Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019

We had such a busy and fun Halloween! The girls got TONS of treats that one entire year wouldn’t be enough to eat them all.

Our morning: Halloween party and parade at Giovi’s school

and trick or treating at Bianca’s preschool

Our afternoon: Halloween party at daddy’s work

Our evening: Trick or treating in Lehi with the Matutes and Medinas

We also had our ward Halloween party the night before.

Happy Halloween!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Giovi's special day

The only thing I like so far about Giovanna growing up is that she is becoming more family focused. I mean, she has always loved family time, but many times she would ask to go over a friend’s house or have friends over. Lately, she’s been asking to do things just the four of us.

In the morning of the 29th we woke up early to make some delicious pancakes to surprise Giovi with breakfast in bed. She’s been always a big fan of breakfast in bed (my type of girl). I bought a cute birthday plate and cup specially to be used on their birthdays. I love making them feel special.

Later I checked Giovanna out of school at lunch time and we picked daddy up at work for a family meal at Giovi’s favorite restaurant. We ordered eggplant parmigiana pasta, chicken & gnocchi soup, five cheese ziti al forno and salad, and the girls specially enjoyed their delicious breadsticks.

I just think it is so funny that no matter how many times or for how long we’ve been eating at Olive Garden we ALWAYS order the same things!

Then at night Giovi and daddy headed to Salt Lake to watch the much anticipated Guns and Roses concert. It was the very first concert Giovanna went to. Guns and Roses is her daddy’s favorite band, and I was so happy to hear from her she had a good time! They got back home exact 12:01am.

And while they were off to the concert, Bianca and I snuggled under the blankets and watched The Greatest Showman (yep! She still loves it!).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Giovanna is nine

Nine reasons why I love you (although I could say a million that wouldn't fit in this post):

1- Because you were literally the best surprise I could ever have

2- Because you loved me first and have always been so close to me

3- Because you are so much fun to be around

 4- Because you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You are loyal and caring.

5- Because you are so chill and easy going

6- Because you love and value each member of your family

7- Because you are a wonderful big sissy

8- Because you are brave

9- Because you have the biggest, noblest, and purest heart. You have a heart of gold. I can't say enough how proud I am of who you are and who you are growing up to be.

Thank you for letting me teach you, for caring so much about what I think, for listening to and taking my advice. Thank you making me feel so loved. Thank you for your gratitude for all we do for you. Thank you for helping me and daddy be better each day.

We love you forever and ever and ever.

Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween Dinner

Our family is so ready for Halloween!

We painted our pumpkins this year. It turns out the ones we got from the Pumpkin Bash weren't good for carving, but we had a fun time painting them. I actually think the girls were more engaged painting the pumpkins then carving in preview years.

And look how cute they turned out. Bianca says her pumpkin is a scary Halloween one and Giovanna named hers Ms. Dot.

We also had our traditional Halloween Dinner with the Britos last Friday. Bella and Tales couldn't make it this year, but Mindy and Claire came and slept over.

For dinner we had delicious chicken gnocchi soup from Olive Garden in yummy bread bowls from Kneaders. The girls didn't want soup so they put mac and cheese inside the bowls. Then after dinner they watched to Hotel Transylvania (our favorite Halloween movie) while Ale and I headed to the club house to start on some decoration for Giovanna's birthday party on the very next day (more on that later).

Tomorrow Giovanna will be officially NINE! My heart aches a little. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

St George- Days 3 and 4

Snow Canyon has been one of my favorite spots in St. George. I love the red mountains and the red, thin sand. The girls love it too and have a great time every time we go.

Grandma Mary Lynn brought a few gallons of water to wet the sand so the kids could build castles. We buried the kids in the sand, then we all had a sand ball fight. Playing is the sand it is so much fun!

I confess I wasn't ready to give the nice weather, the delicious food, the nice company, and all the fun we had all these days when it was time to come back home.

We had a wonderful Fall Break in St George, and we are grateful for grandma Mary Lynn who always hosts us with so much love.

Before leaving we made sure to have the kids paint pumpkins for grandma to put on her porch.

Bye-bye beautiful St. George and I hope to see you soon!