Friday, November 30, 2018

Exams and changes

Good news. My blood test results came back normal. Everything looks good- thyroid, kidneys, cholesterol. Just my sugar levels are slightly high. The doctor recommended a diet change and exercise. True, I’ve been eating sweets a lot (which I started after Bianca’s pregnancy), and I’ve been drinking coca-cola (which I never did).

But I am already planning a change on everybody’s diet around here. I feel like all of us are out of track. With that being said, a few days ago I started reading the book Trim Healthy Mama which I found out about over the internet.

The book basically teaches not to combine fat and carbs in the same meal, and add protein in every meal. It is an easy plan to follow and it doesn't require fancy ingredients. That way I am hoping (fingers crossed) to loose some weight and improve my energy while feeding healthier food to my peeps.

Sunday we'll be watching The First Presidency Christmas Devotional. Bianca will play at Mindy's and we will take Giovanna with us. I love she is eight and can tag along. Eight is great!

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 29, 2018


Today I pretty much felt sick, and I cleaned the house (with Bianca’s help), and my back hurts.

I also wrote some Christmas cards. 

That covers all. I can’t wait for the weekend.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Depression and Anxiety

Tonight I participated in a seminar about Understanding Anxiety with Phill Warner, founder of Strong Enough. Before he started he asked if anyone would like to share the reason why they were there. This was a tricky question for me. Although everybody else had an answer right away I had a hard time putting my thoughts together. 

I've been suffering with depression and anxiety for a few years now. The reason why I went there was to try to understand something that I can't even explain. I went there hoping to find some answers for why I feel the way I feel. 

It was a very clarifying class, and I took good notes I'll be always reaching out to. Something interesting he mentioned was the importance of writing down how we feel instead of throwing all our trashy feelings of sarcasm and criticism over other people.

A while ago I wrote about my feelings of depression and anxiety:

"It intrigues me that more than 300 million people of all ages worldwide suffer from depression and yet it is something so underestimated and misunderstood. I've been struggling with anxiety and depression for the past four years. Yep! I bet you didn't know that. That's just one of the things about depression: many times what you see outside doesn't represent what is going on inside.

Throughout these years I've heard things like: "You are not sick", "It's all in your mind", "You can decide to be happy", "You can decide to wake up happy", "You don't need medication, just control yourself", "You have to take these feelings out of your heart", and so much more I can't even remember right now.

If you have ever asked these questions, or even thought in asking these questions to anyone suffering with anxiety and depression, please, STOP. Stop and know that depression is a mental health disorder and it needs to be treated. It is not "all in our minds" or "in our hearts", and it is not about "controlling ourselves".

When I am sick with anxiety and depression my world is a mess- chaotic, overwhelming, confusing, lonely and dark. Really dark. A very sad place to be. I feel like everything is out of place, and I won't ever be able to fix my broken life no matter how hard I try. And, oh boy, I try!

Every day I wake up battling myself, trying to reach the surface while drowning in my own feelings of hopeless. I have to work extra hard to find myself and try to be at least an average mom, average wife, and average friend. And at the end of the day I don't even feel average.

The depression tells me: You are not good, you are useless, and everybody is better and can do better than you. Then I feel lost, inadequate, and pointless. Nothing makes sense in my life, and I constantly ask myself: "What am I still doing here? I am not fit to remain in this world".

Depression is more painful than it looks and words can express. I know it is hard to understand when I can't even fully understand myself. But in the meantime DON'T DISMISS what I am going through. It might be invisible to you, but it is so real to me. Please, validate what I am felling instead of advising: "It will pass", "Focus on the good things", "Count your blessings", and so forth. And most importantly, be there for me when I can't be there for myself. Help me instead of saying "Go find help". With your support and love soon I'll be my self again. I promise".

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Christmas Ornaments

This morning I went to see the doctor because of a pain on my groin I’ve been having for over a month now. I am also having problems on my both knees. They hurt when I go up on the stairs (specially when I am carrying something heavy) and when I bend.

Yesterday I went to U-Jam and I came back home dying! I took ibuprofen and went straight to bed. It turns out I have inflammation in my muscles. The doctor ran a blood test, prescribed me anti inflammatory and a few sessions of physical therapy. I already have my first session scheduled for next Monday.

Between doctor appointment and other things I added three special ornaments to our Christmas tree- a handmade llama and a typical Peruvian hat my mom bought us when she was visiting Peru last summer. They were originally key chains, but they kept falling off from my keys so I just decided they would make perfect Christmas ornaments.

I also turned one of Giovanna’s party favors my sister had made for her baptism into a beautiful ornament. I love putting things on our Christmas tree that have a special meaning to us or tells a little bit about our story- like the temple ornament Ale and I bought when we were sealed.

Of course I didn't forget about our traditional chocolate Santa I put every Christmas on our tree. Is a tradition my mom kept to me and my sister, now I keep to my girls, and I hope they will keep to their own children.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Lighting our Christmas Tree

This year we started Christmas earlier. About two weeks ago we set up and lighted our Christmas Tree. We also had a beautiful Christmas dinner while my mom and my sister were here. The girls loved having nana Zete and auntie Carol for "Christmas". We sure missed Bia, Lucas and titio Ale, but soon we will be all together again (news on that to come).

Here is a short video clip from the girls putting the star on our Christmas tree. This has been always a big deal in our family. Every year daddy helps our children to put the star on top of the tree.

 And here is a video clip of us lighting our Christmas tree. I have no idea why I stopped recording as soon as we lighted it.

Every year around Christmas time I have these mixed feelings. I miss home and I miss my family. I am so grateful for the time I had with my beautiful mama and sister!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Yesterday our family drove to Bluffdale to spend our traditional Thanksgiving with the Matute family.This is our ninth Thanksgiving together. 

After dinner each one of us shared what we were thankful for. Bianca was thankful for Jesus; Giovanna was thankful for the gospel and for a family who loves her; Ale was thankful for his Masters and for his and his parents efforts to tighten their relationship; and I was thankful for the time I had to spend with my mom and my sister, thankful for a loving, hard work husband, and for the gospel that helps me (us) press forward in faith and hope.

The rest of the night we danced and danced a little more.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


Let us consider all the blessings and all the love from our Heavenly Father's hands into our lives.

"Consider the sweet, tender children who must suffer on this earth.
The pains of all of them He carried from the day of His birth.
He clothes the lilies of the field, He feeds the lambs in His fold,
And He will heal those who trust Him and make their heart as gold".
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Fall break

Ale and Giovanna are in Fall break which means our family will spend the next few days cleaning and organizing the house. Since my mom and my sister got here from Brazil I've not worried about toys and clothes around the house, and even though they had cleaned as much as they could before they left, there is still a lot to do.

Besides cleaning the house we also have to do grocery which I've been postponing for after Thanksgiving since we are spending it with the Matutes and I don't need to cook. I am hoping to get everything done by the weekend so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I'll just have to put the girls back to schedule and move on with normal life.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Living Planet Aquarium

Yesterday the girls and I met some friends for a fun evening at the aquarium. Every year The Living Planet Aquarium in Draper offers a $2 admission around the months of October and November. It is a great deal since the regular admission costs $17 bucks.

We had a lot of fun! After the aquarium we stopped at Mc Donald's. The girls went to bed past 10:00 pm. I am planning on putting them back to schedule after Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Back to Brazil

This weekend we drove to Las Vegas to drop off my mom and my sister to the airport to fly back to Brazil. Since their flight was scheduled to Saturday early in the morning we reserved one night at the hotel. We got in Vegas just in time to enjoy all the beautiful lights along the Strip.

The girls walked the whole time and didn't even complain. Bianca who was in Vegas for the very first time was amazed by the lights, the music and the crow. They loved all attractions and everything else about this trip except having to say goodbye to grandma and auntie.

We rented a van and drove all the way to Vegas singing songs from all movies you can imagine- Tarzan, Frozen, Moana, Tangled, and of course The Greatest Show Man, which my girls watch all. the. time.

Saturday around 4:00am my mom, my sister and I woke up to take a shuttle to the airport while Ale and the kids stayed in the hotel sleeping. The girls had said their goodbyes the night before because we knew it would be impossible for them to wake up that early.

It was so sad seeing them leave. I wish they could've stayed longer, but I am so grateful for the time we spent together! It was wonderful having them and we had so much fun all these days. The girls will sure miss sleeping with them and playing with them. We put a mattress in my room and everybody was sleeping there. Every day was a big slumber party. I think I'll wait a few days before taking it down.

After taking my mom and my sister to the airport, and after checking out the hotel our family drove to Las Vegas Nevada Temple where we visited when Giovanna was only four months old. 

On our way back home we stopped in St. George to see the Britos who were there visiting family. We got home around midnight. We took showers, brushed our teeth and didn't wake up until 10:00 in the morning next day.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Vegas here we go again

Today is a sad day. My mom and my sister are flying back to Brazil. We'll be driving to Las Vegas to take them to the airport first thing tomorrow morning. My heart is aching.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Late Easter

Even before buying tickets to come to Utah my sister and I had already decided to celebrate all holidays we (unfortunately) can't celebrate together throughout the year. So today was time to celebrate late Easter. 

We dressed warm and did egg hunt with the kids (and kids at heart),

 we dyed eggs,

then titia Carol helped us make ovos de Pascoa just like we do in Brazil.

At night everybody showered and dressed to our special Easter dinner. My mom cooked her famous bacalhau. It didn't taste the same as the one she makes in Brazil because cod fish here is a lot different, but it was still delicious. Thank you mom! You are the best cook!

We also sang happy birthday to her for her birthday in April we weren't together.