Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Alladin and more

Today we finally went to the movies to watch Aladdin. We were supposed to watch it last week, but we've been postponing it since Giovanna has been misbehaving and grounded. Unfortunately, her attitude hasn't improved so we decided to go only with Bianca while she was in summer reading class (more details on that later).

The movie was really good (Will Smith was out of this world as genie), but I confess I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have if only Giovanna was with us.

After picking Giovi up from school I came to realize Bianca wasn't that deserving of going to the movies either. After lunch I got in the room to find her ripping her coloring book apart, all the pages into a big pile on the ground, with apparent no reason for that.

I've been felling a little discouraged with my mothering. Giovanna is not doing well in school, and when I try to help her she gets so frustrated I don't know what to do. She gets demotivated when things get hard and she simply gives up- like when she passed to level two in ice skating, or when she started playing harder songs on the piano. It is sad because she has so much potential and I can't make her see that.

I constantly ask myself if I should keep "pushing her" or if I should just let her be a kid. I's been hard finding the best approach. And worse, I feel like a I am NOT doing a good job at.all. I am even considering talking to her pediatrician.

I pray for Heavenly Father to help me be a good mother for my children. I pray for not failing Him or my girls who I love so deeply. I hope He can inspire me and guide me to do what is best for them. Always. Amen.

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