Friday, June 28, 2019

Pool and movie night

Today our family spent the afternoon at the pool. Daddy joined us for the first time this summer. He's been working and studying so hard he hasn't had the time to go to the pool with us yet. It was great to have him. We played ball, catch, and water fight.

Then around seven we headed back home to shower and go to Relieve Society activity. They planned a movie under the stars with pizza, hot dog and popcorn. I took Giovanna wiht me while Bianca stayed home with daddy for a early bed time since she didn't take a nap during the day and she was exhausted.

There were other children at the activity. The women watched to Mama Mia! and the children watched to Dumbo. It was a fun evening!

We came back home around midnight to find Ale and Bianca fast asleep. 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Country Farm

The Bellini girls and the Matute boys hit the Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point and had a blast. We were lucky enough to find the farm nearly empty. They were able to pick anywhere to sit on the wagon ride and didn't have to fight over a toy on the little play area they have there.

The girls were also able to go on a pony ride several times (which had never happened before). They LOVE horses, and so do I.

We had a lovely afternoon.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Alleen is a sister from my ward that also happen to be a wonderful dancer teacher. This week the girls attended to one of her classes. She teaches creative movements, classic ballet, and this summer she is teaching a traditional Paraguayan dance.

Her class is currently full but she still let the girls dress up and join the group for one hour to experiment. The girls loved it, and as soon as spots become available I'll enroll them.

Because Paraguay borders Brasil, we have a few things in common, even Paraguayan people who live close to the border know how to speak Portuguese. It would be cool for the girls learn their culture and costumes.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Museum of Ancient Life

These last few weeks we've been enjoying the museums at Thanksgiving Point with Lupita and the Matute boys. Together we hit the Museum of Curiosity and the Butterfly Biosphere.

A few days ago we visited the Museum of Ancient Life. I love that place, and I love dinosaurs. I think it is amazing that animals like these once existed, and I wish one day we can get to see them in eternity. I am sure there's a place for them there.

It also amazes me that everything we know about dinosaurs is solely based in studies of their fossils. So cool!! The kids loved our time there. They learned about different dinosaur species, fossils and the difference between turtle and tortoise.

We also stopped by at the Farm Country which was really fun. I'll be posting about it soon.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Happy Birthday Sis!

Today is my big sister birthday and I just want to say Happy Birthday Sis! You are the best and I love you so much! Thank you for everything you are and do for me and my girls. 

I hope you have the best of days- which I know you will... in Paris!!!

Joyeux  anniversaire! Je t'aime!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Piscina time

The girls and I spent pretty much the entire week at the pool. Some days we swam twice in one single day. The weather was pleasant and the girls wanted to finally use their huge flamingo titia gave them last time she came to visit. We also had a couple of friends over.

Pati Villatoro came with her girls and nephews, and we had a blast. We stayed at the pool for four hours straight. The girls got back home happy and exhausted.

We also had Rebecca Siqueira with her kids over. Her daughter Alice is a good friend of Giovanna, and her son Thomas love playing with Bianca. They get along really well. Rebecca's husband- Marcos and my Ale are friends from when we all lived in Brazil. They moved to Utah a few years ago.

I feel SO grateful for the place we live at. It brings us so much joy!

One day I'll post about how we found it. It was a true miracle/blessing of Heavenly Father.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hobble Creek- Camping 2019

Last Friday we packed our camping gear and headed to Hobble Creek to meet our ward on our annual ward camping. The girls love it and always look forward to it.

This year I prepared a few meals we could easily heat up on the fire. I cooked homemade mac and cheese, my family's recipe for garlic bread and some seasoned meet. 

On Friday after dinner we roasted some marshmallows, watched a movie under the stars, then we sang karaoke until two in the morning. 

On Saturday morning I helped the sisters to prepare breakfast. We had tortillas, eggs, sausage and pancakes. It was delicious!

In the afternoon the kids played games, and eventually we all ended up fighting each other with tons of water balloons. It was so much fun AND refreshing!

Before getting ready to head back home we grilled some meat and garlic bread, and enjoyed the fresh air, the warm sun and the peacefulness we can only find in the mountains.

 We came back home with two sleepy (and happy) girls in the car.