Thursday, February 28, 2019

Full house

Today while Ale is in school I will be caring, entertaining and cooking for five children. Mindy called me last night asking if I could watch her two daughters Bella and Claire. Claire is Giovanna's best friend, and since she was coming to spend the day with us Giovi was excused from school. I will also have Mia- a little girl I watch twice a week.

I love these girls together! They are such good friends.

Other Brito-Bellini girls moments:

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Slumber Party

Today Ale spent all day at school and at night he went to help cleaning the temple. Since he would be gone for a while and he wouldn't be back before midnight I planned a slumber party with the girls. We threw blankets, pillows and stuffed animals on our living room and watched to Smurfs.

Then around ten o'clock everybody was ready to sleep. I didn't even hear when Ale got back home last night.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Doctor follow-up

On our last visit to Dr. Viera's office she noticed a redness on Giovi's private parts. She asked to take her back if the redness didn't go away. So today Giovi skipped the first half of school to follow up with Dr. Viera. It turns out both of my girls have an irritation maybe caused by soap or bubble bath. Either way the girls are not supposed to wash themselves with soap or have bubble baths anymore. From now on just baths with warm plain water (they weren't very excited about that).

Right before stepping in the doctor's office they asked to go to the bathroom. After checking them Dr. Viera asked for an urine test (nooooooo). I gave the girls lots of water and we walked around the lobby for at least twenty minutes before they were able to wee-wee again.

The results will be ready in a couple of days.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Midterms and ice cream

 Midterms time is here which means Ale is super busy (more than usual) with tests and projects, and work. In order for him to have a quite time at home, last Saturday I took the girls for a girls afternoon out. First we played at Nickels City, then we had ice cream at Baskin-Robbins.

We had lots of fun. I love my girls!

Friday, February 22, 2019


Today Bianca woke up around 7:30am to find mommy and daddy still asleep. Soon enough she started to call for her big sissi. Giovanna was in the bathroom taking a quick shower before getting ready for school. Giovanna is eight, and she loves being an early bird at school. She turns her alarm on every night before bedtime, and when the alarm goes off in the morning she wakes up and gets dressed all by herself. I just wake up a few minutes later to do her hair and drive her to school (she eats breakfast there).

I have no idea why my girls like waking up early. They definitely didn’t get it from me. Although, I’ve always waken up early in my life I simply hate it! I am not a morning person and my morning mood is never on the bright side. Giovanna started understanding that when she was around Bianca’s age.

I am glad Bianca has her big sissi to make her company when Ale is gone and  I am still sleeping, because Giovi didn’t have anyone. Ale would leave early to work, then she would wake up and play in her room until I wake up. Or sometimes she would bring her toys to my room and play quietly on the floor next to my bed. I never asked her to do that. Giovanna has been ALWAYS the nicest girl I know. Her heart is gold! And I am not saying that just because she is my daughter, but because it is part of her nature.

On weekends sometimes I can hear her talking to Bianca to be quiet so I can sleep a little longer, then  when I wake up she has always a surprise for me- a beautiful table set for breakfast. It’s funny because when I was single I always wished I had someone to get the breakfast table ready for me when I woke up.

Thank you Giovi for making me so happy. I feel blessed everyday for being your mama. I love you very, very much my princess!

Have a good weekend!
(Hopefully with extra sleeping time)

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Au Pair Vacation- New York

I was so excited to take my mom to New York! It would be my my third time in the Apple City and my first time visiting the Statue of Liberty. My host family let me borrow their van and off we went to New York City babe!

It usually take four hours to drive from Massachusetts to New York, but it took me a little longer specially because I drove in circles at least three times (and had to pay for three tolls within half hour). Arghh! Finally, when we got to our hotel we grabbed our keys and went up to find a smelly, cold, old room. Hotels in New York are so expensive! After much search I found this one for $100 for a single night.

Hotel Pennsylvania is huge and the view from our window couldn't be uglier. The good part was its location- we were in the heart of Manhattan and close to everything, just a few blocks of Times Square. We didn't even need the car to explore the city. We walked everywhere and just took the subway to visit Central Park.

 My My mom was so excited she took pictures of everything (and everyone). I still remember this lady confronting me at McDonald's because my mom took a picture of her. It was a really scary moment and after that she didn't take pictures of (exotic) people in NY anymore.

The next day we left the hotel and drove to New York Harbor to see the Statue of Liberty. On our way there I:

-spilled hot cocoa on my white shirt
-bumped into a police's car while backing up
-smashed one side of my host family's car trying to park in a parking garage

Also, parking garage in New York is ridiculously expensive. I paid $60 to park all day. 

Besides all shortcomings we had an AMAZING day at the harbor. We visited the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, then we spent the afternoon in the Statue of Liberty monument. The weather was pleasant, the sky so blue, and my favorite person was with me (in New York City!!!). I will never forget this trip.

On our way back to Massachusetts I got lost (of course), but we made safely home.

About the car, my host family didn't mind. They were worried if we were okay. Such a good family!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Last night, like many other nights, the girls asked me to sing a song before turning around and closing their eyes to sleep. Giovanna asked me to sing “Eu gosto de ver o templo” (I like to see the temple), and Bianca asked for “Passarinhos”. My girls are the third generation to listen to this lullaby every night before bed.

“De manhã ao ver o sol, vejo os passarinhos pelas hortas a saltar,
Sempre alegres a cantar, alimento a procurar para os seus filhotes.
De tardinha ao por do sol voltam para os ninhos,
Seus filhotes a guardar, seus olhitos a fechar,
E por certo vão sonhar lindos passarinhos”.

My mom used to sing us this song every night. My sister and I would make her sing it at least three times before bedtime. I am so happy I have my children to sing to and pass on this beautiful tradition. They love this lullaby as much as I do.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Dentist appointment

This afternoon the girls had dentist appointment. Everything looks good on both of them, and Giovanna's gums that are slightly over her front teeth will eventually go back to place as long as she keeps brushing her teeth properly- the way her dentist taught her.

Bianca cried a little during her appointment, but as soon as she saw the prizes and balloons she was happy again. After dentist I drove Giovanna to her last (Basic 1) ice skating class. She was evaluated and she is ready to start Basic 2 next week.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents day

We will run some errands and hang out around the house today.

Happy birthday President George Washington!
Happy Presidents day!