Thursday, August 31, 2017

Monte L. Bean Museum

This morning we dropped off Giovanna at school and took Bianca to Monte L. Bean Museum. I think last time we went there Bianca was one year old.

I really like this museum. It is close to home, we can visit it for free, it's never busy, and it is big enough to spend one hour without children getting bored or tired. Plus, there is so much to see!

Bianca had lots of fun "petting" them and making their sounds. I think it is so cute when she says: roarrrr

Even Ale joined us this time. I actually could not believe when he told me he had never been there before. I mean, he was a BYU student, and the museum is right there... anyways, I always like when he can join us on our walks.

Then when Giovanna got home from school I found extra energy to take her to the pool for a little bit.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Farm Country

Yesterday after dropping off Giovanna at school we took Bianca to see the animals at the Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. Have I already mentioned she loves animals? All of them!

She got there a little tired because I had to wake her up early in the morning to go to an appointment. But once she saw the baby chicks and horses she got really excited and ready to explore!

She pet the cows, goats, sheeps, took a ride on the wagon, and of course rode a horse-- her favorite!

She rode the biggest horse, because a little boy didn't want to go, so we skipped a few people in line. I thought she would be scared, but she loved every second of it. I was actually the one who was a bit scared she would fall. 

My brave little girl!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Because you deserve flowers

Ale got home with flowers for me! When I asked if I had forgotten a special date (which I always do), he promptly replied: “No. I brought you flowers because you deserve flowers".

Thank you babe for making me feel special every day. I love you!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Temple Challenge

Two years ago Elder Neil L. Anderson invited the youth "to prepare as many names for the temple as baptisms you perform in the temple, and help someone else to do the same".

Last Sunday Ale and I had the opportunity to extend the same invitation to our youth class (we teach Sunday school class ages 16-17). As we explained about Family History and the Spirit of Elijah, we felt compelled to challenge them to find their family's names and take them to the temple. I also challenge myself to do my genealogy and make ordinances in behalf of them.

Ale has been teaching me how to use Family Search, and helping me to find my ancestors. He found 3 generations of them overnight; it was awesome! I was surprised, and emotional, and grateful! It takes a lot of patience, but we truly feel love and tenderness when we do this sacred work.

I would like to extend this humble invitation to you to watch this video, and start your own Family History, along with my testimony that the Spirit of Elijah, which is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the divine nature of the family, rests upon each one of us -- members and no members of the church. I know there are so many people excited and patiently waiting to be remembered and have sacred ordinances performed for them. In the name of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to accept this humble invitation, please click HERE and follow the steps.

I hope you find joy on this beautiful work.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Bianca Paints

 I can't get enough of Bianca's smile. She is the happiest kid I know, and she sees beauty in absolutely E V E R Y T H I N G! I learn so much from her. I love her so deeply words simply can't express.

I bought her a couple of bath paints and she was amazed by the colors, texture, and specially for being able to make a huge mess without being reprehended. 

She had tons of fun!

And so did Giovanna who was already in bed but decided to join her little sister.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Latin Festival

A few days ago we attended a Latin Festival in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

With so many controversy, misunderstanding and disagreements going on in the US right now, I feel blessed for being who I am, and confident to teach my children to be proud of their heritage, and never feel ashamed of it. 

In Brazil we have our own culture, slightly different from other countries in South America, but we respect and relate in so many ways to our Latin friends. I specially love their dance and their music, and I want my children to love it too.

That night we watched beautiful performances and ate some typical foods. My husband really likes their food, and so does Bianca. Giovanna and I are a little picky. 

Ale had pupusas (corn tortilla stuffed with a savory filling accompanied by spicy coleslaw). The kids liked it too. 
I had empanadas, a yummy stuffed bread with meat, cheese and eggs. My favorite!

Watch how beautiful they dance:

We have a very similar dance on the Southern region of Brazil. 

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Celebrating Bianca

Bianca turned two years old last Thursday and we planned a super fun day for her. First she had breakfast in bed with her favorite pancakes full of chocolate chips and sprinkles.

Look at her happy face!

After breakfast we took the birthday girl and her best friend to The Bounce House. They played to their heart's content. Then we headed home for a deserved nap.

Happy Birthday pretty girl!
We love you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Giovanna's first day of 1st Grade

Today Giovanna starts 1st grade. She is growing up fast and she is becoming a beautiful big girl. She is loving, sweet and has a huge heart. She is a little anxious but I am a 100% sure she will be just fine. She will be still in Spanish immersion along with some of the same friends she had in her class on Kindergarten. Yeah!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Bianca's two-year checkup

I can't believe Giovanna starts school tomorrow already! Every thing is all set for her first day - new clothes, new lunch box, backpack, material. I'm excited for her. She is a 1st grader after all. 

Today we took Bianca for her two year checkup. She is developing beautifully. Her growth chart looks great! She is weighting 13.6 kilos, and she is 84 cm tall.

She was a brave little girl through the whole check up. She only cried and protested when we dressed her into "doctor's pretty gown".

She didn't think was pretty at all.

 Since we were in Murray, after doctor's appointment we stretched our trip to the Natural History Museum of Utah. I love taking the kids there. They have a new exhibit: Vikings- Beyond the Legend which is really good!

Today we also had the solar eclipse. It started around 11:30 am, right when we were at the doctor's office for Bianca's appointment. Dr. Viera landed us a glass so we could see the eclipse through the office's window. It was pretty cool. I even took a (not so great) picture from my phone.

Although the picture is pitch-black it was daylight, and you can see a piece of the moon entering the sun.