Monday, December 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018

I can’t believe today is the last day of 2018! This year was one of the hardest we have had so far- Ale started school and working part time; he was constantly busy and I was constantly tired for having to care for the kids and the house, and work two part time jobs.

But we also had wonderful blessings- Ale started school (bittersweet), Giovanna was baptized, my mom, and my sister who I hadn’t seen for seven years came to visit us, we finally- after ten years got medical insurance for Ale and I, and so many other little miracles that happened throughout this year.

Now I am excited and anxious about 2019. Ale graduates in the summer and we don’t know what’s going to happen. I am praying for good news and good fruits from our hard work.

We’ve cleaned the house and moved our furniture back to their places, which means the girls will not longer sleep on the mattress in our room. The Christmas decorations also went back to the closet. We are ready to ring in the new year. May Heavenly Father bless us with a great one.

Best of 2018

January: Giovi loses her first tooth

February: Bianca poops on the potty

March: Jordan River Temple Open House

April: Spring break

May: Giovi gives a talk, Provo City Temple, and St. George road trip

June: Camping

July: Dinosaur Park

August: Bianca turns three and First Day of School

September: Labor Day

October: Women's session of General Conference

November: Giovanna gets baptized

December: First Presidency Christmas Devotional and Luminaria

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Family Videos

Giovanna turns ONE

Bianca turns ONE 

Lucas turns TWO

Bia turns THREE

Vovó Zete turns 60 

 Titia turns 40
Bia gets baptized — 2013

 Lucas gets baptized — 2017

 Giovanna gets baptized — 2018

Giovanna Dual Immersion Dance — 1st grade

Dual Immersion Dance — 2nd grade 

Dual Immersion Dance — 3rd grade

Friday, December 28, 2018

Kids Spa

Tonight my girls took care of me and combed my hair, spread body lotion on my legs and arms, and massaged my feet. Everyday now Giovanna's been setting the table for breakfast, so when I wake up she leads me to the kitchen where I find three places carefully set and cute cards for me and Bianca. Giovi is a loving girl and she is such a good example for her little sister.

Have a relaxing weekend!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christmas 2018

Welcome to Bellini's traditional Christmas!

We have dinner,


Christmas movie and games,

Gingerbread house (gingerbread train this year),

Cookies and milk for Santa,

Gifts opening,

Panettone and hot cocoa for breakfast,

  I am grateful for this beautiful season where we celebrate our Savior Jesus Christ and for the blessing I have to spend it with my family. My heart is full!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A little Christmas Party

Since Giovanna would be home for winter break and she wouldn't be able to see her classmates for a while, I thought it would be fun to get them together for a Christmas afternoon. I texted their moms and after getting their approval I hosted a Christmas movie and pancakes party for them at our place.

I threw some blankets and pillows in the living room, and I even improvised a little tent for them. Then I baked sugar cookies for the girls to decorate.

It was so much fun! We had about ten girls in our (small) apartment. They watched 48 Christmas wishes, then had hot cocoa with marshmallows, whipped cream and candy cane, and pancakes with strawberries. All the girls had a blast! They are really good kids and I am glad Giovanna is friends with them.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Because He came

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Dinner Prep

Tonight our family celebrates Christmas with a beautiful feast, songs, games, movies and a message about our Savior Jesus Christ.

As Brazilians, Christmas Eve is a big deal for us. We dress on our Christmas pajamas, and get everything ready while listening to some Christmas jams. After dinner, games, movies and message, the girls leave cookies and milk for Santa, and we wake up on Christmas day to find presents under the tree and in our stockings. It is so much fun!

The girls helped me seasoning the turkey and grabbing our Christmas tableware the night before. Today Ale and I will be cooking together some delicious Brazilian food for our Christmas dinner. I am so excited! I love Christmas Eve! I love Christmas time!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Fiesta Navidena

Tonight nuestro barrio planned a beautiful Christmas dinner. The amazing women from Relief Society shared delicious rice, salad and dessert to go along with the yummy meat that was provided.
After dinner some members of our barrio performed Christmas songs, dances, and the children from our Primary presented a live nativity. Giovanna was part of the chorus of angels and Bianca was one of the shepherds. They looked!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sub for Santa

A few weeks ago good friends from our ward mentioned they were volunteering for Sub for Santa this year, and suggested we apply for it as we would probably qualify. Sub for Santa is a local Christmas charity that provides gifts for children, elderly, and disabled in the Utah County area.

At first we thought we shouldn’t apply for it because there might be other families in more needs than us. Then after deliberating Ale and I decided we should apply and ask for things the girls really need and it’s been hard for us to buy because they are expensive- we asked for shoes, snow gloves and winter coats.

Our Sub for Santa brought what we needed and more. They were very generous, which caused Ale to get very emotional. I’ll never forget this scene: Ale kneeling in front of the gifts, sobbing. I guess he’s  been just holding it for so long- all the stress, tiredness and concerns. Poor thing! I love him and I am grateful for all he does for our family.

"All of us at one time or another have or will feel lonely, sick, depressed, poor, or far from home. Thankfully, we have an Eternal Father and a Savior who understands us. As we go to Them, They will take us by the hand and help us through every challenge. At one time or another we will all know someone else who is lonely, sick, depressed, poor, or far from home. Our Father and the Savior may direct us to help others, and it will be our privilege to do so". - Elder Ducan

If you’d like to find out more about Sub for Santa click here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas lights and more

We kicked off this holiday season with a pre Christmas party over the Britos. We had a sleep over filled with yummy food from Village Baker, candy secret Santa, gift exchange,
games and more!

We also went to Temple Square to see the lights. The Conference Center was hosting an event that night so the traffic was horrible and the Temple Square was really crowded. But the lights were beautiful as always.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Presentation 2018

Every year the Spanish immersion plans a Christmas performance for the parents. It is really cute! They sing Christmas songs both in English and Spanish . It is so much fun watching Giovanna perform throughout the years.

Christmas Presentation 2017, 2016 and 2015.