Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Last day of summer reading

Giovanna has completed her summer reading program. Today she joined her classmates and teachers on a field trip to the aquarium. Bianca and I drove her to school early in the morning where a school bus was waiting for the students. Then after watching them leave, we went run some errands.

After picking Giovanna up the three of us sat down on the school lawn to have lunch. Giovanna told us all about her time at the aquarium, and we told her what we had done while she was gone. I love moments like these when I can talk to my girls and enjoy their company. I know soon they will grow up and moments like this will become rare. So let me enjoy it while I can.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Claire is six

Today we headed to North Salt Lake to sing happy birthday one more time to Claire. Today she is officially turning six. I can’t believe how fast these girls are growing.

Mindy took Claire, Giovanna and Bianca to the store and let them pick makeups and candies, while I stayed home with Bella who was fast asleep. The girls came back home with polish nail, blush, eye shadow, candy and cute little purses to carry all their stuff. I can’t tell how much Mindy spoils these girls (and they love it!).

As soon as Bella woke up and Tales got home we all sang happy birthday and enjoyed a yummy chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting (my favorite).

Happy Birthday Claire! 

We love you and we love being part of your life and watching you grow.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Last Friday our family joined the Arbons on a quick trip to the mountains. Steve’s family owns a quite place in the far Midway. We stayed the night and we came back home late afternoon the next day. We needed to be back for Claire’s birthday party in North Salt Lake. They are having her birthday party in a bounce house and the girls are super excited to go.

We had a wonderful time with the Arbons and Matutes swimming, riding scooter, and enjoying our friendship. I wish we could’ve stayed longer, but hopefully we’ll be doing this again soon.

Friday, July 26, 2019

I can be nice Jar

After four weeks full of  ups and downs with marbles going in and out of the “I can be nice Jar”, the girls finally filled it up and were able to draw a piece of paper from the prize jar. 

Bianca put a total of thirty-four marbles in the jar and Giovanna thirty-two, but I let her also have a prize because she’s been working really hard to make it up from the Aladdin episode.

This time Bianca got bounce house and Giovanna got eating at Panda Express. So I guess we’ll all be going to the bounce house and then having lunch at Panda. Fun!

My girls are really good kids and I am proud to be their mama.

Today we will be heading to the mountains with the Arbons. I can’t wait for some peace and quiet.

Have a good weekend! 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Relief Society Luau

Today the Relief Society of our ward threw our yearly Luau. We all met at the Windsor Park to play fun games and eat delicious food.

We also had a fruit and salad contest. I prepared a salad with everything I had at home.

I love our ward and I love all our ward activities, and I absolutely love all the sisters from Relief Society! I always think about how much I would miss them if we ever have to move again. And I sure would.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pioneer Day 2019

Guess who woke up with fever and sore throat?

The girls and I slept until past nine in the morning. Then we decided to avoid the heat and drive to Springville to the lake later that day. But Bianca got worse throughout the day and we ended up staying home. We even considered going to Leatherby’s for an ice cream (that she loves), but not even that cheered her up.

So I decided just stay home, cook dinner and build a tent in the living room to watch a movie and sleep. The girls loved the idea! Camping in the living room never fails!

Happy Pioneer Day! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Lion King

Since Ale turns thirty-five next Saturday, today we took advantage of discounted tickets and took him to the movies watch his favorite: The Lion King. First time he watched it he was a ten-year old boy. I was so excited for him to watch the live-action version of it with the girls twenty-five years later!

The movie was good. Honestly, I was hoping for something different from the original one, but they were true to the cartoon version. I guess big fans were okay with that.

After the movie we took daddy to have dinner at Texas Roadhouse. He ordered his favorite prime rib, and we all enjoyed their rolls with regular butter (we don't really like the cinnamon kind).

Then when we got back home we sang happy birthday to him with The Lion King themed cake I had baked and frosted specially for him all by myself!

Tomorrow we will be headed to the mountains. The Arbons have invited us to spend the night at their cabin. I'll arrange to sing happy birthday to Ale (again) there. Then we should go back in time for Claire's birthday party at four in Bountiful.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Kelly is having a baby

This weekend we headed to the Matute's residence for a special dinner. They wanted to gather family and friends to announce they will be welcoming their third baby in January 2020. They also planned the gender reveal. It was a very special and emotional moment for all of us.

 And they are having a baby GIRL!

Congrats Matute family! We are so happy for you!!! Girls are the best!

Friday, July 19, 2019

A week with the Matutes

This week I watched the Matute little ones while their grandma Lupita who usually watches them was out of town. It was a fun week with several trips to the Thanksgiving Point museums with five children- some days I had to drive from Orem to Lehi and from Lehi to Orem four times to pick up  Giovi who is still in summer school.

We visited the Museum of Ancient Life,

 the Butterfly Biosphere,  

and the Museum of Curiosity.

It was a long and fun week! But I am ready for the weekend.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tea for two

When Giovana was little she loved tea parties. I would pour water or guarana into my fine china, Giovanna would get some crackers or popcorn, and together we would have a lovely tea party.

Now she gets to do it with her little sister who happens to also love tea party. I am so glad Giovanna is not too big for tea parties and she plays so nicely with her little sissy. 

One of these days Giovi got her tea set we gave her for her sixth birthday and she painted with her grandma, and invited Bianca for a tea. Together they poured water into the pot and served each other some delicious “tea” while I took a few pictures to eternalize this moment for later in their lives.

I love they have each other to play and love (and fight sometimes). I always say we are never alone when we have a sister, and of this I can testify. I am sure they will grow up to be good friends. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Happy Gril

As soon as school was out I set down with Giovanna to plan a schedule of study for her to follow throughout the summer. She decided what days she wanted to practice math, spelling, reading and writing. Every time she forgets to do it I take one marble out of her jar. But she is doing great, and has only forgotten twice since summer has started.

A few days ago she asked if she could practice her writing at the computer. When she was done writing she called Ale and I and asked us to close our eyes because she had a surprise. When she said “open” we read it and started to laugh (a nice laugh, not a mocking one). Then we asked her to read it to us. When she read “They make a happy gril” she started to laugh too.

We love our silly bird. She is so loving and sweet, and we are so lucky to be her parents! 

Keep up the good work, princess. We love you!  

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Last Friday night Ale took us to Ahimuse to eat my favorite food: Sushi. Since the girls are not as a big sushi fan as me, I fed them dinner at home before going. Then we ordered a portion of french fries for them there.

Have I mentioned I can have sushi for breakfast, lunch and dinner? I love it THAT much!

My favorite basic rolls at Ahimuse are California Rolls (because it’s a classic and I LOVE crab), Shrimp Tempura Roll (best roll they have in my opinion), and Smoked Salmon roll. I also always order a miso soup (although I prefer the Ichiban miso soup in Salt Lake).

TIP: Next time (or first time) you heat Ahimuse check Groupon. They have awesome deals there! 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Giovanna loses her seventh tooth

Guess who lost one more tooth?

This just happened yesterday. Giovi felt her upper tooth crack while biting a piece of bread right when I was talking to my mom in Brazil. Perfect time! I am so happy vovo was able to watch live Giovi pulling her tooth out. Other times I just had my family watch short video clips I had recorded.

This morning Giovi woke up to find a five dollar bill under her pillow. BUT, she thought tooth fairy wasn't nice enough and decided to stick one dollar more under her pillow herself. 

I think next time tooth fairy will leave just one dollar bill for her.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Every Wednesday the Central Utah Water offers a free class for children about a variety of themes. Last Wednesday I took Bianca to a STEM based class about water science while Giovanna was at summer reading.

When the class started I thought Bianca was way too young to understand it. The instructor was teaching about PhD and using a lot of scientific words, and I came back home positive that Giovanna would’ve enjoyed the class more.

When daddy got home I told Bianca to tell him all about her science class. How surprised I was when she started to tell him about the potion (chemistry flask) that turns water into different colors (PhD), and the “basement” (basic, neutral and acid). She had gotten soo much from the class! I was impressed. 

Bianca is a very attentive little girl, and the way her brain works is amazing! I will definitely take her to more classes like this.

Next class: The Water Cycle, July 31st, 10-11am 

Central Utah Water
1426 E 750 N, Orem 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Cow Appreciation Day

Last Tuesday I took the girls to have lunch at Chick Fil A as they were offering free entrees and free kids meal for all those who showed up dressed like a cow.

Every summer they have a cow appreciation day. It is so much fun! I always tell my girls it is not (only) about the free meals, but the fun of trying to look like a cow... People are so creative! I definitely need to improve our costumes for next year.

Then Bianca and I came back home feeling a little sick. I think something was wrong with the Chick Fil A sauce because Giovanna who didn't eat it was feeling just fine.

Anyways, we still love Chick Fil A.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Feijoada and Piscina

This weekend we had the Britos over for Brazilian Feijoada and pool. I made feijoada the day before for some friends so I left half of it for the Britos who were coming the following day. They brought cheesecake for dessert, and we all had a wonderful feast.

It took me about four hours to cook feijoada because my pressure cooker is small to cook one pound of black beans plus several different kind of meats. But it was worth it. Feijoada is hands down one of my favorite meals. 

Then later after some digestion we headed to the pool with the kids where we swam until nine in the night. Then after pool I baked a carrot cake and we ate it with tea. Ale makes fun of me and says I am the only person who drinks tea and eats soup in summer.

Before the Britos left we put all the girls in the bath tub. They had a bath and put their pajamas on. That was already past ten o’clock and it was time for them to head back to Salt Lake. After kissing each other goodbye the Brito girls hopped into the car and the Bellini ones went straight to bed. I love having friends over. We always have the best of times!