Friday, September 29, 2017

General Conference Weekend

Cheers to the weekend!

It is General Conference. My favorite time of the year!

Watch the 187th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints HERE. Also other ways to watch:

I hope you can be uplifted with the words of the prophet, and find answers for your prayers. May we always find comfort in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Story of our Life - Part IV

Story of our Life - Part I, II and III

After the ceremony to solemnize our marriage, we took our time to plan a reception. Brazilians usually plan a big, fancy reception for all family members from both sides plus friends. It's cultural (and a bit overwhelming too).

After a long deliberation (and stress) about which venue we should pick, we made a decision and scheduled our reception for November 1st, 2008. 

Everything looked beautiful, even though the venue wasn't decorated with the flowers I have picked. I actually never understood why they changed my lilies for Colombian roses, but the venue was really pretty anyways.

The food and sweets were incredibly good, the DJ was awesome, and everybody had a great time. It was a beautiful reception.

... our story will continue on the next posts!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Terrible Twos

If our toddler is out of our site and being unusually quiet, she or he is probably doing something they are not supposed to. Today while I was fixing breakfast I found Bianca in the bathroom spreading lipstick all over her face. Classic.

She also:

didn't listen when I kept walking away saying "Goodbye, mamma is leaving" and she made me walk all the way back to get her;
 eat her yogurt using her hands instead of the spoon;
  and turned the computer off while I was writing this post.

And the day has just started.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Marito turns 4

This weekend Marito turned 4 years old.

Congrats Matute family! Marito is a such a sweet boy! Thank you for letting us be part of your special day!

Happy Birthday lil man!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Windsor Carnival 2017

Giovanna loves her school, her friends and her teachers. She also loves Spanish.

Every year her school throws a carnival for all students, families and all neighborhood as well. This year the weather was good enough to have it outside. It was really fun. They had games, food, rides and jumpers for the kids.

I am so happy Bianca was old enough to join Giovi this year! She is a brave, fearless little girl. She is outgoing, smart, and independent in so many ways. I have to constantly reminder her she is still only two.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Bunny Girl

I have been organizing a few things around the house, and separating a bunch of clothes, toys, and other items to donate. It is a tough job for mamma and a fun time for the girls. They get to see toys they haven't played with for a while, they wear old clothes and run around the house, pose for pictures, and then put them back on the pile. 

One of these days Bianca found these bunny ears on a pile and started wearing them everywhere. Everybody compliments her pretty bunny ears. Maybe that is why she keeps wearing them everywhere she goes. She likes the attention.

She also still likes caring her backpack to take Giovi to school. 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Me and my girls

I just want my girls to always remember I love them. They are the light of my day.

There is nothing they can't tell me
I will always listen
I will always help
I will always be there


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Book of Mormon

I am studying the Book of Mormon. I have started it about a month ago. I actually have started reading it several times before, but I have never really finished it. I always ended up not understanding some chapters and giving up afterwards. 

This time I am reading/studying it along with a book a friend of mine gave me. It is called My Book of Mormon Study Guide - Diagrams, Doodles & Insights by Shannon Foster. It breaks down chapter by chapter explaining concepts and providing some historical insights to help us better understand what was going on around that time. It's been working great for me! It turned my studying much more smooth and pleasant.

I also write definitions and some thoughts on my journal while studying the Book of Mormon. I have a journal where I write about my days, the kids, trials, our family experience, etc, and I have another one where I write about spiritual things - a General Conference talk that touches me, or a spiritual experience I have, and now my own insights about the Book of Mormon.

Every morning after taking Giovanna to school and putting Bianca down for a nap, I sit down by the window, where the sun enters my living room and the birds are chirping, and I start my daily study.

By reading the Book of Mormon my faith and trust in Jesus Christ and in my dear Heavenly Father has increased. It is also helping me to understand who I am and where I came from. God loves each one of us, He has a plan for us, and wants us to return to His loving arms.

If you would like to receive a free copy of the Book of Mormon just click HERE!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ready for school (but not quite yet)!

Yesterday Bianca ran around the house all day carrying Giovanna's old backpack. I think someone is ready to start preschool (although this is not happening for the next two years).

This morning while watching her sister get ready for school, Bianca grabbed her rain boots, her coat, and of course her backpack just like Giovanna. She loves her big sister and copies her in everything she does. That is why we keep telling Giovanna to always be kind (which she is), and to be a good example for her little sister.

I can't believe the girls are already wearing coats and boots. A couple of days ago they were swimming in the pool!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Story of our Life - Part III

Story of  our life Part I and Part II

When I called my family to tell them our decision to get married, my mom was surprised and concerned. Surprised because I didn't tell her I was still dating Ale while living in Massachusetts, and concerned considering our difficult times as a couple back in Brazil.

But we moved forward with our plans. Ale went back to Brazil to start planning our wedding along with my mom, while I stayed in MA for four more months to finish my Au Pair Program.

When I arrived in Brazil, we got married. On September 6th we solemnized our marriage and officially became Mr & Mrs Bellini. It was a simple and beautiful ceremony.

Then the whole family had lunch together at a Brazilian steak house.

We also took some pictures at São Paulo Brazil Temple.

More on the next posts!