Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Best of June- Covid-19 day 107

Bye bye June. You were good to us!

Best of June:

Definitely the best part of summer break is going to the pool. We have tons of fun every time!

I felt so much happiness and love on my birthday! Thank you family and friends for making me feel so special.

What a beautiful father’s day we had with beautiful surprises and delicious meal. We love you daddy!

What a fun/“tragic”/funny birthday! I love making memories with my beautiful fam!

I am deeply grateful for all happy moments I get to live in this mortal life. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

Chilly Monday- Covid-19 days 104-106

(Bianca got an old-fashioned duck pull toy this past weekend)

It is wonderful how many things can be done in one day when we simply wake up early.

Since this COVID-19 quarantine has started I’ve been having a really hard time waking up early.

That is a problem because the girls end up waking up before me, and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed for the rest of the day.

I’ve realized moms need to wake up before their kids for the sake of their own sanity. This is absolutely true in our home.

Today I woke 6:30 in the morning. I studied the scriptures, did my prayers, ran errands, and had lunch ready at 12:00pm sharp (and lunch is never ready before 1:30pm around here).

Then I cleaned the house, and played legos with the girls. I promised Giovanna I would rebuild her boat that was broken apart a while ago and never played with again.

It took me two hours to build it and it is not even finished yet! I will (hopefully) finish it tomorrow.

And I really hope tomorrow is a warmer day to go play outside or maybe swim. I bought new pool toys for the girls I am excited for them to try.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Spring Potting Part II- Covid-19 day 103

Remember my beautiful flowers I bought beginning of Spring? They died no matter how well I took care of them.

The problem was they hated sun! I even tried to put them inside the house, but I guess it was too late. 

Since I really like flowers on my porch I decided to buy different flowers from the previous ones, preferably ones that love sun.

They are really enjoying where I placed them and they are growing beautifully.

I love flowers, and I am looking forward to have our own house so I can grow flowers and vegetables.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

This- Covid-19 day 102

Today I got my phone to find this:

And at least four of this:

Oh. And several of this I have no idea what it is:
(let me know if you can figure it out)

More of this here.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Aninha turns 40- Covid-19 day 101

Today my one and only sister turned forty years old. Wow, FORTY! I can’t believe in three years I’ll be turning forty too!

About a month ago I created a WhatsApp group titled “Project 40” to discuss with the fam what we would be doing to celebrate this special occasion.

We exchanged messages about gift ideas, decorations, cake, and more.

Last night, I doubled checked with my mom and my brother-in-law if everything was all set for the big day.

I ordered a beautiful basket with fruits, cheese and artisan bread to be delivered in the morning.

Then I stayed up until past two in the morning trying to  export the video I made for her to my computer.

 Today, I woke up to find out the basket I had ordered was cancelled due to a set back with my card payment.

After that, it was all down hill.

The video I made didn’t work, the basked wasn’t delivered (after several attempts).

I confess I cried. A lot. I wanted this day to be perfect.

Towards the end of the day though, Ale was able to order beautiful flowers for her- forty red roses to be more specific.

Then, I finally was able to export the video and upload it to my YouTube channel. They watched the video on the TV. 

(I also LOVE watching our family videos on the TV!)

Aninha received love and undivided attention all day long. Her birthday turned out to be perfect after all.

It was definitely a date to remember (and laugh) years from now.

Happy birthday sis! 
I love you! 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sunburn- Covid-19 day 100

Yesterday, we had the Villatoro girls over to swim. We headed to the pool in the morning, and we just left in the afternoon.

The girls stayed in the water the whole time, and just got out to have some snacks.

After five hours in the pool, we all got back home with a sunburn (specially Bianca poor thing!)

I even drove to Walmart to buy a cooling gel, but it was already closed. I forgot the grocery stores are closing earlier now.

I came back home, I spread a thick layer of lotion all over the girls’s body, I gave each Ibuprofen, then I sent them to bed.

We are probably not going back to the pool anytime soon.

* * * * * * 

As we reach 100 days in quarantine, Utah faces a possible complete shutdown. The cases of COVID-19 have increased since the state changed our status from orange (moderate risk) to yellow (low risk).

If cases don’t slow down and we reach an average of 200 cases per day until July first, the whole state should be moved to orange again.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Father’s Day 2020- Covid-19 days 97-99

We had a marvelous Father’s Day. 

Throughout my childhood to my adulthood I’ve learned the sacred role of motherhood. My mom was then as she is now our biggest example of parenting.

My sense of value of fatherhood grew watching Ale nurture our children. He is loving, funny, and a great daddy for our girls.

It’s beautiful to see their relationship, and I absolutely love watching them together. It warms my heart.

On Sunday we had a special Father’s day home church with a message about the sacred role of fatherhood from 1973 by the Quorum of Twelve Apostles and a special song the girls sang as the last hymn.

After home church we had a special lunch with one of our family’s favorite dishes: Baked Salmon with white rice and Red Lobster biscuits. 

The girls present their daddy with a plate with their hand and foot printed resembling Sullivan and Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. (Ale really likes this movie).

“When your first child is born, you become a father. The title father is sacred and eternal. It is significant that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that are given to Deity, He has asked us to address Him as Father.” -QTA 1973 

Happy father’s day to our amazing dad!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Father’s day surprise- Covid-19 day 96

This weekend we will be celebrating Father’s day. I am so grateful for the father Ale is for our children. He is loving, firm, and funny.

Today, after he left to help the Medinas with their moving, I gathered the girls, some paint, and brushes to work on a special surprise for him for Father’s day.

The surprise turned out so cute!! We seriously can’t wait to give it to him. I am sure he will love it!

Then later on the girls and I watched Aladdin for the tenth time now? 

It never gets old.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Let them be- Covid-19 day 95

It's been a funny summer weather. The mornings and nights have been chilly- it reminds me of winter in Florida. But I am not complaining. We are able to keep our windows open and feel the fresh breeze coming inside the house. Much better than having the A.C. on.

The girls have been camping in our room again. They love spreading blankets and pillows on the ground and making a "sleepover" in our room. They can sleep there for weeks if we let them.

Our kitchen is still turned into a playground. Today we brought home a train table for the girls. Of course the table ended up in the kitchen. Sometimes I ask why I do that to my myself.

Well, they are sure having a lot of fun in my kitchen.

People say one day I will miss it, so I just let them be.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Best friends- Covid-19 day 94

They fight so much, some days I have to keep each in their own rooms. But they love each other. And I am so happy they will always have each other, specially when I am not longer here.

I love you baby girls! Never forget you are each other's best friend.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Pool? Yes, please! - Covid-19 day 93

I promised the girls I would take them to the pool today, and I never break a promise.

The day wasn't too hot and the sun was most of the time hidden behind the clouds. We spent solid two hours in the water playing and helping Giovanna hand stand.

She is a fast learner.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Into a playground- Covid-19 days 90-92

Today was a really hot day. So hot I made sure everyone stayed inside despite all the begging to go to the pool.

I just got out to run a couple of errands, then once back home I pretty much watched movies I have already watched several times before.

In the meantime, the girls turned my kitchen into a playground.

On the weekend we had a delicious barbecue with the Medinas. They are amazing hosts and we had a wonderful time!

We got there around 1pm and we only came back home way past bed time. We eat, talked, and they helped us with a few things (which I will post about later), while the kids played and played some more.

Let’s all have a beautiful week. Shall we?

Friday, June 12, 2020

Sealing anniversary - Covid-19 day 89

Ten years ago today Ale and I got sealed for time and eternity in the Salt Lake Temple.

Ale, I love you more than ten years ago, and I hope our love can keep growing more and more each day. 

Happy sealing anniversary babe!  

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I am 37- Covid-19 day 88

 I can’t believe I am thirty seven years old! I don’t like getting old, specially knowing I am not where I would like to be in life yet.

BUT something amazing have happened, and that turned my day much brighter. Soon I will be sharing the news.

On Monday, family planned a Festa Junina for my birthday. I decorated our home and they decorated their home too in Brazil. They cooked typical food, and we had a really great time through WhatsApp video call.

Mindy also came with the girls and brought summer decorations and delicious coxinhas. The girls dressed up and we danced quadrilha. It was a mix of everything I like. I felt happy and loved.

I also loved reading warm birthday wishes on the social media and text messages.

It was one of the happiest birthdays I have had so far.

* * * * * 

Today completes three months we’ve been quarantined. Wow! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I am blonde- Covid-19 day 87

This weekend in celebration of my 37th birthday, I decided to change a bit. This weekend my dear friend Mel did my hair. 

The process took a long time (six hours to be exact), but it was worthy every minute. I absolutely love the results! 

Thank you Mel! I am feeling twenty two.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Happy Birthday to Bella- Covid-19 day 86

Bella Boo shares birthday with me, and this weekend we headed to North Salt Lake to celebrate her third birthday. She is exact thirty four years younger than me.

Since we are still practicing social distance, Mindy divided her family and friends into two groups and threw two parties in two different days. I am sure it was a lot of work, but I am glad she did it. I mean, the virus is still out there.

The kids played “puppy” games like ‘who leaks the water out of the dog’s bowl first’, and ‘who eats the most bone cookies’. The kids had a blast.

Happy birthday baby Bella. We love you!