Sunday, June 30, 2024

Piece of the plan

 On Sunday families were surprised with a big painting of Jesus Christ by the door of the sacrament meeting room.

During girls camp each young woman painted a piece of the art that when put together shows the image of Jesus Christ. Truly a masterpiece!

I hold dear in my heart all the beautiful memories from my time in the Young Women’s organization and girls camp. It is such a special time in any young woman’s life, and I am grateful Giovi is having the opportunity to experience it too. Soon will be Bianca. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Splash Summit Waterpark

 Usually our summers all full of trips to the pool. Bianca loves it, and Giovi, as she gets older her interest in swimming decreases. So, to change things a bit and make it more interesting, today I drove the girls to Splash Summit Waterpark in Provo (plus I had coupons that were about to expire).

It is a cool place and the girls had a lot of fun. I even considered getting a pass, but considering I don’t have much time for anything with school and work, I decided to maybe reconsider it next year. 

After dropping them off at home I headed back to Provo to work. Booo. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Classic skating

 Since Giovanna learned how to skate she's been asking to go to Classic skating. It is a cute place and I like taking the girls there. Bianca, who is still learning how to skate, decided to try rollerblades this time. Last time she tried roller blading for a few minutes, then asked for a scooter. 

She did sooo good! She fell a few times, but she didn't give up. We even offered her one of the walkers they have there, but she refused it. Every time she fell she would give us thumps up letting us know she was fine. What a cute girl!

After a couple of hours I was ready to go back home to study. Arrgh!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Inside out 2

I am so excited because this year a lot of good, family-friendly movies are coming out. In May we watched the much anticipated IF. Today we went to the movies to watch the also much anticipated Inside Out 2. I can't believe it's been nine years since we took Giovanna to watch the first movie. I was pregnant and about to have Bianca.

Inside out 2 is as cute as the first one. There are some scenes that got me very emotional. They portrayed really well some feelings that are so real and so present in our lives. I really enjoyed it. Giovanna also likes it and was able to relate in a lot of things. Bianca said she likes the first one better (maybe because she can relate better with little Riley). 

It was really fun and we had a great time. I love going to the movies with my peeps!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Girl's camp 2024

Giovi is off to Girl's camp, and Bianca is already missing her big sissy.

For some reason, there is cellphone signal at the campsite and Bianca's been talking to Giovi every night before bedtime. As soon as Giovi got up to the mountains she started a really bad allergy reaction. She called me to say she had forgotten her antihistamine medication. 

In other times I would've driven there to take the medication. I even considered driving all the way there, but I had a meeting scheduled plus work later on. I told her to hang in there and I asked one of the sisters who happened to be going their way to take the meds to Giovi.

Anyways, she is having a blast. I love girls camp and I love Giovi is having the same opportunity I had when I was her age (well, a little older) to have fun with friends and grow her testimony of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bike ride

Summer break is here and I am already feeling guilty for having the girls inside the house because I am drowning in homework, exams, work, and other responsibilities. 

But today I took 2 hours from my busyness to go out with the girls. We drove to my favorite place to go for bike rides- the park right next to Riverwoods mall in Provo. It is such a beautiful and peaceful place! And I am glad my Canvas was not opening my teacher’s recorded lecture that I was planning to listen to so I could actually take a real break.

The girls went around a few times while I walked right behind them. The weather was perfect with beautiful blue sky, shade and gentle breeze coming from the trees, and the soothing sound of the Provo river. How I love nature!

Before heading back home we stopped at Menchie’s for ice cream.