Friday, July 30, 2021

Claire turns 8- Covid-19 day 510

Happy birthday Claire! We had so much fun celebrating you!

These cute kids celebrated Claire’s eighth birthday at Kangaroo Zoo in Salt Lake. They had a blast! It’s been a really long time since I took the girls to a bounce house.

I can’t believe stomorrow Claire is getting baptized. Where did time go? Remember when she was a little baby

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Last day- Covid-19 day 509

Last day of class and I am already missing being in this program with these guys. Going back to school has been the best decision. It’s been helping on my self esteem, my confidence, and my abilities outside the home.

I am looking forward to take the next step towards my career goals. And I am hoping good things to happen on these next few days that will help me reach my goals.

I know Heavenly Father wants us to succeed in this earth and He will bless me throughout this new path I am taking.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Dentist- Covid-19 day 508

Today the girls had dentist appointment. Everything looks great and they have no cavities. High five!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Happy birthday Ale! - Covid-19 day 507

My beloved husband turns 3.7  today. 

We planned a little surprise for him yesterday with cake, Brazilian salgados, and the Britos who drove from North Salt Lake all the way to Orem on a Monday just to sing happy birthday to him.

Today we had a special breakfast at Kneaders, then we headed to the outlets in Lehi to find a gift for him. During our time there we met Ale’s brother and his family. We talked briefly. 

I wish I could have done more for his birthday, but with school, work, and our trip to Moab, it was a bit difficult to coordinate something big. But we made sure to make our big dad feel loved and happy.

Happy birthday babe! We love you! 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Moab 2021

Our weekend in Moab was so great!

Day 1- Delicate Arch

The hike to the Arches was pleasant. The weather really cooperated, and there was no sun while hiking all the way to the top. Bianca struggled a bit and complained that she was hot, tired, and hot. But overall the girls did a great job. The Arches is majestic!

Day 2- Dead Horse Point

On our second day in Moab, we drove to the Dead horse Point State Park. Everyone I told I was going to Moab said we couldn't miss it. They were right; I think this was my favorite part of the trip. Dead horse is soo pretty, and the views are absolutely breath taken.

We also visited the Mesa Arch in Canyonlands. It is an incredible view just a few steps away. We literally walked for ten minutes and we were there. Mesa Arch is a most see. 

Day 3- Mill Creek Trail

On our last day in Moab we wanted to take the kids to swim. They'd wanted to go swimming since day 1, but our hotel pool was permanently shut down and I didn't know about it until we got there. 

But Tales did some research and found a hidden jam. At the end of Mill Creek trail there is a natural swimming hole and waterfall. We had to climb some rocks, cross rivers, and walk a bit, but it was all worth it.

We were extremely lucky, because when we got there, we were the only ones and we had the hole just for ourselves. The water was a perfect temperature for a hot, hot day.

Moab treated us well. Till next time.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Road trip- Covid-19 day 504

Moab here we go!!!!

See you all next week. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Almost done- Covid-19 day 503

Next week will be our last one at Mtech before taking the much anticipated UNAR State Certification Exam. But today was about good laugh, good food, and some skills pass off. Each one in our class brought yummies to share, and for me it felt bittersweet already.

Going back to school after so many years being a stay-at-home mom was definitely smoother because of those guys. I will miss them. They are awesome and so uplifting. We help each other and we cheer for each other's success. And something like that is hard to find.

Ellie is the funniest one. Her heart is gold, and I liked her since day one. She recorded a video for the girls, and they loved it! They felt so special. I did talk a lot about them with my class. Ha!

UNAR state exam has been scheduled for first week of August. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Underwater- Covid-19 day 501

 I got an underwater camera for my birthday this year, and I absolutely love it. I’ve been wanting one for a while now, and I knew I would have fun taking pictures, but I never thought I would have THAT much fun! (Thank you Mindy).

Yesterday, the Villatoro family came to swim with us, and I took awesome shots of them underwater. Every summer they come at least once to swim with us. It became a little tradition (2018, 2019, 2020).

**P.S. I have to update the date on the camera. January is definitely not a good time to go to the pool. At least not an outdoor one.

I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Five Hundred- Covid-19 day 500

 Five hundred days that we've been living with this coronavirus that has taken so many precious lives and still keeps sicken people around the world.

It's crazy to think that almost one year and a half ago our lives changed so drastically. As much as we want life to go back to normal, it is hard to start normal daily life activities knowing that variants of this virus are up and running out there.

I, personally, still don't feel comfortable around people, and I don't like when they talk close to me. I also still wear my mask to go to the grocery stores, and I ALWAYS hand hygiene. I avoid taking the girls to crowed places, and I just take them to run errands with me when I absolutely need (which barely happens since Ale works from home).

People from Brazil are still prohibited to enter the U.S.. The girls are super sad because they miss grandma so much and were expecting her this year for a visit. It's been hard. Her suitcases were (still are) ready. 

She even ended up mailing some clothes she made for the girls and was planning to bring with her, before they get too small. After all, who knows when the country will reopen to Brazilian travelers again.

Let's keep praying and pleading with God so this virus can go away for good.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Clinical Part II- Covid-19 day 487

Today and tomorrow will be my second and last days of clinical. We will be helping the residents at Stonehenge skilled nursing home.

The experience so far has been so different from Spring Gardens. I really had to “roll up the sleeves” and get to work. I helped giving showers, bed baths, changing briefs, and  transferring residents from bed to wheelchair to back to bed to walker.

It was a LONG shift and I stayed on my feet for over eight hours, walking back and forth on their long hall. I’ve taken Ibuprofen as my feet and lower legs h.u.r.t. But it was such a rewarding experience.

We cared for acute residents, some of them contaminated with C-diff infection. We wore our PPE when entering their rooms, and I was able to use the skills I learned in class, like properly and safely putting on and taking off the PPE.

Tomorrow I will probably be caring for long-term care residents. Hopefully my feet will wake up feeling less sore. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Thanksgiving Point- Covid-19 day 486

Today we woke up and already put our swimsuits on, and waited for the Villatoro family to come to swim with us. It’s been a while since they came for a splash, and our girls love playing with their girls.

They swam for a couple of hours, than we headed to Lehi to meet Mindy and her girls at Thanksgiving Point. We visited the Butterfly Biosphere and the Museum of Curiosity. 

We had fries and ice cream and we stayed til they closed at eight. Each girl got a little something from the gift shop, then we headed back home. It was so much fun!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

BWW- Covid-19 day 485

Did I hear Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner?

 Best service in a long time. Make sure to ask for Chrystal next time you hit BWW in Lehi.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Twins with twins

At night my dad and Bianca went to dinner while my mom and I stayed  home. Giovanna and her mom played games and watched ‘Ainbo’. The games we played were bingo and headbands. I had fun last night. 

Bianca and my dad ate burgers and then got ice cream.  I wish I got ice cream. And then mom and Giovanna ate stroganoff. It is Brazilian, and every day I ask my mom to make it. 

And when they got back we finished the movie. My mom thought it was creepy. Then after the movie we brushed our teeth and we went to bed. It was 11.00pm. I was tired.

I woke up tired the next day. But I thought I wouldn't be tired but I still had fun. I went to the pool and we watched movies. And we got to sleep with our mom. It was a blast. My parents are the best. Me and my sister are lucky to have them.

By Giovanna 

* * * * * * * *

And your dad and I are lucky to have you and your sister, baby girl! I love you!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Clinical Part I- Covid-19 day 481

 Today I woke up in the morning excited to go to my very first Clinical at Spring Gardens Senior Living. I was the first one to get there and I was greeted by a Mtech coordinator. 

The facility is very well maintained and the residents are really happy. Our group of students were divided into two groups to work in the two sides of the facility. My group stayed with residents who suffer from memory loss and dementia.

They are wonderful. I was so happy to be able to interact with them. Unfortunately, our time with them didn't last long. We got a notice to leave the building since they found out the facility's housekeeper was tested positive to Covid-19. 

After over a year, we are still fighting this virus. I can't believe it.

Next weekend we are scheduled to help in a skilled nursing home. They also had an outbreak of the virus a few weeks ago. We are still waiting on the okay to visit with them.