Monday, August 31, 2020

New look- Covid-19 day 167-169

 I have been blogging for a long time now. I love registering our daily lives. This space works as my personal journal, and I write so someday my girls can read it and remember all the beauty and happiness they had growing up.

From time to time I like changing a few things around here. After blogging for years, we kinda get bored of its looks.


This weekend I changed Nostra Famiglia header once again. I really love the new look, specially because I hold all the moments shown in the pictures in a special place in my heart.

(Nostra Famiglia's very first header)

I love my family. I love creating memories with them. And I love registering these memories for my kids, and my grand kids, and their kids.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Weekend Hooray!- Covid-19 day 166

 Hooray for the weekend, specially because that means I can sleep in. I've been feeling so tired since the girls started school, I could use extra hours in bed. But I am happy we are closing one more successful week of school and work.

Today, we had a few friends from our ward over for a night swim. We spent a couple of hours swimming, playing, talking, and laughing (tons), and we just came back home around 10:00pm when the pool closed.

The water was warm and pleasant. The weather was perfect with no wind. We had a great time (so great I even forgot to take pictures). I literally stayed in the water the whole time.

Next week I may invite a few friends of Giovanna from Windsor. She really misses them.

Have a great weekend you all! 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kindergarten Photo shoot- Covid-19 day 164

I finally got the back to school pictures of my beautiful kindergarten girl done. She is so big!

Even though school is been so different this year, Bianca still loves it. 
I know she will rock kindergarten and make the best of it!

May Heavenly Father always protect you throughout this school year, my love.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

School updates- Covid-19 day 163

 We have survived the first week of school. 

The drop off and pick up routine was messy and tiring (specially under a 91 degrees), and probably it will continue to be for the next couple of weeks, while they try to figure out the best way to do it in the midst of this pandemic.

The girls love school. They enjoy their teachers and their new friends. And they don't mind wearing their masks like I thought they would.

Homework is slowly coming, and Giovanna is already struggling with math. I hope her teacher is paying close attention to Giovi, and is willing to help her the way my sweet girl needs. We also briefly talked to her in the "Meet the Teacher" day about Giovi's difficulties.

Bianca loves Kindergarten. The other day when I asked her what was her favorite part of school, she answered: "my favorite part of school is when I go to school". She is specially excited about Fridays, when she can finally bring snacks after a whole week without school lunch (she's gone for only three hours).

As for me, I've been enjoying my much needed free time in the morning. I run errands, exercise, and study the scriptures without being interrupted.

Ale keeps working from home.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Pride- Covid-19 days 160-162


Past Sunday at our home church we learned about the "pride cycle" in the Book of Mormon. 

We talked about how the Nephites were so blessed and prosperous because of their righteousness, until they became prideful because of their prosperity and started being wicked. 

Heavenly Father would allow them to suffer, then the people would repent and humble themselves, start prospering again, and the cycle would repeat itself.

We discussed how nowadays sometimes we are caught up in this same cycle of pride, and what we can do to recognize it and humble ourselves.

Then I shared a thought from Elder Uchtdorf's talk Pride and the Priesthood:

 "When we see the world around us through the lens of the pure love of Christ, we begin to understand humility. 

Some suppose that humility is about beating ourselves up. Humility does not mean convincing ourselves that we are worthless, meaningless, or of little value. Nor does it mean denying or withholding the talents God has given us. 

We don't discover humility by thinking less of ourselves; we discover humility by thinking less about ourselves. It come as we go about our work with an attitude of serving God and our fellowman. 

Humility directs our attention and love toward others and to Heavenly Father's purposes. Pride does the opposite. Pride draws its energy and strength from the deep wells of selfishness. The moment we stop obsessing with ourselves and lose ourselves in service, our pride diminishes and begins to die."

Then later, the girls wanted to watch a movie. We watched the two-hour “Once I was a Beehive”, which I really recommend. It is super cute.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Electric guitar pinata- Covid-19 day 159

 Okay. I like reusing my girls birthday pinatas and transform them into something new.

I have transformed a cupcake pinata from Bianca's first birthday into princess Elena of Avalor pinata for Giovanna's sixth birthday.

This year I tried turning Bianca's last year's whale pinata into an electric guitar.

First, I cut the tail and placed it straight back into the body. Then, I ripped out all the crepe paper off the whale.

Next, I cut the edges of the tail to shape it into a guitar head. Then, I taped some pieces I had cut back into the tail covering the holes.

Lastly, I cut red and black crepe paper into long stripes, rolled them, and lightly shredded the edges to make a fringe.


After gluing the fringes, I used cross stitch thread and pom poms to make the strings and the tuning pegs. Then, I just decorated it with some fun Queen Barb prints.

I confess it took A LOT of work, and time, and energy, and in the end the result wasn't what I was expecting.

I mean, the whale still looked like a whale, despite all my efforts to make it look like a guitar.

But, all my time and energy were paid off when Bianca gasped with excitement when she saw her guitar ready. I love my little girl!


Plus, the kids had a lot of fun hitting the pinata. I just wish I had taken a picture of Bianca holding her guitar.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Bianca is 5 Part II- Covid-19 day 158

 On Sunday we had the Brito family over to celebrate Bianca. Because of the c-virus I thought it would be better if we didn't gather a big group together for Bianca's birthday.

I used the same decoration from the previous day, plus the ones I wasn't able to use because of the wind. It looked really cute!

We talked and enjoyed each other's company while the kids watched to Trolls World Tour. Then we sang happy birthday, opened presents, and hit the pinata I made.

It was a Sunday kinda fun celebration.

When the last guest left I was feeling tired and grateful for the beautiful weekend we had.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Bianca is 5 Part I- Covid-19 day 157

 Last Friday I stayed up til late finishing a few things for Bianca's birthday party on the next day.

Our guests started arriving at four, and we all headed to the pool. I was so happy to find no one was using the pool when we got there. I confess I had been uneasy for having about thirty guests at the pool if there were already people there.

We swan for a couple of hours. Then I left the pool a little before the others so I could get everything set up outside for the party.

The wind didn't help at all and all my decorations kept flying away. The wind was so strong even the canopy flew over the fence to my neighbor's backward. It was bad, and for a minute I wished to sent everybody back home.

But in the end everything worked out. The party was a success and everyone had fun, specially Bianca.

The wind didn't stop and I wasn't able to use most of my decorations, but I was glad knowing I could use them on the next day for our second round of party.