Friday, August 30, 2019

Presents from Brazil

My mom sent some wonderful gifts for the girls all the way from Brazil. A while ago I told my mom Giovanna had outgrown all her church dresses. So without thinking twice she sewed two beautiful dresses for her.

And because she is a loving nana of two (from my side) she also made the most beautiful naninha for Bianca out of her own blanket she sleeps with- now Bianca can have vovó close to her every night.

Thank you vovó! We loved the surprise!

Also, tonight Giovanna is finally watching Aladdin. Remember what happened last time?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Young Women

Around here we are still enjoying our days in the pool before it’s closed for the season. After school, naps, and reading, the girls put their swimsuits on and run to the pool.

Tonight my Damitas from Young Women came over to swim as a mutual activity. We had a great time eating pizza and playing games- finding rings in the nine feet deep side of the pool, hand stands, races, and chicken fights, and more.

Giovanna and Bianca were there too since Ale had dinner with friends and couldn’t watch them for me. But the girls loved playing with the young women and the attention they received from them. I dropped off the girls a little later than expected, and some parents were already waiting for the girls on the porch. Ups!

My girls went to bed around 9:30pm. Good thing Bianca doesn’t have school tomorrow.

Annnnd tomorrow is Friday! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


This morning we left the girls at school, and after an awesome breakfast at Kneaders Ale and I headed to Timpanogos Temple to perform sealing ordinance for his ancestors. It was so beautiful to re-listen to all covenants that are made between husband and wife and Heavenly Father. I felt the Spirit really strong the whole time, and I had a sincere desire to work harder on my Family History.

I kept thinking about Ale’s ancestors happiness while we were helping them get married in the temple and be sealed to their sons and daughters as an eternal family. I also thought about how happy my ancestors would be if I do the same for them. 

Although, I am not nearly as good as Ale in doing genealogy, I do have a testimony that our loved deceased ones are anxiously waiting for us to help them by regularly attending the temple and performing ordinances for them.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dentist appointment

Today the girls had dentist appointment.

Bianca did great. She had her teeth cleaned and checked by the dentist while she watched Frozen and held unto her new doll- Audrey from Descendants 3. No cavities. No concerns.

Giovanna didn’t have cavities either, but she cried the whole appointment. First,  because her gums are swelled and it hurts to brush. Second, because the x-ray was making her gag and she felt like trowing up. Third, because since she can’t brush her teeth very well (because of her gums), her bottom teeth got a yuck yellow stain which it had to be removed.

Finally, because her mouth is so small there is no space for permanent teeth to grow. The dentist suggested us to talk to an orthodontist about it. I’ll be scheduling an appointment for her soon. Poor thing! I remember I had the same problem growing up and as a result I had to wear braces for over eight years. Let’s hope it won’t be her case. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

First day of school- Bianca

Bianca starts Preschool again this year (remember last year she only went for a few months?). She’s been asking to go to school since her sister’s class has started last week. Bianca loves school. She LOVES going to school, and complains every Friday when she has a day off. It’s funny and cute!

Last week her teacher came to visit her. She brought a brand new back pack for her along with pencils and crayons and notebooks. It was awesome! I love it because that way Bianca goes on her first day of school already knowing who her teacher (and assistant) are.

Her teacher, Ms Kaylee is really nice, and I hope- fingers crossed- she gets to stay for the entire year. Last year was crazy with teachers, aids, etc, coming and going. Bianca’s class had three different teachers last year. Luckily, she was able to adapt fast.

Before driving her to school Ale placed his hands on her head and gave her a Priesthood blessing that will help her be safe and succeed in this school year. We are very excited with what this school year will bring- lots of cute projects to hang on our art wall, fun field trips to go to, and lots of learning and growing!

Friday, August 23, 2019

A weekend with the Brito girls

The Brito girls will be spending the weekend with us while their parents are out of town. Bianca and Giovi are really excited to have a sleep over with their best friends.

Our plans for the weekend include: 

-eating out
-bubble baths
-movie and popcorn

Then on Sunday afternoon their grandpa will come to pick them up.

It will be a fun (and busy) weekend! 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Bianca is four

Last Saturday we celebrated our beautiful Bianca with a mermaid party for her fourth birthday. We invited dear friends to go to Lindon Aquatics Center for a few hours to swim, then we all headed home for yummy food and cake. It was such a fun time!

That was our first time at the Lindon Aquatics Center, and we really like it. The kids had a blast!

I decorated the house with everything mermaid and under the sea related. Ale helped me with the backdrop (it took us one entire day), and I worked on the cake table with mostly what I had left from Giovanna's baptism party. Everything turned out really cute.

After food and cake, we had pinata and opened presents.

In a couple of months Giovanna will turn nine and she wants a Lhama party. I am really excited about this one. Besides her first, second and eight birthdays, this will be the first time I won't be planning a Disney princess party for her.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cake smash

None of my girls had a cake smash on their first birthdays. But every year on my birthday or Ale's birthday the girls ask if they can bite our cakes before cutting the first piece. I don't really know why they ask to do that, but we always let them.

Since we would have guests for Bianca's fourth birthday party, instead of letting her bite the cake other people would be also eating, I decided to save the top of the cake for her to bite, or smash, or do whatever she wanted.

She loved the idea and had a blast smashing and eating the cake with her sticky hands. Even Giovanna who doesn't like getting her hands dirty wanted to join the mess.

I have a strong feeling that this will become a tradition for them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

First day of school- Giovi

School starts today for our beautiful Giovanna. We set her alarm before bedtime for half an hour earlier so we could have time to get her hair done, take pictures, and time for daddy give her a blessing of the priesthood.

Every year on the first day of school Ale give the girls a blessing that will help them succeed throughout that school year. A blessing of knowledge to understand difficult concepts and learn new things, a blessing to always be able to listen to the whispers of the Spirit, and be safe.

Next week Ale will place his hands upon Bianca’s head,  give her a blessing, and send her to school.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Last day of summer break

I can’t believe how fast summer break went by!

Today we invited the Matutes, Medinas e Villatoros to come over and swim our last splash before school starts tomorrow. We met at five and swam just for a few hours since all the girls would be waking up early in the morning on the next day. 

This year Giovanna will be attending third grade and Bianca preschool (again). Giovi’s back school night was a few days ago and she already knows her new teachers, classroom, and her classmates. She is not very excited about her classmates though since her best friends are in a different class (just like last year).

Bianca’s teacher will be visiting her next Thursday, then school starts on the twenty-six for her. She is so excited to go back to school!

Summer was good to us! We had lots of trips to the pool and other fun things.

Best moments of summer 2019:

Giovanna's golf camp

Visiting Butterfly Biosphere for the first time

Orem Summerfest


Fourth of July

Pool, pool and more pool

Thursday, August 15, 2019

MBA Barbecue

UVU is not longer part of our lives. Today our family attended Ale’s MBA barbecue to celebrate the graduates of 2019. The barbecue took place at the Vineyard Grove Park. The girls love its splash pad and had a blast. I met some of Ale’s classmates and we had a nice evening eating delicious food and watching the girls have fun with their little friends.

(I can’t believe MBA is finally over!)

Once we got back home we finished the backdrop we were working on all morning long for Bianca’s birthday party on Saturday. Everything is coming together beautifully. I am so excited!!!