Friday, October 30, 2020

School Halloween- Covid-19 day 229

Halloween festivities looked a lot different this year (practically inexistent). At the girls school parents weren’t allowed to come to class and help out with Halloween party, and students parade was cancelled. But at least the kids were still able to go to school on their costumes.

Giovanna dressed up as Uma from Descendants, and Bianca as a spider bride. They both picked their costumes last year, and they were very excited to wear them.

We are not sure about Halloween day this year, but hopefully they will be able to wear their costumes one more time.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Giovanna is TEN!- Covid-19 day 228

 Happy birthday to my beautiful ten year old!

Giovanna, you are the best part of me: my heart!

You are sweet, loving, and calm. You are a piece of heaven on earth, a rainbow after rain.

I love you beyond words can say. And I am utterly and eternally grateful to be called your mama.

Per tradition we surprised her with our traditional pancakes in bed and happy birthday song (any cute happy birthday song on YouTube really).

Then later on our family had dinner at Giovi’s favorite restaurant: Olive Garden.

We love you Giovi! Happy birthday sweet girl!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Pumpkins II- Covid-19 day 227

 Our pumpkins are ready!!! (Technically the girls pumpkins).

Since they don’t like taking the seeds out of the pumpkin, and are not very careful around knives yet, they decided to paint and decorate them.

I loved the idea. They turned out really cute!

Ale and I still have to carve ours, but we just can’t decide on what to carve.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Luca is ONE- covid-19 day 226

 Guess who turned ONE?

The girls had a lot of fun jumping on the bounce house and wearing their Disney clothing and ears once more.

Happy first birthday Luca! It will be fun watching you grow! 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Chop chop- Covid-19 days 223-225

The girls always ask to help me in the kitchen, specially to chop things. Since I don’t like them using knife, they always end up with the mixing task.

Knowing that they love cutting fruits and vegetables, I have bought some kid's knives that works really well.

Over the weekend Bianca helped chopping tomatoes and onions for my homemade tomato sauce recipe. She was so happy for being able to finally cut onions with a plastic knife that actually works.

These simple moments with my kids are so important to me. I hold each one of them close to my heart. (And I also take pictures of the moment to always remember it).

P.S. Bianca is wearing a t-shirt that belonged to me when I was younger. Vovó Zete resized it (and other ones) for the girls. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Apologies- Covid-19 day 222

Today, I didn't do much except clean my kitchen, and I still can't believe how much needed to be done! I am happy I will welcome the weekend with a clean kitchen.

We were supposed to carve our pumpkins today, but I guess we will have to wait til Sunday to do it. Tomorrow we have Luca's birthday party, and a few more cleaning to finish.

I want the house to be ready for Thursday, when we will sing happy birthday to Giovi in celebration of her 10th birthday.

I still can't believe soon I will have a ten year old in the house. But I am okay with that as long as she lets me cuddle her and call her my baby.

Also, remember the episode when a girl confronted Bianca in the bathroom? Well, she wrote Bianca an apology card and asked her to be her friend. She also gave Bianca a fruit snack, which was enough to gain her trust (I mean, sweets to Bianca?).

It was a cute gesture, and I hope this seals peace between them.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Storybook Villains- Covid-19 day 221

With the girls attending a new school, we have come to a conclusion that week days are for school and homework. Movies, and any type of fun should be reserved for weekends.

I can’t say the girls, specially Giovanna, are very happy with this change, but it’s been very important to keep them focused.

Buut, today we broke the routine and took the girls to the Storybook Villains Haunted Walkthrough at University Mall.

The girls saw and interacted with some of their favorite villains from Disney. It was a quick five minute walkthrough, but it was really cute. The characters were very convincing. They girls really enjoyed it and wanted to go twice.

Soon enough they were back home and back to finish their homework.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pumpkins- Covid-19 day 220

 Right before school resumed, we took the girls to Trader Joe's to pick pumpkins to carve/paint. The girls picked four tiny pumpkins and three big ones.

But, instead of coming home to carve them, we stopped at University Mall and hit the end-of-season clothing at Carter’s.

Later on, we headed to Lehi to have a barbecue with the Matutes and Medinas. The kids played tons and enjoyed their last day of Fall break.

I was planning to bake chocolate chip pumpkin cookies today, but we didn’t have time. So I guess pumpkin carving and pumpkin cookies will have to wait to another day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Gardner Village- Covid-19 day 219

 Fall break is over and the girls are back to school.

I confess right before Fall break started I was so discouraged to be home with them for five days. I was frustrated our trip to St. George didn't work out, and I was so disappointed we couldn't afford a quick trip to a National Park.

It's been a crazy, stressful, tiring last couple of months, and our budged has been extremely limited. But hopefully, soon we will be able to enjoy (and share) good news.

Although we couldn't go on a road trip as I (and Giovanna) wished, Ale and I managed to offer the girls some fun. 

Giovanna, Bianca, and I have been camping at Giovi's room every day since Fall break started, and it has been so much fun! Surprisingly, I've been sleeping really well, plus I love waking up with my babies.

Over the weekend we took them to Gardner Village to see the witches displays and play at The Farm. 

Last time we visited Gardner Village the girls were so little.

The displays looked the same, but The Farm wasn't exactly what I was expecting at all. They basically had pony and horse rides, and a tiny petting zoo. I think they decided to keep it simple this year due Covid.

The girls had a blast riding the horses. It was definitely the high point of our little field trip.

* * * * * 

In the meantime, wild fire was getting bigger and bigger at Provo Canyon. So sad!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Angels- Covid-19 days 216-218

 Two things I am deeply thankful for in the midst of this pandemic: the blessing of being able to be safe at home, and for technology that allows us to still connect to the world.

This past Sunday our family got a link through WhatsApp to watch our ward sacrament meeting.

Although, I absolutely love home church, I've been missing being at church worshiping with other dear brothers and sisters.

 I was so happy for being able to somehow "be at the chapel", and see familiar faces again.

The talks were based on Elder Godoy's message in this last General Conference about angels in our lives.

He shared: "When it comes to your happiness and salvation, it is always worth the effort to keep trying. It is worth the effort to adjust your lifestyle and traditions. The Lord is aware of the challenges you face. He knows you, He loves you, and I promise, He will send angels to help you".

I love his message, and I am grateful for many angels Heavenly Father has sent our way to bless our lives. And I pray everyday to have the opportunity to be an angel in somebody else's life too.

Friday, October 16, 2020

A little break- Covid-19 day 215

Today the girls played with the Matute boys while Ale and I had dinner at Braza Grill.

I felt bad for them since we spent the day at home. We even tried to go mini golfing, but unfortunately the golf course was already closed for the season.

I was glad they got to play with friends for a bit, while Ale and I had an alone time.

These last weeks have been stressful and tiring (more on that later), and we really could use a couple of hours together- - thank you Kells for having the girls and making that possible!

* * * * *
Happy birthday to my nephew. He turns eleven today!