Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Discovery Gateway

After months of Giovanna asking to go to Discovery Gateway, today I finally took her for a few hours. We got a two month membership for free at the AAA car seat inspection event last Friday at The Gateway mall. Discovery Gateway is one of Giovanna's favorite places.

The museum was crowded because of a few field trips, but Giovi was still able to play, and she had tons of fun.


Friday, September 26, 2014


Today we had the Matute family over for dinner. Lupita has teaching us so much about their wonderful cocina hondurena, today was our turn to share a little bit of our Brazilian culinary.

I am not much of a cook, but I took the risk of making our most traditional meal: Feijoada. I also made farofa and collard green, and Brazilian flan for dessert. 

Thankfully, everything turned out delicious, and we had a great time together.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Family History

A few months ago we had a family history consultant from our ward over to help us start our family history. First thing brother Sobreira said was "family history is about temple service".

Adding my deceased uncles, aunts and cousins names to my family tree and being able to officiate for them at the temple opened up a whole new sense of what family history is really about. I've been having such a wonderful spiritual experiences that have helped me to strengthen my testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I remember talking to my mom after having brother Sobreira at our home the night before. I hadn't mentioned anything to her about his visited when she started talking about a strange dream she had had also the night before with my deceased uncle Isaias. She said he was so happy  in the dream, and he would hug her, and talk to her about how our mortal bodies will be in its perfect form again. 

On that moment I knew my uncle who had passed away long ago had received AND accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ, and was patiently waiting for his family to officiate for him in the temple so he could receive the fullness of the gospel. 

Today, when I was adding some new names to my family tree and requesting ordinances for the deceased ones, I cried. And every time I'm in the temple officiating for each one of them I also cry tears of happiness. I know I have a big responsibility in doing my family history.

I feel humble. I feel grateful. I feel loved by my dear Heavenly Father. He knows me, and He has entrusted me in so many ways and I hope not to disappoint Him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Birthday prep-Part II

It is official. I reserved the clubhouse for Giovanna's 4th birthday party next month. I also decided last minute to change her party theme. She wanted another princess party, so I changed a little bit and she is now having a Disney Princess HALLOWEEN party.

I really love photo props, and I wanted to buy some for the party, but they are so expensive! So I decided to give it a try and make them myself.

What do y'all think? I think they turned out really cute!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Precious Daughter of God

I am grateful for being Giovanna's mom. She is growing up so fast, but I'm glad I've been fully enjoying every single phase of her life. She is a sweet, smart, loving, and positive little girl, and she says the cutest things to brighten everyone's day.

A few nights ago we were reading some bedtime stories when she touched my face and said: "I love you forever!". Giovanna has ALWAYS something nice to say to everyone. She teaches me and inspires me to be a better person every day. 

Heavenly Father has entrusted me with His precious daughter to love and care for, and I'm deeply grateful for that. She is sure a blessing in my life!

Friday, September 19, 2014


"Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of all and everything we do in our family, church and our livelihood. Love is the bond that unites families, communities, and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and divine hope. Love should be our walk and our talk.”

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Uma vez que o amor é o grande mandamento, ele deve estar no centro de tudo e de todas as coisas que fazemos em nossa família, igreja e em nosso trabalho. O amor é o elo que une famílias, comunidades e nações. O amor é o poder que promove amizades, tolerância, civilidade e respeito. É a força que sobrepuja a discórdia e o ódio. O amor é o fogo que aquece nossa vida com alegria inigualável e esperança divina. O amor deve transparecer em nossas palavras e ações."

-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Temple Square

Here are some of the cute pictures we took at Temple Square last weekend.

"When you come to the temple you will love your family 
with a deeper love than you have ever felt before. 
The temple is about families."

-Richard H. Winkel

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Craft Store, Dollar Store, Bookstore

This morning Giovanna and I went to several stores to get some things for her birthday party. Later on, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings with daddy.

Before heading back home we made a quick stop at Barnes & Noble. Giovi loves Barnes & Noble. And so do I.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Preschool Routine

Today we woke up excited to watch Giovanna's class routine and get to know her friends and teacher better. Mrs. Jean has invited all parents to watch the beginning of the class next Wednesday, but since Ale wouldn't be able to go, she let us watch it today.

It was so much fun! The children are adorable and Giovanna made a lot of friends. They sang songs, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, and performed poems for us. Giovanna got a little shy, and during the presentation she started making faces and shaking her head. But it was still cute!

Friday, September 12, 2014

7 de Setembro Celebration

Remember a few days ago when I posted about our plans for 7 de Setembro? Well, we did it! We sang the Brazilian National Anthem, had a typical Brazilian dinner (salpicão de frango, arroz branco, and salada), and watched Brazilian shows. It was a nice evening!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Swim and a new boy friend

Each day with Giovanna is an adventure! Every night when she lies down on her bed she asks what we'll be doing on the next day. She is a non-stop kid, she has LOTS of energy, and she sure knows how to convince mom to take her to places. But she never ever forgets to say: "I'm having a great day. Thanks mom!", and I love her for that.

I took her to the aquatic center this morning, then later we had lunch at Chick-Fil-A. She met a little boy in the play area and I could hear her laughing from the table. When was time to go home she said: "Aiden is my boy friend and I want him! I don't want to go home". Silly girl!

**9/11 Remembering those we lost thirteen years ago today. May we never forget!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blackridge Reservoir

I've been living in Utah for five years already and I've never been to Blackridge Reservoir in Herriman until couple of weeks ago when I got an invitation to meet some moms from LLL (La Leche League) playgroup. 

After picking up Giovi from school we headed to the reservoir. The weather and water were really nice, and we had a good time getting to know new people and making new friends.

Giovanna didn't swim, but she played with the ducks in the water. Her and the little ducklings were having a great time until Giovi decided to get a stick and throw on them. Mama duck got angry at her for scaring her little ducklings with the stick. 

Look at this picture of angry mama duck quacking at Giovi, and her poor ducklings leaving the scene. It was so funny!

Then Giovi started getting tired, and we both agreed it was time to go home.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Carnival at Village 2

We live in a great community with nice neighbors, a nice green area, and nice activities twice a year (Spring and Fall) for the kids. Every September the HOA plans a carnival with a big jumper, twisting balloon artist, hot dogs, plenty of fun games, and lots of prizes.

Giovanna goes every year and she loves it! She usually can see the jumper from our balcony and starts yelling: Let's go! Jumper is ready! She is always the first one to get there.

Mommy always has some fun too!

And so does daddy.

Monday, September 8, 2014

6th anniversary

This weekend my love and I celebrated our sixth anniversary at Texas de Brazil- a Brazilian steak house at City Creek. We had a wonderful dinner. We talked about our family, how we've got stronger throughout these past six years, and how blessed we feel. Heavenly Father has been really generous to us.

 Ale also gave me these beautiful flowers. Look at all these colors! He always gives flowers and I love it! 

Thank you babe for the wonderful time, and for being mine.

Friday, September 5, 2014

My big helper

Guess who helped me run errands this morning?

We returned some library books,
then stopped at the gas station,
we did grocery shopping,
then had lunch,
and made a quick stop at Costco.

Then we came back home,
Giovanna laid down for a nap,
I put all the groceries away,
and I finally sat down to relax and write this post.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sophie the giraffe

I'm back with my old old mobile phone. I lost my iPhone at Walmart and no one has returned it. Today I was checking out some pictures on my old phone and I found some precious ones of Giovanna when she was still a baby.

When Giovanna started teething I decided to buy her a Sophie the Giraffe. I was absolutely sure it would be so useful and she would love it! We went to several Babies R Us stores and we finally found one on our little trip to Las Vegas.

After the marathon, baby Giovanna simply didn't like Sophie the Giraffe! After visiting each store and paying $25 bucks for a teether, she didn't use it at all. This picture was taken after we pushed Sophie into Giovanna's mouth. Two seconds later she spilled it right out.

I can't believe how big she is getting! In a couple of months our baby will be four years old! They grow up way too fast.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day

This year we stayed away from Labor day festivities and hung out around the house. I cooked a delicious spinach and ricotta stuffed shells for lunch, and in the afternoon Giovanna and I baked chocolate chips banana bread. Later on our family sat down to have FHE.

I made some stick puppets to act it out on our Family Home Evenings. Every other week The Friend magazine comes with figures from Old Testament stories on its back cover. You can cut them out and attach them to sticks. I think it's fun and illustrative for the kiddos.

We learned about Heavenly Father's great love for His people through Moses story. Giovanna helped retelling the story (most of it from what she remembers from the Prince of Egypt movie) while showing the stick figures. We sang songs, and said prayers.

I hope you had a wonderful Labor Day too.