Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018

I can’t believe today is the last day of 2018! This year was one of the hardest we have had so far- Ale started school and working part time; he was constantly busy and I was constantly tired for having to care for the kids and the house, and work two part time jobs.

But we also had wonderful blessings- Ale started school (bittersweet), Giovanna was baptized, my mom, and my sister who I hadn’t seen for seven years came to visit us, we finally- after ten years got medical insurance for Ale and I, and so many other little miracles that happened throughout this year.

Now I am excited and anxious about 2019. Ale graduates in the summer and we don’t know what’s going to happen. I am praying for good news and good fruits from our hard work.

We’ve cleaned the house and moved our furniture back to their places, which means the girls will not longer sleep on the mattress in our room. The Christmas decorations also went back to the closet. We are ready to ring in the new year. May Heavenly Father bless us with a great one.

Best of 2018

January: Giovi loses her first tooth

February: Bianca poops on the potty

March: Jordan River Temple Open House

April: Spring break

May: Giovi gives a talk, Provo City Temple, and St. George road trip

June: Camping

July: Dinosaur Park

August: Bianca turns three and First Day of School

September: Labor Day

October: Women's session of General Conference

November: Giovanna gets baptized

December: First Presidency Christmas Devotional and Luminaria

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