Friday, May 29, 2020

Mt. Timpanogos- Covid day 75

Is it just me or his week felt like an eternity? After Ale was done with work, today our family headed to Alpine Loop to enjoy nature and much needed peace and quiet.

We also roasted marshmallows and sausage. The girls played in the water, and we all had a really fun time. I think I want to go back there for my birthday.

I always love our time in the mountains. It calms my anxiety levels, re-energizes me, and fills my heart with gratitude for the beautiful world Heavenly Father made for us.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Floats off and jump!- Covid-19 day 73

Guess who took the floaties off and jumped into the pool?

I didn’t have my swimsuit on, and I didn’t rush to jump in the pool either, because even though Bianca doesn’t know how to swim yet, she was doing a pretty good job keeping herself from sinking.

Our neighbor who was in the pool helped her out. And do you think she is traumatized?

Anyways.. after that the fun was over and I sent her back home to her dad.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Pool, pool, pool- Covid-19 day 72

The girls woke up asking to go to the pool again. I have a feeling that this will happen every day from now until the end of summer. The days have been hot and pool sounds like a good alternative to cool off and still keep ourselves socially distant from others.

In the afternoon I google met with the girls in Brazil to exercise. After our workout I ran to the bathtub to relax my mussels while Ale drove to BWW to grab dinner.

After showers and dinner we laid down in the living room to watch Mystery Doug. The girls learned about why birds lay their eggs in the Spring. Towards the end Bianca fell asleep and just woke up with our neighbor ringing the bell to invite us to eat her birthday cake.

They went to bed happy and exhausted. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020- Covid-19 days 69-71

Happy Memorial Day!

The pool has finally opened today. I was planning not to take the girls since I thought it would be super crowded because of the holiday. BUT, surprisingly, there was just one father with his two sons at the pool, and just the boys were swimming.

We stayed six feet apart from them, and when other families started to come, we left. I was so glad I was able to take the girls. They always have a lot of fun! Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day. Maybe I’ll take the girls again.

Also, today I started a HIIT group my sister invited me to. We will google meet every day for ten-fifteen minutes. I am excited to lose some much needed pounds! lol

* * * * * * * * *

This past Sunday Giovanna shared a beautiful message about Alma the son and the power of fasting and prayer (Mosiah chapters 25-28). It was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you baby girl!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Fourth grader- quarantine day 68

Giovanna has officially advanced to fourth grade.

Today we went to her school to pick up her material and her certificate. I guess we are all set to enjoy summer and start getting Giovi prepared for next school year.

I love this big girl so much! She is growing up beautifully and becoming a sweet, authentic, nurturing, creative young women who loves her family and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love being her mama. She makes me proud everyday.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pancakes love- quarantine day 67

In the morning, the girls showed some love and baked each other delicious pancakes.They decorated the pancakes with strawberries, cream, and chocolate, and gifted them to one another. It was cute!

Then in the afternoon we rode our bikes, rollerblades, and scooters in the church parking lot. The park was way too crowded and I am still avoiding being around people.

Next week I am thinking about (maybe) camping in the backyard for Memorial Day. We’ll see.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

One good thing- quarantine day 66

The weather this morning was chilly, the sky was gray, and even rained for like... two seconds. Rain here in Utah doesn’t last. And I really miss those thunderstorms back in Brazil. Some weeks it would rain for days non-stop.

Now I understand why the HOA says we are responsible for washing and cleaning after our children’s chalk from the ground. It never rains enough to wash the chalk away! 

Soon, they will open the pool, and the girls are so excited to go, but I am not sure if I’ll be able to take them as they want to. The HOA is only asking people to be six feet apart from each other while in the pool, and honestly I don’t want to be around other people right now, not even six feet apart.

But at the same time I cannot stay home anymore. This situation is been a lot discouraging, and some days I just feel like not getting up from bed.

Summer 2019

Yesterday, in an attempt to get out of the house I went to Target looking for pijamas. How surprised I was when I found out they weren’t letting people try clothes on. So, I left without the pijamas BUT I came back home with two new swimsuits. 

Since I had to buy them without trying them on, one of them didn’t fit me so today I went back to Target to exchange it. Of course, I wasn’t the only unfortunate one, and the exchange and return line was huge, plus I was sweating like a pig behind my mask. It was very frustrating.

It was even more frustrating when I decided to get a frosted lemonade at Chick Fil A to cool off and I immediately gave up after seeing a huge line of cars on the drive thru.

This virus is seriously driving me nuts. 

* * * * * * * 

One good thing about today: we left food for a family in need on their door’s steps. Giovanna rang the bell and we ran away. It felt so good to do some good!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Gratitude- quarantine day 65

Every day I wake up to find an inspiring message from my mom on my WhatsApp. Yesterday, she sent me a video about gratitude. It was a beautiful message, and after watching it I felt the urge to thank my Heavenly Father for everything I have, for my family, and my life.

(Joanna de Angelis)

“Gratitude for a life that inspires me, renews me, and gives me the chance to evolute every day. 

Gratitude for where I am now, because this place needs me and vice-versa.

Gratitude for all organs in my body for working in harmony and perfection.

Gratitude for my home, a place of refuge and comfort.

Gratitude for job opportunities, achievements, success, and evolution that opens up to me daily.

Gratitude for being able to honor my depths.

Gratitude for everything I have because it is fruit of my hard work.

Gratitude for all people who cross my path.

Gratitude for the people who have wronged me, allowing me to develop strength and courage to move forward.

Gratitude for those who did me well, making me feel loved and blessed.

Gratitude for all opportunities to reach financial and personal growth.

Gratitude for myself for finding gratitude in all people and in all things.

Gratitude for the entire universe that conspires in favor of each thought I have, and because of that I choose carefully what I think, what I say, and what I wish for.

Gratitude for the divine nature that lives in me, so that way I can spread light, love, and peace wherever I go.

Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude”.

Sunday scripture study 

Monday, May 18, 2020

End of school yer luau- quarantine days 62-64

Homeschool is out. It was harder and more tiring than I thought, and although I am grateful for the experience and grateful for the things I learned during this time, I am glad it is over.

This weekend I planned a little surprise for the girls to celebrate their efforts in these last couple of months. I believe it was as hard and tiring for them as it was for me, so I guess we all deserved to be celebrated.

I set up a cozy and intimate luau on the backyard, while Ale drove to South Jordan to get The Pie, and the kids waited patiently inside the house. I want everything to be ready before they went outside. 

Their cute faces when they saw it was priceless. We had so much fun! Ale got his guitar and we sang a few gems. His guitar keeps bringing joy to our home. (Remember when he sold it?).

We ate, the girls each shared what they will miss the most about their schools, then we danced some Hawaiian songs, and did an activity to finish our evening.

It was such a simple thing to do and it made the girls so happy! They went to bed thanking me for the fun time, and woke up talking about it.

You’re welcome my babies. I love you very much!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Bye bye homeschooling- quarantine day 61

Today was a busy day for (almost) all of us. Ale worked, I took care of the house that needed a lot of attention, and Giovanna finished her last homework and projects.

I know it sounds bad, but I am so glad this whole homeschooling is finally over!

Bianca is already enjoying her summer break. She played play dough and scooter outside, watched to her favorite shows and played dolls.

I will make sure she practices numbers and letter throughout the summer though, so she can be ready for kindergarten. I will also make sure Giovanna keeps reading and practicing math. Unfortunately, she is behind in geometry and data, and I don't want her to start fourth grade already behind.

Slowly things seem to be coming back to normal, and I am looking forward to a fun summer. 

This weekend I am planning a luau for the girls on the backyard to celebrate the end of school.

Let’s all enjoy our weekend. Shall we?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thank you dad- quarantine day 60

Thank you babe for everything you do for our family. 

This quick nap happened after work and after helping Giovanna with homework. 

After this quick nap, this husband of mine went out to do groceries and bring dinner. 

I love you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Bianca graduates from preschool- quarantine day 59

After exact two months of homeschooling, today Bianca graduated from preschool. Since we are still practicing social distance, her teachers set up a little curbside graduation for the kids.

We stayed in the car the entire time while waving to Bianca’s friends who were arriving, and chatting with the teachers. 

Bianca is excited for kindergarten, but I am sure she will miss Headstart. She learned a lot, and made beautiful friendships not only with the kids but everyone at the Aspen Center. Everybody knows her and she knows everybody by their names.

Thank you Headstart family for being awesome!

Thank you Ms Kaylee and Ms Marisa for all you did for our kiddos this year, and for this last special time together. They sure felt your love and dedication. We will miss you deeply! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Giovi- quarantine day 58


Today I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. I am proud to be called your mama, and I am proud of your beautiful heart.

You are sweet, loving, and understanding. You are truly a special daughter of Heavenly Father, and He loves you very much too. You are divine and capable. 

I know sometimes I am hard on you, but everything I do and say is because I want you to succeed, and I know you can!

Never forget who you are, where you came from, and your divine potential. This knowledge will always be a guide for you in this life, and to someday return to your celestial home. 

(Sra Maurera’s class- Windsor Spanish DLI 2020)

Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother’s Day 2020- quarantine day 55-57

Giovanna planned a whole weekend of fun to celebrate mother’s day.

On Saturday, after breakfast us girls made friendship bracelets and we wore them all day long. We pretended they had special powers and we played around the buildings outside shouting words like “freeze” and such.  

In the afternoon, we played board games, dolls, then we finished our day with a nice picnic on the backyard. We spread our blanket under the pine tree and it was my favorite part of the nn

The sky was blue, the breeze was pleasant, and the smell coming from the pine tree was delicious. I enjoyed peace and quiet, and mostly safety.

I am so grateful for being safe with my family at home. We have everything we need, and I know this is not the reality for so many people out there. My heart aches for them.

On Sunday, Ale and the girls woke me up with breakfast in bed. They know I love breakfast in bed! They prepared pancakes in a shape of a heart with caramel syrup from Kneaders. (Bottom line: Ale makes THE best pancakes!).

Then the girls performed songs and poems for me. It was cute and hilarious.

I love being Giovi’s and Bibi’s mama. And I love my husband for respect, support, and appreciate my role as a mother. My family is my everything. With them I feel full.