Friday, January 29, 2021

Me- Covid-19 day 320

Guess who worked like a camel today and is so ready for the weekend?


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Snow- Covid-19 day 319

This week we finally had some snow. The girls are excited and looking forward to go sledding this weekend. Hopefully, it won't melt until then.

I remember in October 2010 when Giovanna was born we had already tons of snow that month. And after that year we started having less and less snowy days. It is so sad, specially because we need the snow for the water.

The girls horseback riding lessons haven't been canceled. Their trainer said unless there is a big storm, they will ride under rain or snow. So today, Bianca rode under a few drops of rain. BUT the arena was muddy and the horse Bibi was riding on didn't seem to be enjoying it.

He complaint a few times and at some point he even startled. Fortunately, Bianca was able to hold herself up and she didn't fall. It was a scary moment, and I am glad I was there. Bianca on the other hand LOVES horses and riding way too much to mind.

Atta girl. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dentist appt- Covid-19 day 318

The girls had dental appointment today. They woke up a little later than usual and dressed in their uniforms. After breakfast we headed to the dentist office.

Everything looks fabulous!

Giovi had a quick dental sealing performed on her molars, then we dropped her off at school. I picked up Bianca’s homework for her to do at home since by the time we got there it was almost time for her to leave.

I am rethinking the girls’s homework routine. What we have been doing so far seem not to be working very well.

I’ve learned homework takes a lot of time, energy, and patience. A LOT of patience. And some planning too.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Life has a funny way- Covid-19 day 316

 As I sit to write I am so happy this day is finally over. Is it too bad that I hate don’t like my girls homework?

In my defense, Giovanna stays in school for seven hours. She gets home exhausted, and in rare rare occasions homework runs smoothly. It’s like she gives it all during the day and there is nothing left for homework.

Plus, I am not a teacher. Idontknowhowtoteach!

Today, checking Giovi’s grades we found out she got a D- on her last math test. Also her reading and writing are not where they’re supposed to be. I feel like her academic life is like a rollercoaster full of ups and downs, and curves and some bumps on the way.

Bianca’s been receiving support from AIS since last September. So right now I am having both of my girls on Academic Intervention Services. The most ironic of it all is that the school has suggested that Bianca should be tested through the Special Education Services- the one I had unsuccessfully tried so many times for Giovanna.

That reminds me of a song from Alanis Morissette:

“Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you think everything’s okay and everything’s going right”

Anytime between now and next week the Special Education Services will contact us about the testing, and we will go from there. Wish us luck!

* * * * * * * 

Covid-19 updates:

Ale and I got tested negative for Covid today. We decided to be tested after finding out Steve got the virus and was already infected during Milena’s birthday party two Saturdays ago. From all of the people who attended the party, we have only heard that Mario Senior has gotten infected so far. We will be praying for his full recovery.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday- Covid-29 day 313

 I love Fridays! The girls have school early out, we don’t have to worry about homework, and we can sleep late because the next day is SATURDAY!!

Today Giovi attended her second horseback riding lesson. I left her there after watching her for the first fifteen minutes per request.

It reminded me when Bianca used to ask me to stay for a few minutes after dropping her off at preschool.

I can’t complain. I love they want me near them, and I will enjoy it while I can. This might change as they grow.

When I came back to pick up Giovi, I found her trotting. It was a pleasant surprise since I thought it would take her a while to get used to it.

She is so proud of herself. And I am proud of her, and so happy to see her becoming a confident young woman I know she can be. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bibi starts horseback riding- Covid-19 day 312

 After a few weeks of waiting, Bianca finally had her first horseback riding lesson. She was so anxious to start! Every day she would ask if it was day for her to go.

Once she got on the horse, she kept her back and arms straight. She is a natural! And it is unbelievable how much she knows about horses and riding from the shows she watches (Thank you Free Rein!).

Bianca is in h-e-a-v-e-n!

I love watching her ride and I am touched by the love she has for horses and all animals- something I think she got from me.

I cannot wait to see her galloping out there. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

BaB Outfit Part II- Covid-19 day 311

 Valentine's Day is around the corner and I can't wait to start planning our first celebration of the year! As per tradition we will have chocolate fountain with strawberries and bananas. I haven't decided yet if we are eating out this year or if I am making a feast.

I also had tons of Build-a-Bear clothing to gift the girls on Valentine's Day. BUT I just couldn't wait that long to give it to them. (Remember I was sewing clothes for their bears?)  

They are obsessed with all the clothes and accessories! Every day they wake up and change their bear clothes. It is the cutest thing and I am so happy they are loving it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Milena is three- Covid-19 day 310

 This weekend we celebrated Milena's third birthday in the best Frozen style. It was really fun!

Even Giovanna who’s not a princesses big fan anymore enjoyed dance, music, and games with Elsa! (Remember when she used to LOVE princesses?)

Bianca on the other hand didn’t want to play, or sing, or dance with Elsa. Oh well...

Monday, January 18, 2021

Dr. King- Covid-19 day 309

 Today the girls didn't have school in observance to Martin Luther King Jr. day.

It was a lazy, good day at home. We watched movies and stayed in our pajamas all day. We also watched Martin Luther King Jr for kids from Homeschool Pop, then we discussed what equality means.

I think it is crucial to take the time to teach our children about what equality really means, and what is right and what is wrong, specially in times where these concepts have been twisted and mislead.

I love Dr. King's words when he says:

"There is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst from freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence".

He gave his life for this. What an example of peace and change.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Leatherby’s- Covid-19 day 306

 Friday night asks for LEATHERBY’S!!! My favorite ice cream place.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Leatherby’s throughout the years:

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Changes- Covid-19 day 305

I am starting off this year putting my house in order. I’ve been cleaning closets and drawers and tossing and giving things away.

I also have been moving furniture around and changing the layout of our home a little.

As I open drawers and boxes I find unfinished scrapbooks and photo albums. So I’ve been working on them too.

After years, today I finally finished Bianca’s baby book. I miss her little so much!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Homework- Covid-19 day 304

Today as I write this post my head hurts. I started with headache after helping Giovanna with her homework.

After sitting down for a few hours to do her homework, as I checked it I noticed she had done almost half of them wrong.

She needed to fix them all and she was already so exhausted. My heart ached for her, so I sat down and helped her. 

It took us one extra hour just to correct the wrong answers. But we did it. 

I am so proud of Giovanna. She is dedicating herself so much! She is truly giving everything, and it hasn’t been easy at.all.

But all her dedication has been paying off. Yesterday, we got her card report and it looks fantastic.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Rough start- Covid-19 day 303

We are having a rough start this week. Bianca’s been taking too much time to get ready for school which is causing her to rush through the door with a messy hair, and always missing something.

Today she forgot her folder, which means she’ll probably bring four pages of homework tomorrow.

I believe Giovanna’s still in Christmas break mode because she’s been watching shows instead of getting her homework and reading done (even though I keep telling her watching is for the weekends).

Some days are just so frustrating. We find ourselves repeating the same things over and over again and no one seems to listen or care.

In the meantime, Bianca’s equipments her auntie sent to her have arrived (thank you titia). She is supposed to start horse back riding this week, but with her current behavior we might be postponing it to next week.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Weekend- Covid-19 days 300-302

 I am guilty of watching Bridgerton in one sitting. I spent my Saturday watching to the eight episodes of the first season. I had to fast forward several scenes, but the story is very engaging. I have to say though I really wish the series was PG-13 rated. It would be perfect.

At night, I took the girls to the library without knowing it would close in about half an hour after we got there. But we were able to check out a few books. 

I've decided I will pick one book each week of each state in the US to read to the girls. By the end of the year they will have learned about the fifty states of the United States of America. We are starting with Alaska.

On Sunday, we did our sacrament meeting and we discussed about the first vision, how prophet Joseph Smith teaches us about faith and prayer through his example, and how we can pray faithfully to Heavenly Father and receive answers from Him.

I still love our home church, and I am sure I will miss it when we are back to our normal church services.

Have a good week you all.

* * * * * * *

This past Saturday marked three hundred days since Covid-19 hit us. Threehundreddays!!! That is crazy! So many people have gotten infected, and good people have died along this tough journey.

-More than half of our ward got infected. We lost hermano Gumercindo Morales.

-Several members of my extended family in Espirito Santo, BR got infected. They all recovered well.

-We lost dear friends in Brazil: the couple Mario & Regina Emerick (Elder Soares mentions about them on the April Conference), and Daniel Carvalho. People who have impacted my life in the best way. They will always be remembered and missed.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Giovi starts horseback riding- Covid-19 day 299

This year our family have new goals. I have a personal goal of trying new things and showing some extra love to family and people around me.

Bianca asked to start horse back riding, and Giovanna liked the idea too. Today, Giovi had her first lesson at he Nayborhood Pony Farm. At first she was shy and scared, but soon she was confident enough to even perform some tricks.

I think these lessons will be so great to build her confidence and to improve coordination. Giovanna doesn't like sports, so I think horse back riding will be a perfect fit for her.

Next week Bianca will start lessons too.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Exhausted/virus updates- Covid-19 day 298

 I am exhausted.

I worked today, which means I spent over four hours on my feet. They hurt.

I am glad tomorrow is Friday, specially because the girls will start horse back riding classes!

They are dyyying of excitement.

Me too.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Turmoil- Covid-19 day 297

It is so sad what’s been happening in this country lately. I haven’t seen a presidential election so troubled. I haven’t seen people so discouraged with politics like they are right now.

As I watched the news of people invading the Capitol in Washington D.C, and police and civilians brutally fighting each other my heart ached of certainty that these are indeed the last days.

I wish the world was a better place for my children. But I am grateful for finding the church and learning about all the beautiful truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

He is our light in the midst of the darkness. He is our hope in the midst of turmoil. And I want my children to have this certainty too.

I know their beliefs and testimonies of Jesus Christ will keep them safe and in the path to return to their heavenly home.

It is our duty as parents to teach them and help them develop their testimonies.

I am so excited to study Doctrine & Covenants with the girls this year! I am sure we will all enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Back to the routine- Covid-19 day 296

I’ve forgotten how hard it is to readjust to the routine after weeks without worrying about schedules.

The girls are doing really good sleeping and waking up on time, and getting their homework done.

Is it too bad I am already dreaming of summer?

The days are cold, but it hasn’t snowed yet; at least not enough to actually go play on the snow. The girls can’t wait to be able to go sledding.

Each year we see less and less snow. It is a bummer, even for me that don’t like snow that much. I am even thinking in buying tennis raquetes to start playing with Giovi when days are not too cold.

This year one of my goals is to experiment new things. I am looking forward to improve myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Baby Ava is 1- Covid-19 days 293-295

Baby Ava is ONE!

 It was so good to be reunited with the Matutes after missing our traditional Thanksgiving and New Years together.

I cannot believe baby Ava is already one. Time flies!

Happy birthday pretty girl! We love you!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year! -Covid-19 day 292

 Happy 2021!

This year we welcomed 2021 with the Brito gang. Since we weren’t going to spend new year’s eve with the Arbons, we got together with the Britos for a small celebration.

Bianca and I wore beautiful white dresses vovó Zete made for us. I love wearing white on new year’s eve. It is a Brazilian tradition.

We played games, ate yummy food, danced, and enjoyed each other’s company.

I am excited for a new year and new goals.

Happy New Year everyone!