Friday, July 29, 2022

Lucky’s Iron Door

 Still celebrating Ale’s birthday past Wednesday, today we all had dinner at Lucky’s Iron Door Roadhouse restaurant, a kid friendly version of Lucky 13 located at Jordan Landing.

The Brito family gave him a gift card from there for his birthday. (Can I just say they have the coolest “gift card”?)

The girls had chicken fingers, fries, and a mango crafted soda. Ale and I ordered our favorite- bacon stinky (smoked bacon and melted blue cheese cheeseburger) and breath enhancer (fresh garlic and rosemary cheddar cheese burger).

After dinner we sticked around for some live music and face painting at the Jordan Lading entertainment courtyard. It was a fun afternoon.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Happy birthday daddy

I worked last night and I am back to work tonight again. Within work and sleep I managed to prepare a family lunch to celebrate Ale’s 38th birthday since he would be working from home.

I set my alarm to go off at noon. After waking up I drove to Doña Mary restaurant to get our lunch. I wanted to cook something special, but clearly I wouldn’t be able to do it, so my coworker from Mexico suggested me to try Molcajete.

Funny thing Doña Mary restaurant is literally next to our house. I prepared a beautiful table, and one by one the girls and I said things we love about dad.

After lunch, the girls gave daddy the presents they made by themselves. Giovanna wrote and illustrated a book with her own version of The Lion King.

Bianca wrote him a beautiful card. I absolutely love her cute spelling and drawings!

Happy birthday daddy! We love you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Claire turns 9

Happy birthday, beautiful Claire.

You are NINE!!! 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Rodizio Grill

Next Wednesday is Ale’s birthday. Both our birthdays fell on a Wednesday this year, which makes it hard to celebrate since both of us work and Wednesday is my second night in a row at the hospital.

Today our family had dinner at Rodizio Grill. They offer the best high quality meat within Brazilian steakhouses in Utah County. We should go there more often.

After dinner, the servers sang happy birthday to him and brought us a delicious Brazilian flan- one of her favorite desserts.

I am so grateful for yummy food!!!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Museum of Ancient life

Today before my mandatory shift at work, I drove the girls to Lehi to the Museum of Ancient life. This was the museum we hadn’t visited yet since we got the Thanksgiving Point membership.

It looks different from our last visit. From time to time they change a few things, which is fun.

During our visit the girls asked questions, explained things they had learned in school, and learned new things like what trace fossils are and some examples of dinosaur trace fossils. 

Even I learned something new. I didn’t really know what was the difference between Paleontologist and Archeologist. 

After that, the girls wanted to stop by at the Museum of Curiosity, but it was so full of people we decided it was not safe to stay and we headed back home.

Right when we were leaving the museum started pouring rain. We ran to the car, but the storm was so strong we got there soaking wet. 

It was fun. Who doesn’t like a good run in the rain?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Frozen Yogurt

 The girls love Menchie’s, and I always take them there when I can. I also use all their coupons that come in the mail (yes, I still love couponing).

This time though, I decided to use the coupons I’ve been carrying in my wallet for a while now and take them to a new frozen yogurt place. I convinced the girls that the new place shouldn’t be so different from Menchie’s, so off we went.

Who knows my girls also knows when they like something they don’t usually do well with “generics”. Just in this case they liked the frozen yogurt, but they didn’t like the flavors which were completely different from Menchie’s.

When Giovanna finally decided to try a new flavor, the person in front of her in line got the last drop of ice cream letting Giovanna empty handed (but she had some of mine).

I guess I’ll still have to take them to Menchie’s. But only after getting my coupons in the mail. lol

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Little birdies

 Summer for my girls means mostly this:

And this:

I think it is so funny (and cute) that Giovi still loves doing sleepovers in my room. Thank I can’t imagine how much I will miss this when time comes for these two little birdies fly away from the nest.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Back to work

 Yesterday was my first day back to work after taking one week of medical leave. I am feeling good. The wound is healing properly. It is just a little tender still, and it itches!

I am taking showers, but I can’t swim yet. So I’ve been taking the girls to the pool and just watching them while studying for my TEAS test (more on that later).

I am grateful for doctors and the knowledge God gave men to learn and do good. I am also grateful for being home, healthy, healing from my skin cancer, and being able to carefully and surely go back to my normal activities. 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Farm Country

 Today the girls had fun at the Farm on Thanksgiving Point. The animals were specially loving today. The girls (and I)  had several opportunities to pet them.

I am so glad we have the membership so we can visit Thanksgiving Point during the week when it is not crowded. Giovi and Bibi rode on the ponies twice.

They still love horses! 

Thursday, July 14, 2022


 I am so grateful for having a pool here at our condominium. Our girls spend most of summer at the pool. It’s their favorite thing.

Today, after running errands and organizing the house, I took them to the pool. It was a hot, cloudy day, perfect to swim. The water was warm and pleasant.

I love to see my babies happy and enjoying life. I wish all the children in the world could be doing the same thing- being a kid and having fun.

It was a perfect day to be in the pool, and I felt like jumping in the water too, but I still can’t because of the bandage on my back. The wound is still closing. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Skin Cancer- Part II

 Today was the day of my surgical procedure to remove the skin cancer on my back. Ale asked to work from home this week so he could stay with the girls during my procedure and to help me afterwards.

He gave me a priesthood blessing before I left to the doctor’s office. It was a beautiful and touching blessing. He asked Heavenly Father to help me stay calm, be comforted, and trust that the intelligences of my body will work towards proper healing.

Fortunately, my skin cancer was diagnosed in its early stage so the procedure was simple and fast. The doctor numbed my upper back and scrapped the cancer out.

I am in a bit of pain with a burn sensation, and my back itches, which is the worst part because I absolutely cannot scratch the wound.

Today I wipe bathed, but tomorrow I’ll be able to shower without getting the wound wet. And I will probably ask Ale to help me place another bandage since the wound’s been bleeding a little.

The recovery process should be easy. I am not allowed to lift heavy weights for the next two days, and the wound should start healing in about a week. 

I’ve already scheduled a follow up appointment with the doctor to have my skin checked again in six months. But from now on absolutely no sun exposure without proper protection!

Friday, July 8, 2022

The Pools at Scera Park

Another fun night swimming, this time at Scera pool. I really enjoyed our night there. The water was warm, and all the pools were shallow enough for the girls to swim by themselves.

The water slide was perfect for Bianca. I slid down with her a few times and she loved it. It wasn’t scary at all.

Giovanna tried the deep drop slide a few times. She is so brave! She begged me to go with her, but I am terrified of heights. Giovi is so much alike me in so many ways, but I am happy she is better than me in a lot of things.

We swam until the pool closed for the day just in time to see the beautiful sunset. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Lindon Aquatic Center

 Tonight we attended the patient appreciation swim night at Lindon Aquatic Center. We ate yummy hot dogs and treats, and the girls swan til their hearts content.

Funny thing is that tomorrow night we have another patient appreciation swim night to go to.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July! 

 I love this flag on State Street. I probably have way too many photos of it because I take a picture every time I drive by it. Isn’t it beautiful? It reminds every time of how grateful I am for living in this beautiful land.

As per tradition we spent 4th of July in Lehi with the Matute family. We had incredible food, water balloon fight, fireworks, good company, and tons of fun.

Everybody chipped in to buy fireworks. The kids love it! Then we all headed to the Arbon’s backyard to watch the beautiful Thanksgiving Point fireworks.