Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Toy Story 4

This morning Ale bought us tickets to watch Toy Story 4. Before we left to the movies I organized a few things around the house to get it ready for Saturday for Bianca’s birthday party. I also asked the girls to clean their rooms.

Giovanna didn’t have to clean a lot since she’s been doing a great job on keeping her room organized, BUT she didn’t do her daily math and reading. That’s actually something I have to be constantly reminding her to do.

Bianca’s room was a HUGE mess, and she hates cleaning it. She cries every single time! And it is always a nightmare because she would throw everything under her bed and behind the chair, and I’d walk into her room, find them, and yell at her to put everything away.

I was very disappointed with the girls and didn’t want to take them to the movies at all, but since Ale had already bought the tickets, I was clear letting them know we were just going because I wanted to watch it and I deserved for getting all my chores done.

So off we went to the movie theater to watch Toy Story 4 with two frustrated parents, and two grumpy kids in the back sit of the car.

The movie was good (a little too long), and it was my cue to teach Bianca she needs to be nicer to her toys and take a better care of them.

After the movies we had dinner at Cafe Rio, then we came back home. Bianca finally cleaned her room with her big sister’s help, and it looks much better now. Ready for Saturday!

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