Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Parent Teacher Conference

Today Ale and I went to see Giovanna's teachers, Mr. Frederickson and Sr. Grimmes. 

Last parent teacher conference we heard Giovanna was doing great in Spanish and math, but needed extra help on reading and sounding words in English. So we made a deal - no more games on iPad or shows on Netflix until she gets better on reading.

Unfortunately, she still needs a lot of improvement, so we will keep our deal: no iPad, no Netflix, and lots of reading. I talked to her teachers and asked them if maybe the second language - third for Giovanna - can be compromising her learning. They said next placement test Giovanna takes will be given in both languages- Spanish and English to see if her difficulty is duo to the confusion of the languages, or just a solo difficulty in reading.

A few days ago I got Giovanna's school pictures. They turned out great! I can't believe how big she is comparing to last year's picture!!!

Giovanna is loving, sweet and delicate. She is gracious and calm. And everyday she teaches me so much about love in every single way. She is truly a special daughter of God, and I am grateful for being her mom.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Dentist appointment

Today the girls had dentist appointment. Bianca loves going there to see the chew chew train. Their office is vintage train themed, and they have this train that runs thru the ceiling. It’s pretty cool! And at the end of each appointment the girls always get a prize and balloons. It just can’t get more fun then that!

Bianca took some x-rays, and Dr. Segura checked Giovanna’s teeth. He showed us two teeth on the bottom that have already popped out even before her baby teeth have fallen. Just like mine when I was her age. But the dentist said it’s normal and eventually they will move forward. Giovanna just needs to wiggle those baby teeth so the permanent ones have some space.

Then we had a late lunch (or early dinner) at McDonad’s. Judge me, but going there reminds me of a time when me and my sister were kids and my mom would take us there after a doctor appointment. It used to be the best of days! So I guess it doesn’t hurt taking my girls there sometimes, just to remember the good times.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Keeping the Sabbath holy

Yesterday we had our stake conference. On stake conferences brethren from different wards and branches get together to hear from church leaders and strengthen their faith. It is a beautiful time filled with beautiful messages and beautiful music.

Unfortunately, we missed the first hour of the conference, but we got there just in time to hear from President Smith - our stake president. His message was about keeping the Sabbath day holy. He addressed  the importance to make covenants with the Lord daily - covenant to serve better, covenant to read the scriptures, covenant to be better parents, and so forth. He also encouraged us to sanctify the Sabbath day by seeking the Spirit during sacrament meeting and classes, as well as throughout the day.

His message made me think about how we’ve been keeping the Sabbath day holy, and in which ways we can improve it. The same day during lunch we discussed about it as a family, and decided to avoid  turning on our TV on Sundays- which is a big deal since Ale is a huge fan of sports.

But we know it is the right thing to do, and we know we will be blessed - abundantly blessed as President Smith and other church leaders have promised. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Lunch for daddy

Every week day around noon Bianca and I drive to Ale's work to bring him lunch. Every time I tell her we will be taking lunch to daddy, she proudly walks out of the door holding a bag with his food, silverware and napkins. When we get there we park the car, text him, and he comes to meet us in the parking lot.

 She giggles with excitement and gives daddy a huge smile. Then she handles him his lunch. Sometimes she wants to eat it - specially when we take him Mc Donald's. Then after 2 minutes, she waves bye-bye and blows kisses like a big girl she is.

I love these two with all my heart!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Giovanna loses her first tooth

Today Giovanna's first tooth finally fell out!

Around 1pm the school office called me to inform Giovanna's mouth was bleeding and they didn't quite know why and how it had happened. So I rapidly headed to the school to find out her tooth that had been loose for a while was hanging in her mouth. 

Apparently she bite a piece of pizza and didn't realize the tooth was about to fall. She got scared with the blood and didn't let anyone touch it.

When I got there, I asked her if I could help her pulling it out (remember my post about that?). She said yes, and I did it, on the middle of the hallway. In no time all her classmates showed up and started cheering around her, all curious to see her tooth. She was really brave! More than I was on her age.

At 1:00am she woke up to find a $10 bill under her pillow.
Tooth Fairy had come. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Night at the Museums

Last Friday night Ale and I took the girls to the BYU Night at the Museums - Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Museum of Art, Museum of Peoples and Cultures, Education in Zion, and Museum of Paleontology. It was a free event for the whole family. At each museum they had different activities, music and refreshments for all ages. They also offered free shuttles to take us between museums.

It was a cold night, with lots of rain and snow! But it was really fun! The kids learned about how the ancient people used bones to create games and tools, and how current people use materials to recreate ancient tools. We also learned about rocks, seeds and dinosaurs! 

Giovanna loved the refreshments at the end of each tour, and Bianca talked to everybody in the shuttles about "scary dinosaurs".

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

FamilySearch Center

Tonight our family went to visit the new FamilySearch Center in Lehi, UT. It is a huge building close to Thanksgiving Point. We had a great experience there!

The center offers research assistance on how to start on, how to find your family, and everything you need to engage in genealogy. They also have the Discovery area - large interactive screens where you can login into your family search account and explore so many fun things about yourself, your family and your ancestors!

On the discovery area we discovered the meaning of our names and interesting facts that occurred during the year we were born, we discovered where our ancestors came from by exploring photos, stories, and immigration maps, etc. And everything you do there, they send it directly to your e-mail! Like these:

We can also discover how we are related to church leaders, political leaders, inventors and celebrities. Ale found out he is related to Elder Tom Perry, while I took pictures of my face onto some cultural clothes around the world.

Something really cool they have it's a group or individual recording studios where you can record memories of yourself or your family. We basically answer some question while everything is recorded and sent to your email. We tried to make one, but we stopped when Bianca started a tantrum. We are definitely going back for that though! 

We finished our tour capturing pictures of our heritage: Brazil, Italy and Utah.

Before you go:

If you already have a FamilySearch account, be sure to remember your username and password when you visit the center. If you do not have an account, you can set up one here. It would be good to have a least one connection to a deceased ancestor. Assistance is available at the center to help you set up an account and to build your family tree.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Loose baby tooth

Giovanna's front tooth is been wiggling for a few weeks now, and she can't wait for it to fall. She keeps touching it, and talking about it every day. Actually, she's been talking about it since the teeth of her friends from school started to fall out. She would say: "Elsie's tooth fell out. When mine is going to fall out too?", and every few days she would talk about a different friend who had lost a tooth.

Honestly, I don't know how it is going to fall out by itself, because mine NEVER fell out by themselves. Someone always had to pull them out, and I was frighten to let anyone touch it. And because of that by age 12 my teeth were completely crooked, and I had to wear braces for long years - 8 years of treatment to be exact. Even now I deeply dislike going to the dentist.

I just hope I don't have to pull any of Giovanna's teeth. I don't think I could do it.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Last night Giovanna climbed into our bed, and right after Ale had left for work early in the morning Bianca showed up with her pillow and blanket, then before I knew it everybody was in my bed. I can't complain though. I love snuggling with my girls (and also staying extra minutes in bed).

 I've always loved snuggling with these two beauties. Plus, I know I won’t have them in my bed forever and I’ll sure miss it, so I get to enjoy it while I can.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Happy face, sad face, mad face, silly face... and I absolutely love them all! I am ALWAYS taking pictures of her because she is just too cute!!! And I can't help myself.

She is also loving, smart, funny, energetic, outgoing, independent, persistent, friendly and beautiful.

Love you baby girl!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Prophets of God

I became member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1998. The President of the church back then was Gordon B. Hinckley. He is the prophet who spoke directly to my heart and who guided me through my first years of church. I will never forget his words exactly one year after I was baptized: "Every convert needs a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with the good word of God". (Every Convert is Precious, February 1999)

I also remember my excitement when it was announced he would be going to Brazil to rededicate the Sao Paulo Temple. In no time members of the church all over the country gathered in a beautiful celebration to welcome our dear prophet.

The dancers were divided into four groups- green, yellow, blue and red. I was part of the green group. This event happened in 2002 and I still have a vivid memory of all rehearsals, and the actual day. It was pouring rain the WHOLE time, but it was wonderful. Definitely a day to remember! I also volunteered on the Temple Open House. I don't think I have pictures though, but it was my very first experience in the temple.

Six years later President Hinckey passed away. The news hit me hard, so hard I needed some time to embrace President Thomas S. Monson as the new prophet.

It turned out while listening to Presid. Monson and learning from him, I fell in love with his big heart, his compassion, his example, his service, his humbleness, and his testimony. He is the prophet who taught me how crucial it is to read AND obtain a testimony of the Book of Mormon. He said:

"My dear associates in the work of the Lord, I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. As we do so, we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven's help in our lives".

My mom and I were at the Conference Center when President Monson lost this strength on the last half of his message, and had to be assisted in 2015. We were a few rows from the pulpit. It was so sad, and we were all really concerned. Then two weeks ago he passed away. While we keep his words alive in our hearts and strive to live his teachings, we welcome a new prophet of God - Russell M. Nelson, who I already love deeply.

In 2011, President Nelson was invited to address Ale and about 400 other students from LDS Business College on their commencement ceremony. President Nelson attended LDSBC in 1941.

Towards the end of his talk, he gave an apostolic blessing on the graduates:

"I bless you with the desire to be devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you with a desire to feast upon His words and apply His teaching in your lives. I bless you with health and strength that will allow you to fulfill the measure of your creation. I bless you with ability to achieve all of your goals - great, greater, and greatest".

I am grateful for these men of God, for their teachings, and for the humble experience of hearing from them, and being in their presence.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

President Russell M. Nelson

Today I woke up early to drop off Giovanna at school and do some errands. On my way to the grocery store I received a text message from Ale reminding me about the First Presidency Press Conference to officially introduce the new prophet of the church after President Monson's passing.

At the parking lot I was able to listen to the first words of our new President Russell M. Nelson. I love him. I have always loved him. And I sustain him and his counselors President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring with all my heart. 

I got back home just in time to hear Presid. Oaks and Presid. Eyring testimonies. 

You can watch President Nelson's message HERE.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today after school as soon as Giovanna got in the car she said: "Mom, today I learned about the nicest person who helped everybody in the world". She is so cute! She was talking about Martin Luther King Jr. She went on explaining how he helped the black kids to go to the same school with the white ones. She even called him a hero.

We explained to her that black and white people weren't allowed to go to the same schools, eat in the same restaurants, use the same public restrooms, etc, and because of people like Martin Luther King Jr. things now are different. 

"I say to you today, my friends, so even thought we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal".

The majority of children at Giovanna's school are Hispanic. It is important for her to understand what discrimination is, and learn how to respect (and why not love?) the fact everybody is different but equal.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Monte L. Bean Museum

Yesterday I dropped off Giovanna at school and took Bianca to Monte L. Bean Museum. I know I have already taken my girls there several times before, but this time was different as we went with a friend who has a little boy. With friends the trip to the museum gets much more fun. They have a new exhibit going on about ancient snakes.

It was a fun day as we explored the museum, had lunch and chatted while the kids played together. I love little kids - they are a constantly reminder that we don't need much to be happy.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

LDS Primary

Children at our church have their own Sunday school class that we call Primary. The kids in Primary - ages 18 months through 12 years old - learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how to live it. The classes are divided by ages. This year Giovanna is in CTR 7 (Choose The Right for seven year old), and Bianca is in Nursery (for babies 18 months through 3 years old).

Giovanna and all the other kids in Primary have the opportunity to give talks, share scriptures and say prayers on Sabbath day. Giovanna gave two talks last year. In one of them she talked about how to be a missionary. 

Have I already mentioned we go to the Spanish ward? :)

Bianca also has opportunities to say prayers. She knows how to fold her arms, close her eyes and say "in the name of Jesus Christ, amen" by herself.

She also loves the snacks in the nursery. But every Sunday I have to stay with her, otherwise she won't stay. At all.

I am grateful for the gospel in our lives, and for the opportunity my girls have to learn about their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They are and always will be the center of our lives and in everything we do.