Monday, November 30, 2020

Christmas light- Covid-19 day 260

What better way to start the week than eating out and driving around the neighborhood to see the beautiful Christmas lights?

Driving around we found a house completely decorated and lighted up. There was a sign in front of it inviting people to take a stroll around the house and enjoy the sweet spirit only Christmas can bring.

The family decorated their front yard AND backyard. The girls loved it!

It was really cool and really nice of them too!

Thank you Stanley family!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Getting ready for Christmas- Covid-19 day 257

 Our home is officially decorated for Christmas!

We had to move a few furniture around to fit our Christmas tree since its place was taken by Ale's desk  when he started doing home office in February when coronavirus struck.

The girls helped decorating our home and the Christmas tree. We danced and watched to different movies throughout the day. Getting our home ready for Christmas has been always my favorite. I absolutely love it!

The day only came to an end past ten o'clock.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020- Covid-19 day 256

Our Thanksgiving was a bit tumultuous and stressful and nothing what I was expecting. I guess somedays are just like that, despite everything we do.

Well, Thanksgiving is over and I am looking forward for a better, calm, and joyful Christmas season.

Bottom line: the food was perfect. I even tried my mom’s traditional manjar recipe. (I have a lot to improve).

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thankful- Covid-19 day 255

Three years ago our family started a new tradition. Every day during meal time we each say one thing we are grateful for. Bianca was only two when she started saying she was grateful for temples. 

Every year around Thanksgiving time when I think about things I am thankful for, I realize it all comes down to the incredible love Heavenly Father has for me. His pure and genuine love for me is undeniable, and I feel it every day and in every aspect of my life, and I don’t even deserve it. 

I specially felt His love and care during this strange year of 2020. Our family was and has been immensely blessed. 

I am thankful for the knowledge I have He is real, that we are His sons and daughters, and one day we can be reunited again. 

I can’t wait.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Doctor apt- Covid-19 day 254

Doctor appointments happened for these beautiful girls, and thankfully they are both doing great!

We need to watch Bianca’s snack time a little closer and make sure she is not sneaking into the kitchen to grab sweets when we are not looking.

I confess I also need to get better in having the meals ready on time.

Giovanna didn’t need to have her blood drawn this time (which made her super happy), but she got a flu shot and a vaccine too.

We talked about her growth, and there is nothing we can do right now but wait. Giovi will be visiting the endocrinologist again in six months or so.

Other than that my girls are growing beautiful and healthy. And for that I am deeply grateful.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Pre-Thanksgiving feast- Covid-19 days 251-253

Last Saturday our family drove to North Salt Lake to spend the weekend with the Britos.

We prepared a Pre-Thanksgiving dinner, since they will be heading to Bear Lake to spend Thanksgiving there and our family will be spending it at home this year.

We played games til past midnight while the girls entertained each other. Then Tales and I watched two episodes of Stranger Things and we went to sleep past two in the morning.

It was a delightful weekend. I love the Britos very much, and I am thankful for our friendship.

Soon we will be together again for our annual Christmas bingo!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Healing Power of Gratitude- Covid-19 day 250

What a special message of hope our beloved prophet, president Nelson, shared with us today.

I am grateful for a prophet who speaks the will of God, and helps guiding us on these latter days.

“Over my nine and a half decades of life, I have concluded that counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems. No matter our situation, showing gratitude for our privileges is a fast-acting and long lasting spiritual prescription. 

Does gratitude spare us from sorrow, sadness, grief and pain? No, but it does soothe our feelings. It provides is with a greater perspective on the very purpose and joy of life”. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Childhood- Covid-19 day 249

Today Bianca didn’t have school due SEP Conference. We spent the day playing legos, cooking together, dancing in the living room, and watching shows and movie.

I love watching Bianca as she goes on her day playing, dancing, and singing. I love she is growing beautiful and healthy.

I remember some rough and sad parts of my childhood, and I am grateful my girls can grow in a warm, healthy environment.

My mom has always been a caring and loving mother. She was probably the best part of my childhood. And I am also grateful for everything she did and still does for us.

I am glad I got to pick such a wonderful mom even before coming to this earth. And I am glad the girls have picked me as their mama. 

I pray everyday to be able to give my very best to help my babies grow to become wonderful people who do good in the world. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Beautiful Fall weather- Covid-19 day 248

 Today was a beautiful Fall day. The weather was pleasantly windy and crisp. I love this time of the year! It is supposed to be like this all week long, and I couldn't be more excited.

This weekend we will be meeting the Britos for a pre-Thanksgiving feast. With the whole Covid still going on and raising each day, I feel grateful for still being able to meet with a very, very limited number of people.

Also, we have great news to share!! (More on this later).

Other than that, we've been safe at home, my family in Brazil has been safe at home, the girls are doing great at school- parent/teacher conference will be happening this week, Ale's been working from home, and life has been good to us despite of everything that's been going on in the world. And for that, I am really, really grateful.

* * * * * * * * * * *

P.S. A couple of days ago I was feeling a little under the weather when I was surprised with this cute note under my bedroom door. I love my girls and the love they show me every day.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

State of Emergency- Covid-19 day 242

Our beautiful Utah has entered a state of emergency. The cases of coronavirus are greatly increasing, reporting near four thousand new cases and nine deaths only today.

New guidelines were taken place such as statewide masks mandate, no extracurricular activities, weekly testing for college and university students who attend classes on campus, and social gathering limited to household only.

With these new guidelines, Thanksgiving will look a lot different this year. Our traditional feast with the Matute family and our Black Friday shopping afterwards will probably not be happening.

I haven’t told the girls that yet. I am waiting to tell them when I already have plans in mind for our family Thanksgiving. 

I am ready for this year to be over. Perhaps next year will be different?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day 2020- Covid-19 day 241

Happy Veterans Day!

The girls had activities at school today in celebration of brave veterans who have served this beautiful country.

Bianca colored beautiful pictures which she proudly taped on her door. She’s been taping all her drawings and arts across the walls. My home looks beautiful.

Veterans, your service and sacrifice is greatly appreciated. 

Veterans Day 2015 and 2017

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

BaB Outfit Part I- Covid-19 day 240

In progress... 

I still have to sew another dress, a ballerina leotard, a sleeping bag, and two pajamas.

One day my girls will grow and I will miss days like this so much! I just hope they will remember moments like this with love and tenderness.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Build-a-bear - Covid-19 days 237-239

This weekend we took our girls to the Build-a-bear store. It’s been a while since Giovanna asked to go there to check if they still have a Lalaloopsy doll.

It turned out they not only still had it but also was offering “buy one get a second one for $10”, which explained the long line to just get into the store.

After forty minutes deliberating about what to choose and what could not be chosen at all (I mean, $15 for a bear’s outfit??) the girls picked their bears (Giovi didn’t get the Lalaloopsy doll), then we waited about forty more minutes for our turn to stuff them.

The girls were really excited with their fur friends, but I confess we left the store with mixed feelings about our experience.

Ale simply hates that store. He thinks it is a waist of money. We had some tears after I said I wouldn’t be buying any outfit. And at some point I just wanted to head back home.

I promised the girls I would sew some beautiful outfits for their bears Cutie and Sweet. That’s their names, and they even have birth certificates.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Locket- Covid-19 day 236

Giovanna’s special gift from our family for her 10th birthday has arrived.

About three weeks ago we ordered a personalized locket necklace that holds a picture of our family.

This gift should be a constantly reminder that her family loves her and it will always be there for her.

She is loving it.

We love you beautiful Giovanna. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Giovi's 10th birthday- Covid-19 day 234

 Two weeks before Giovanna's birthday party and after I have already invited twenty people for it, governor Gary Herbert announced gatherings should be limited to ten people or fewer due high transmission of the virus.

I canceled our clubhouse reservation and my plans for a fancy party, and decided to throw an intimate get together with a few friends at our apartment.

It turned out we had a great time and Giovanna was happy to be able to celebrate her 10th birthday with people who's been accompanying her since she was born.

It was a beautiful and emotional night for all of us who love her so much.

For this year theme she picked Dia de Los Muertos. I had a lot of fun planning her (possibly last) birthday party and putting up her ancestors photos on the ofrenda.

I can't believe my baby is TEN!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election day- Covid-19 day 233

We kept our TV on all day today as we watched the news about the presidential election.

Around 8:00pm- two hours for the results, I was done and went to bed. Politics are not my favorite.

Plus, I’ve been really tired about anything involving bureaucracy. These last months our lives have been so stressful, and tiring, and full of bureaucracy.

The number of coronavirus cases have been raising, and that is not helping either. Life is just different, and hard in a sense right now.

BUT if I focus on the blessings and beauty around me, I can keep myself positive and faithful that everything will be fine, because a loving Heavenly Father is in control and aware of His children.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Halloween 2020- Covid-19 days 230-232

I am so happy the girls were able to trick-or-trick this year (wearing their masks). With the coronavirus numbers raising every day, we thought trick-or-treating would be cancelled. But fortunately, some families managed to give candies while being careful and practicing social distance.

We trick-or-treated with the Matutes per tradition. Even though we just knocked on a few houses, the girls were able to collect a lot of candies.

Then after trick-or-treating we had a little Halloween party with games, food, and hot cocoa.

It was a fun Halloween.