Friday, March 30, 2018

General Conference Weekend

We feel humbled and excited to hear from our dear prophet and disciples on this General Conference. It will be a sacred experience as we welcome and officially sustain President Russell M. Nelson as our new prophet as well as two new apostles on the Quorum of Twelve Apostles.

 Live viewing times and other ways to watch the General Conference HERE.

Also HAPPY EASTER! May we always remember everything is possible because of Him.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Reading Class

Today was the last day of reading class for Giovanna. She started these classes last October, and it is amazing how her reading has improved throughout all these months. I feel so blessed and grateful because I know I couldn't have done this alone.

A big shout out to Aaron Gibson who volunteered and took the time to help my Giovi. Thanks Aaron!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Jordan River Temple Open House

Last Friday we visited the Jordan River Utah Temple that is holding an open house after being closed for renovations since February of last year.

We love taking our girls to see the temple. The tour through the temple is always a marvelous experience. When we attended the Provo City Temple open house a couple of years ago Bianca was only seven months old. This time she was able to walk through the temple and explore the rooms herself. She was so excited! She paid attention in every detail and pointed to each Jesus Christ painting. She asked "what's that?" for everything, and exclaimed "wow, that's so cute" several times. She has always loved temples, and I love that about her.

The Jordan River Utah Temple Open House will run until April 28, 2018. On May 20th the temple will be dedicated, then only worthy members of the church with a valid temple recommend will be allowed to enter it.

Make your open house reservation HERE.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Happy Birthday Big Brother!

Today my brother-in-law Alexandre (yep! he is also Alexandre) is getting older.

Happy Birthday big brother! May your day be filled with happiness!

Love you!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Easter Family night

I have completly forgotten about Easter festivities this year, and I haven't planned anything fun to do with the kids. I even forgot to decorate the house, which is something we always do.

 A couple of days ago I got an invite from Bean Life Science museum for a Easter family night. Since Ale worked until late today, I drove the girls to Provo for our first (and possibly only) Easter activity. The kids watched animal live show, played Easter scavenger hunt, ate candies, and explored the museum. It was a fun evening!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Giovi and Claire

This week Giovanna went to visit her best friend Claire who had a surgery a couple of weeks ago. Claire was having trouble breathing at night and she was diagnosed with sleep apnea. So on Wednesday Giovi skipped school and we headed to north Salt Lake to spend the day with her.

Claire and Giovanna are three years apart, but they get along so well. They are very (VERY) alike in so many ways, and they are like sisters- they love each other, than after a few hours together they start fighting. I love they are such good friends! 

They played, celebrated early Easter and talked about surgeries and tooth extractions. And I finally gave baby Bella her towel I've been working on for the past few months. It took me forever to get it done, but it was worth the wait. The towel turned out really cute!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Bianca Mendes Bellini AKA Bibi

I just want to acknowledge I am obsessed with this little girl. She makes me laugh with her silliness, she pushes my buttons with her strong (STRONG) personality, and she makes me happy every time she says: "I love you mamma", and every time she looks at me in the eye, smiles and gives me a hug. Bibi has the magic to warm my heart and brighten my day. Her pure existence makes me happy, and I feel blessed she is mine.

I love you baby girl with all my heart!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Giovanna loses her third tooth

Welcome Spring!

On the very first day of Spring my brave girl went to the dentist to extract one of her baby teeth. As I have mentioned before her permanent teeth were already popping out even before her baby ones have fallen. Since it was taking forever to fall, we just took her to the dentist to get it done.

She did great. At first she was happy, then scared, then relaxed with the laughing gas, then scared again, then the tooth was out. The procedure was really fast, and Dr. Segura was amazing! He talked to her and made her laugh the whole time.

I was concerned about this visit. I remember first time my mom took me to the dentist to extract my baby tooth for the same reason as Giovanna. I cried the whole time and didn't let the dentist touch it. He got really upset and everything was very traumatic. I was old enough to still remember everything like it was yesterday.

Gladly, Giovi had a good experience. Much better than mine! I think she will handle just fine if she needs to return for another extraction. But if you ask her if she rather pull out her tooth herself or have the dentist do it, she says she wants mommy to help. Oh, boy!

And just for the record: tooth fairy never fails.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Because she is a mother

I needed this today.

Sometimes I get discouraged with my parenting, specially when my kids don’t get to do things without me yelling or threatening them. There is no such a thing as perfect parenting; we will still make mistakes despite how hard we try. I believe the magic is just keep doing our very best and hoping one day our children will understand we are far from perfect but we love them unconditionally, and we just want them to be safe and happy.

“The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. The young years are often those when either husband or wife -or both- may still be in school or in those earliest and leanest stages of developing the breadwinning capacities. Finances fluctuate daily between low and nonexistent. The apartment is usually decorated in one of two smart designs- Deseret Industries provincial or early Mother Hubbard. The car, if there is one, runs in smooth tires and an empty tank. But with night feedings and nights teethings, often the greatest challenge of all for a young mother is simply fatigue. Through these years, mothers go longer on less sleep and give more to others with less personal renewal for themselves than any other group I know at any other time in life. Is is not surprising when  the shadows under their eyes sometimes vaguely resemble the state of Rhode Island.

(...) it is clear that some of those Rhode Island-sized shadows come just not from diapers and carpooling but from at least a few sleepiness nights spent searching the soul, seeking earnestly for the capacity to raise these children to be what God wants them to be. Moved by that kind of devotion and determination may I say to mothers collectively, in the name of the Lord, you are magnificent. You are doing terrifically well. The fact that you have been given such a responsibility is everlasting evidence of the trust your Father in Heaven has in you. He knows that your giving birth to a child dies not immediately propel you into the circle of the omniscient. If you and your husband will strive to love God and live the gospel yourselves; if you will plead for that guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit promised to the faithful; if you will go to the temple to both make and claim the promises of the most sacred covenants a woman or man can make in this world; if you will show, including your children, the same caring, compassionate, forgiving heart you want heaven to show you; if you try your best to be the best parent you can be, you will have done all that a human being can do and all that God expects you to do.

You can't possibly do this alone, but you do have help. The Master of Heaven and Earth is there to bless you- He who resolutely goes after the lost sheep, sweeps thoroughly to find the lost coin, waits everlastingly for the return of the prodigal son. Yours is the work of salvation, and therefore you will be magnified, compensated, made more than you are and better than you have ever been as you try to make honest effort, however feeble you may sometimes feel that to be.

Rely on Him. Rely oh Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope". You are doing God's work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even -no, specially- when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master's garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, "Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole". And it will make your children whole as well".

Jeffrey R. Holland

Monday, March 19, 2018

St. Patrick's weekend

This past weekend we were planning to drive to Salt Lake to watch the annual St. Patrick's parade, but when I checked the weather I immediately got discouraged, so we ended up staying home. Ale went to the temple, and the girls and I watched Brave. I know it is a Scottish movie not Irish, but that was the best we could do. Then we all had lunch at Texas Roadhouse, then I went to our Relief Society 176th birthday celebration. 

On Sunday we attended church and taught Sunday school about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Since I started to read it a few months ago I have learned how to love and appreciate this sacred book. Please, receive a free copy of the Book of Mormon HERE.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Gitty-Up, Horsey!

My girls LOVE climbing on their daddy’s back and riding on him. They laugh and shout:”gitty up horsey”. Then off he goes with Bianca and Giovanna on his back galloping around the house. 

It is so nice seeing him smiling. I’ve always loved his smile. These last few months have been challenging for our family, and it became rare seeing his smile. He's been really quiet and serious lately. But as I always say, Heavenly Father is aware of us and our needs. I have reasons to believe soon we'll have good news to share.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2018


I can't believe how warm it is already! We barely had winter this year. Not that I am complaining though. I always say I am not a winter person at all, and to be honest I've been already enjoying this nice weather. Bianca is also enjoying it. She's been wearing her "cute" every day for the last few days- only yesterday she let me finally wash it. 

At the playground she found her bunny she had lost about three weeks ago. Bianca was so happy to be reunited with her favorite bunny again. The picture says it all.

Then after dinner we drove to Draper to have ice cream on my favorite creamery. I remember when I was pregnant with Giovanna all I wanted was their fries and ice cream. Ale used to take me there every week. What a nice hubby!

We had our traditional chicken fingers with cheese fries and a HUGE banana split with extra fudge.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Happy Pi day!

Get some pizza and have a happy Pi-day!

The Pie Pizzeria 2015:

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Movie night

Last night we had dinner with the Matutes. Every time they cook taquitos they invite us over. We love them, and we love their taquitos too! :)

Today we overslept and Giovanna was late to school. My cellphone's battery died and I missed Ale's call. He usually calls every morning to talk to Giovi before she goes to school. After dropping her off Bianca and I went to do some much needed grocery shopping. We stopped at Costco, Harmon's and Walmart.

Later on we all went to Giovi's school for a movie night. Every year the PTA plans a movie night. Last year we watched Moana. It is always great! We had pizza, popcorn and watched Coco.

Bianca, June, Giovanna & AJ

Monday, March 12, 2018

Pancakes, park and ice cream

Saturday was a perfect day to play outside. It was pleasant, sunny and warm, and the sky was so blue and beautiful! In the morning the girls helped me to make pancakes.

Then after their usual morning nap all of us headed to the park to have a picnic and play. Several other families had the same idea and the kids made a lot of new friends.

Then we had fries and ice cream. Yeah! What a fun day!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Kangoroo Zoo

Yesterday Bianca had a playdate with baby Ethan at Kangoroo Zoo. We spent four hours there and Bianca jumped and played the entire time.

They have changed a few things there. They took down a fun toddler inflatable they used to have and a toddler play area, then replaced them for game machines, so I guess I like The Bounce House better now.

After four hours playing, as soon as we got in the car Bianca was out.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


When I talked to my mom yesterday she said she had a dream. She dreamed I was happily running on an open field. I wore a white dress with long sleeves, and I was surrounded by a light really bright. As I ran a group of young women ran after me following my light. My mom said it was a really beautiful dream and she woke up feeling really happy.

Dreams are a big deal to me. I believe Heavenly Father talks to me through them. I've had three dreams that are really special to me. They all have a profound spiritual meaning and a lesson. I believe sometimes He talks to me through my own dreams, sometimes through my mom's dreams. 

A while ago a family history consultant from our ward came to our house to help us with our genealogy. He told us to put all deceased family members names on our family tree and encouraged us to do temple work for them. That same night when I put my uncle's name on the temple list to be printed my mom dreamed of him. The details of her dream amazes me, and it is so clear to me my uncle Isaias had been taught the gospel in the spiritual world, he had accepted it and had been waiting for us to take his name to the temple. We completed all ordinances for him in 2014. Then we sealed him with my grandparents one year ago. 

Elder Bruce R. McConkie said:

"An inspired dream is a vision given to a person while he sleeps. All inspired dreams are visions, but all visions are not dreams. Vision are received in hours of wakefulness or of sleep and in some cases when the recipient has passed into a trance; it is only when the vision occurs during sleep that it is termed a dream. Sleep is something we all have in common. What satisfaction or level of enjoyment we gain from the experience varies, as does the effect it has on our minds and heart. Most of our subconscious state goes without memory. Irrational and absurd dreams are easily dismissed by an individual who has the Spirit of God. But on occasion the Lord judiciously issues dreams for His divine purposes and an individual's personal growth".

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Giovi and mommy time

Last night when daddy and Bianca went to pick up pizza for dinner, Giovanna shouted: "mommy and Giovi time". While they were gone we painted each other's nails. It is so cute how she needs a time alone with me. I love her so much! I am planning a date for just the two of us.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Luz de Las Naciones

This weekend Ale invited us to go to Luz de Las Naciones, a musical production celebrating the culture and story from Latin America. It happens every year at Temple Square and it features over 1000 people in the cast. The theme this year was Mi Herencia, and the concert was all about the importance of keeping a family record and working on our genealogy.

It was a beautiful night. They danced and also sang songs from the Coco movie. The girls had a blast. All of us did! 

You can watch the whole concert HERE.