Thursday, May 31, 2018

Last day of 1st grade

It feels like yesterday since Giovi's first day in 1st grade. Today she says bye to Ms Fredrickson, Senorita Grimes, and her friends, and concludes one more year of academic life. I am so proud of her! In July she will be returning to school for reading summer program.

After picking her up from school we headed to the park to have our traditional grad picnic. She got several colorful polish nails and her favorite chocolate bar. We ate sandwiches, then the kids played in the playground while Ale and I laid on the blanket under the tree and watched them.

I am deeply grateful for the peace we have in our lives. For the nature and all the beauty Heavenly Father has created for our happiness her on earth.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A walk at Provo City Temple

This morning I took Bianca for a walk at Provo City Temple. Bianca loves LDS temples, and every time we pass by one she starts yelling: Look, look mama! The temple! 

 Last time we were in Provo I couldn’t stop to let her see the temple, so I promised her we would be back. In the morning was sunny and warm, and we were able to walk, smell the flowers and kinda cool off at the fountain. I let Bianca put her feet in the water and before I knew it her whole body was in the water, splashing everywhere. Lucky for her she is too cute and no one complaint about it.

 When we lived in Salt Lake I used to take Giovanna for a walk on Temple Square all the time. One day she said she needed to go to talk to Jesus.

LDS temples play a central role in our lives. It is a place of peace and holiness, and I am proud to be raising two beautiful girls who love temples. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Family hiking

This past weekend our family drove up to Squaw Peak at Provo Canyon. The view is absolutely beautiful and we can see the whole valley and its perfect symmetry.

Then we headed to the Bridal Veil Falls. It was a hot day and several other families had the same idea to take their kiddos to explore nature and cool off in the cold waterfalls. We hiked up to the falls and the kids did a good job. We all had a great time, as well as some complaints and a couple of falls on our way back on the steep trail. 

By the time we came back to the car everybody was hungry and grumpy. But as soon as we had some fries and ice cream the grumpiness fade away. Then we came back home for showers and naps.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Happy Memorial Day!

I am so grateful for this country and for those who had fought and fight for the peace we enjoy every day! This morning I woke up to see beautiful American Flags stuck on the front lawn.

On the other hand my heart aches for Brazil. Have you read the news about what’s been going on there lately? A week ago self-employed truck drivers began a nationwide strike due a raise on the fuel price. In Brazil more than two thirds of cargo transport happens through trucks, so the strike is sadly causing a shortage not only of gasoline, but food and medicine across the entire country.

I talked to my sister the other day and she said she tried to fill her motorcycle tank and the gas station was empty. Same thing with groceries; the shelves were nearly empty. Even hospitals have been postponing surgeries because there is no supplies, and police forces in the streets were reduced about 50%.  This is a picture my sister posted a few days ago on her Instagram feed.

I am sick worried about my family and friends in Brazil right now. Things are getting out of hand. Protesters are everywhere and it’s been dangerous to even get out of the house. I am praying for the strike to be over soon and for everything to get to normal again.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Windsor Dance Festival 2018

This morning Giovanna performed at Windsor Dance Festival.

Today she was the first one to wake up. She dressed up and combed her hair, then by the time the rest of us were awake she was ready to go to school. She was so excited about the dance festival today, she didn't want to be late.

The weather wasn't so hot like last time, so I sat down in the sun with Bianca to watch the other classes perform. Giovi's class was the 3rd one, and we were already in a good spot to see and record her beautiful presentation. She is such a happy kid! And she dances sooo cute!

As soon as she was done she came to us for hugs, praises, and of course money for concessions.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Windsor Field Day 2018

School is almost over. But before we put backpacks in and swimming suits out of the closet, Giovanna will be dancing at Windsor Dance Festival tomorrow, then next week she will graduate from 1st grade. She is getting so big it hurts!

Today the kids had a field day with games and a movie. Some moms volunteered to help with the games, and the kids had a great time. This was the second year I have volunteered to help. I love being involved with Giovi's school. It is a great way to know her friends and their parents.

Something I love about DLI program is the fact the kids have the same friends every year. There is no anxiety of not knowing anyone, but excitement to see their old friends instead.

Giovanna is super social. She knows everybody at school- staff, teachers and children from other grades. She already knows who her 2nd grade teacher will be, and her teacher already talked to me about Giovi and how nice she is.

I am a proud mama!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Giovanna gives a talk

Last Sunday Giovanna was invited to give a talk at our LDS Primary about the prophets and how they teach us to live the restored gospel. Daddy helped her to prepared and practice at home, so when it was time to do it she read it (in Spanish) all by herself. Cute girl!

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives and for the testimony we can share with our girls. They are special daughters of Heavenly Father. I am grateful for prophets who guide us and help us to prepare ourselves to meet Jesus Christ once again and be saved in the kingdom of God.

"Nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama tanto que siempre ha llamado a profetas para guiarnos aqui en la Tierra. A traves del profeta, nuestro Padre Celestial nos dice las cosas que debemos hacer que Lo hace feliz. Con el Evangelio restaurado a traves del profeta Jose Smith, sabemos como evitar todo lo que nos hace dano y que debemos mantener nuestro cuerpos y pensamientos limpios para que podamos vivir con El nuevamente. 

Nuestro Padre Celestial nunca nos abondonara. Nuestro profeta viviente hoy es el presidente Nelson y se que el es un profeta de Dios. En el nombre de Jesucristo, amem". 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Ethan turns two

This weekend the girls were invited to attend Ethan's birthday. He turned two and he celebrated it with an awesome Mickey Mouse themed party.

Ethan and his family are from our ward. I am so grateful for the wonderful people we met these years we've been attending the Spanish ward. I love the fact our friendship goes beyond Sundays at church.

Happy Birthday Ethan!!! We had a great time!

Monday, May 21, 2018

St. George 2018

I am finally posting about our A M A Z I N G getaway to the beautiful St. George last week for Spring break.

A couple of months ago my friend Mindy and I were talking about how bad we needed a break from Salt Lake/Orem. So she kindly invited us to spend a few days over her mom's house in St. George.

Her mom, Mary Lynn, lives in a beautiful and cozy neighborhood with a wonderful pool which we spent most of our time in since the weather was absolutely perfect! The girls wore their swimsuits every day all day. The clothes we packed came back home clean.

P.S. Giovanna is swimming beautifully!

And speaking of water, the girls had a blast at Thunder Junction Park. If you're ever going to St. George and have kids it is a must see place. It is free and incredibly fun!

You can also ride a train for only $1. The ride is fairly long and super worth it!

On our last day in St. George, before heading back home we took the girls to play in the awesome, soft, red (and hot!) sand at Snow Canyon State Park. What a breath taken sight! Have I already mentioned I love St. George?

I confess I was super depressed to have to come back. I wasn't ready at all. But I hope to go back there soon.

A huge shout out to grandma Mary Lynn who always hosts us with loving open warms every time we go there! Thank you! We love you! You are the best!