunglasses.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Girls Night Out

I can’t remember when was the last time I went out with these girls. Oh, how I missed it!

We headed downtown to Lucky 13 and Keys on Main to enjoy much needed free time, away from responsibilities, at least for a few hours.

We unapologetic ate burgers for dinner, we listened to some of our favorite jam’s, enjoyed good company, laughed, danced, and drank our alcohol-free cocktails like there was no tomorrow.

It was fun, fun, fun. We need to do this more often, and definitely soon! 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Happy birthday Sebastian

Last Monday we celebrated Sebastian Medina on his 5th birthday. We all had a great time playing, talking, and eating yummy food.

 Happy birthday Sebastian! May Heavenly Father always watch over you, sweet boy! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Bianca is SEVEN

 Our baby Bianca is seven.

She is so much fun! She has lots of energy, and the most creative mind. She loves drawing, coloring, learning, playing, and making messes.

She is always willing to help, and she is my cooking buddy. She loves eating!

I love her so much my heart aches. She is the perfect addition for our family. She makes everything more fun and exciting, and brings so much joy into our lives!

We love you baby girl! To the moon and back.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Bianca’s 7th birthday

This past Saturday we threw a birthday party to celebrate Bianca. We met at the North Park right across Provo Rec Center. The kids played, sang happy birthday, and after opening presents we all headed to the Provo Rec Center pool to swim.

We all had a blast. Provo Rec Center is by far the best rec center we have been to. I love their indoor and outdoor pools. They really did a great job- there is so much to do! Plus, the whole facility is so neat and clean.

Bianca loved her birthday party. Every year she says it was her best birthday. Cute girl! I love making my beautiful girls happy.

Back to school

My babies are back to school. There were so much going on these last couple of weeks that I didn't have the chance to prepare a Back to school Feast for them. But I will still want to do it. 

May Heavenly Father bless you throughout this school year, baby girls. May you learn and grow in knowledge and grace, just like our Savior Jesus Christ.

I love both of you so so much!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Meet the teacher

I can't believe back to school is around the corner and summer is almost over. The girls are excited to start school again. They miss their friends and their routine.

Today we took them to meet their new teachers. Giovanna was so excited for Meet and Greet because she got the teacher she wanted this year. Bianca always loves all her teachers- it is really cute.

I am so sad this will be Giovanna's last year at Timp Academy. Next year I will have a middle schooler, and I am not sure how I feel about it. Plus, Bianca won't longer have her big sissy around anymore. 

My babies are growing way too fast!!!!                               

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Dental Cleaning and more

 Today, I finally took the time to get my teeth clean. Unfortunately, the dentist found a little cavity between my back teeth. He said it is really small and it will be a simple, fast procedure.

I already scheduled my next visit to have my cavity done. I also have appointment scheduled with an ophthalmologist. My eyes have been hurting after screen time, specially at work.

I am glad I am being able to get all my check ups done. I feel like it’s been forever since I actually took the time to take care of myself. It feels good.

Monday, August 8, 2022

Night swim

 One last night swim before school starts.

Some days the girls are excited to go back to school. Other days they are not. I don’t blame them; it is exciting to go back to school to see old friends and make new ones. At the same time it is hard to let go of summer.

I am dying to make a Back to School Feast for the girls. I am just not sure if I will have time and energy to do it. School starts next Tuesday, and Bianca's birthday is on the very next day. 

I am planning a birthday party for her next Saturday at Provo Recreation Center. We are swimming and playing in the park. It will be so much fun!

Buuut, I will probably still do our feast.

Friday, August 5, 2022


The rainbow after the rain today. 

“I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth”. (Gen. 9:13)

I took this picture on our way to South Jordan. I have already shared in a post how I feel about rainbows. I absolutely love them and their meaning. 

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 1, 2022

Camping 2022

Our first family camping of the year has finally happened.

Last Saturday, our family headed to Heber City to camp with the Britos. Lodgepole campground is a beautiful place surrounded by Aspen trees. We were lucky enough to have rain fall for a little bit. It was the best laying in the tent listening to the rain.

Later on, the kids prepared their own foil dinner- potatoes, carrots, onions, hamburger, and mushroom soup. It was delicious and super fun!

Then at night we sat down around the fire for s'mores and  spooky stories. All the kids told a different story. From witches to clowns to ghosts. 

The next day, we had bacon, eggs, and hash browns for breakfast- perfect for camping! 

I keep telling Ale one night camping is not enough. We need at least two nights. One because it is a lot of work loading and unloading the car with camping gear. Two because when we wake up in the morning it is already time to leave. 

Next time I will convince him.