Thursday, September 30, 2021

Gone to Italy - Covid-19 day 572

 Nostro papĂ  leaves to Italy tomorrow morning. We drove him today to North Salt Lake to the Brito’s house so Tales could take him to the airport really early the next day.

(Thank you Tales for being willing to wake up at 3am to take Ale to the airport).

The girls were really sad they are not going to Italia with daddy, but Ale needs to do this trip alone. It will be a great time for him to connect with his ancestors and heritage.

I am sure we will visit Italy together as a family sometime soon. Besides, Ale will be back before we know it.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Larissa & Andrew’s wedding- Covid-19 day 569

 Larissa and Andrew tied the knots last Saturday. 

What a beautiful ceremony. What a beautiful couple. We wish you eternal happiness! 

Love you guys.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Monte L. Bean- Covid-19 day 566

Giovanna had a make up class scheduled for today, but once we got there, the center was holding a state competition. Her instructor forgot to call me to let me know all classes had been canceled.

Since we were in Provo already, I asked if the girls wanted to visit the Monte L. Bean Museum. I was so impressed by how much it has changed.

They are currently having an exhibit about Narwhals. Last exhibit we saw there was about ancient snakes about three years ago. The girls were so little.

After coming back home we stopped at the gift shop and we bought three matching necklaces to wear tomorrow at Lari’s and Andrew’s wedding.

Once we were home we ate a delicious cake I baked earlier, then we watched My Girl. The girls didn’t like it :(

I mean, who doesn’t like My Girl?? 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

High Altitude- Covid-19 day 565

 After the girls’s horseback riding instructor left to a different county, I thought it would be nice for them to try something different.

After trying a few gymnastics centers, Giovanna picked High Altitude in Provo. She is loving it, specially the bars. She is really good at them.

Bianca wants to try gymnastics too. She misses her tumbling. But she also misses horseback riding, so we’ll see which one will happen first.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Straight A’s- Covid- 564

Guess who came back home with beautiful report cards?

Giovanna’s been a straight A student for the past year. As fifth grade’s first term comes to an end, Giovanna’s been thriving and succeeding on her school work.

I am beyond proud of her. Moving her to her current school has still been the best decision we’ve ever made. It’s beautiful to see her blossoming and finding confidence within herself.

To celebrate her (and Bianca’s) effort and the wonderful results that can only be achieved with it, I am letting them pick either a prize (not more than $12 each), or dine out, bounce house, or anything else they would like to do.

I think they might pick a trip to either Menchie's or Jamba Juice

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hard- Covid-19 day 563

Nurses and nurses assistant WORK HARD.

Today half way of my shift my feet were done. Done! They hurt so much I wanted to cry. I was up walking from room to room most of the day, and I am not sure if my shoes were helping much.

I am still deciding which of my shoes is the best for standing, or if I need to buy one.

Next week I’ll start on night shifts, so perhaps I won’t stand as much as on day shifts. Honestly, I have no idea what to expect. I bought compression socks. I hope they’ll help.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Braids- Covid-19 day 562

 This past weekend we celebrated Marito’s birthday and baptism. On Friday he became an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I wish I was there to see it. But Ale and the girls went and represented me. I worked all day and couldn’t watch him getting baptized, but I managed to stop by after work to give him a hug (and have my hair braided lol- thanks Kells).

I was so tired and sad after working a 12 hour shift and after performing a post mortem care in one of our patients :(

Having my hair braided made me feel better. I LOVE when people play with my hair.

On Saturday we attended Marito’s birthday party. The theme was Legos and I feel so mad with myself for not taking any pictures!!!

It was so fun though. The kids played in the bounce house. Adults talked and relaxed. We all stuffed our faces with pizza and cake. It was perfect.

Today the girls had picture day, and I braided Giovanna’s hair. I love braids! I can’t wait to see their cute pictures.

Have a good week y’all.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Baptism towels- Covid-19 Day 557

I can’t believe Marito is turning EIGHT and he is getting baptized. I remember when he was a baby! I have a picture of Giovi holding him, and it really feels like yesterday.

 I made a baptism towel for him to use on his baptism day. I love that him, Claire, and Giovi have something to remember from their special day. Plus, I do enjoy cross stitching, and I do love compliments. lol

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the baptism on Friday because of work, but Ale is going with the girls.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Filters- Covid-19 day 556

 In the meanwhile I play with IG filters.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Cara-crachá -Covid-19 day 555

Happy Monday! 

Specially for me, who woke up ready to pick up my badge and start my orientation on my new position at Intermountain HealthCare as a PCT.

I still have to tell you all how I got here. And I will.

But for now, I am just thrilled to be able to work, and work in the healthcare field- a long dream of mine.

Soon I will know what my schedule it would be and when I will finally start caring for my patients. :)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

School, Gymnastics, and Lab tests- Covid-19 day 551

Today after walking for three miles, I went to the girls’s school to volunteer during lunch/recess. 

I, along with other volunteer mamas, watched as the kids started coming out from the lunch room to the playground. We kept our eye on them while they went up and down on the swings, ran around, and occasionally needed assistance.

It was so fun to see the girls and have them run to give me a hug with big smiles.

I’ve always volunteered in my girls’s schools. I think it is so important, plus I love getting to know their friends.

I also took Giovanna to try a gymnastic class at Arete Gymnastics today. Last week I took her to High Altitude Tumbling in Provo. We are still deciding which one she likes the most to enroll her.

Later on, I headed to the Intermountain to get some lab tests done before I start working next Monday. I am so excited!

Tonight I am not making dinner. Ale just left to get pizza. I feel bad because the girls have already eaten pizza today for lunch, but I just can’t walk! 

I got rashes after walking around all day today, and they hurt so much! I am sitting down right now as I type, just waiting for my pizza, and looking forward to go to bed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Just because- Covid-19 day 550

 Pool time on a Wednesday.

Just because we can.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Ophir Historic District- Covid-19 day 549

Past Saturday, after having breakfast at Magleby’s, I invited the fam to finally check out the Ophir Historic District.

I’ve been wanting to go there for a few years, and every summer I add it to my bucket list, and it never happens.

We drove for forty nine miles imagining how fun it would be to get in the village’s houses and talk to the people who still live there- 50 to be more exact.

But once we got there, everything was CLOSED. After talking to a local, we found out the district has been closed indefinitely. I was bummed, not gonna lie.

It was a big disappointment, specially because the historic district is darn cute, and we’d have loved to get in the houses, and buy snacks and suvenir at their local store.

Ophir Historic District please reopen your doors!!!

• • • • • • • •

Ophir was a mining town that was founded in 1870 when silver was found. As soon as that silver dried up, everyone left. Well, not everyone…

Monday, September 6, 2021

Thirteen- Covid-19 day 548

 Happy thirteenth anniversary to Ale and me.

We’ve been through SO MUCH all these years.

I am proud of us. 

Happy anniversary babe!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Behavior Jar- Covid-19 day 544

Bianca is growing, and growth comes with its challenges. Because of that, I came up with an idea to hopefully help improve Bianca’s behavior.

I separated seven marbles for each day of the week. Every day she misbehave I will put one marble in the jar. Every time she behaves I will take one out.

By the end of the week, if she has no marble in the jar, she can pick a prize- eat out, ice cream, bounce house, etc. But if by the end of the week she has marbles in the jar, she will loose privileges- sleeping in my room, TV time, candies, etc.

It is very similar to the one I made with them a couple of years ago.

Bianca is a loving girl with a very strong personality. I want her to able to control her temper and frustrations. Hopefully, that will help. We’ll see.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Going well- Covid-19 day 543

 Today I drove to Utah Valley Hospital to take the drug screen test required prior my start date at the their medical/surgical unit as a CNA. I am so excited! I can't believe that after only a month I've finished my CNA program, I am already hired!

Soon Ale will start a new job too, and things are going really well for our family. I am so grateful!

Girls are also doing great at school. Giovanna has been enjoying fifth grade, and Bianca first grade. I love their school, and I am so happy they love it too.

I can't believe it's already September! Soon enough we will be enjoying my favorite season.

Don't you love Fall?