Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy birthday Mario Senior!

Last weekend we celebrated Tales's birthday and also Mario Senior’s 60th birthday. We were so glad we were able to go to his surprise party, even for a little, to give him a hug and celebrate this special occasion.

It was a wonderful night with delicious food, beautiful friends, and music. They even hired Mariatis to play and sing to Mario. They were amazing!

Happy birthday Mario! Thank you for letting us be part of your special day! You guys are family.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Today I shared a fifteen minute lesson at Bianca’s preschool. For these last few weeks they’ve been learning about fabrics. I thought it would be fun to bring different types of fabric that are used to make costumes in Brazil.

I brought dresses and skirts vovó Zete has sewed for the girls. We talked about prints, sizes, shapes, then I explained to them how these clothings are worn in different celebrations in different parts of Brazil.

After the lesson I let the girls wear the skirts and we danced quadrilha and carimbó.

Despite of other people might think or say, for me being part of my children’s academic life is really important and a top priority. I always volunteer at their schools when I have a chance, and I enjoy doing it. And I know they like me to do it too.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Today we met with Giovanna’s new therapist. This first session she wanted to meet with Ale and I only to freely talk about Giovanna. So we left the girls at Rebecca’s house to play with Alice and Thomas.

The session lasted forty-five minutes and we explained to the therapist Giovi’s sweet and calm personality, things she is good at, things she struggles with, and what our hopes are for her with this treatment.

Right now I need Giovanna to eat, gain weight, improve her self steam, and learn in school.

Besides therapy, I was also finally able to convince Giovanna’s teachers she needs to be tested. Ms Sagendorf, Giovi’s English teacher, understood the severity of the situation and rapidly filled out the form and sent to the principal to be approved and signed.

I believe next week I’ll hear from them.

We are doing absolutely everything we can to help Giovi grow healthy and confident. She is wonderful, a light in everybody’s life, and she deserves to be infinitely happy. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy birthday Tales!

This past weekend we headed to North Salt Lake to celebrate Tales's birthday. 

On Saturday we watched the Brito girls so Tales and Mindy could go out together. Then at night we played board games until past two in the morning.

On Sunday, we all went to church in the morning, then we cooked Brazilian barbecue for lunch. Later on we sang happy birthday to Tales, and we played games again for hours.

It was a super fun weekend! 

Happy birthday Tales! We love you. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Giovi’s doctor appointment

Today Giovanna had doctor appointment with Dr. Wolf, the same one who helped me treat my anxiety. I scheduled this appointment for her because I needed a second opinion about Giovanna’s thyroid, her weight, and her difficulties at school.

Unfortunately, she said there is nothing it can be done about Giovi’s thyroid but watch. To help her gain weight Dr. Wolf suggested Pediasure between meals. And for her trouble learning she highly encouraged some therapy sessions. She is concerned Giovanna’s academic difficulties may be related to anxiety. 

I confess I am sad, concerned, and tired. Somedays I feel I am running a lot and accomplishing little. In fact, I think I could also use some therapy sessions.

The therapist office will be calling us this week to schedule Giovanna’s first session.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Piano lessons

I am happy to share I have started piano classes again. First time I took piano lessons I was in college, and at some point I didn’t have enough money (or time) for both, so I stopped piano. This year I’ve decided it was time to pick up from where I left off. 

I always say it’s never late to learn something new, BUT I confess I am felling like a fish out of water. Every time I go to class I see only little children going in and out. It’s funny. But I am enjoying it. 

My gang has been big supporters (Giovi loves listening to me play). And as much as I don’t plan to join an orchestra, I’ll be happy to be able to play a few classics to my family. And I can’t wait to that happen!

As soon as I am fine on my own, I will enroll Giovanna again.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Math anxiety

A few weeks ago I got an email from Senhora Maureira, Giovanna’s Spanish teacher, telling me about Giovi’s performance in Math- in Spanish immersion students learn math in Spanish (I hate that). On the email Sra Maureira asks me to help Giovanna study math at home, which I am.

BUT just like other times when studying with her, I feel something is off.

Giovanna has some sort of math anxiety. She can’t understand it, not even simple math concepts (she is still stuck in tens, hundred and units), and that’s been happening since kindergarten. But every time I talk to her teachers, they say she is slightly behind and she just needs support at home.

I feel it’s not just that. And I’ve been feeling this way for a long time now. I even talked to her pediatrician about it, but she didn’t seem worried.

It turns out I am not happy and I need some answers. So I have an appointment for her with a different doctor scheduled for next week. And I am really hoping we can figure out what is going on with her. That way we can adjust if needed and better help her succeed academically. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Valentine’s Day 2020- Part II

Although Giovanna was sick throughout the weekend with stomachache, we managed to have our traditional chocolate fountain.

This is the best part of Valentine’s Day- being with my valentines around the table talking, laughing, and eating delicious chocolate. 

After stuffing our faces with chocolate, the girls were spoiled to the core with Valentine’s gifts. They each got JoJo’s shoes and a huge play dough set with more than forty five pieces.

I hope you had a wonderful lover’s day too! 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine’s Day 2020- Part I

This morning Giovanna left to school with her backpack full of Valentines we made for her classmates, beautiful wooden roses for her teachers, and a cute Valentine’s holder we made together. She had a fun day ahead of her with Valentines exchange and a party.

Valentine’s Day is one of her favorite holidays. And I am so happy to be able to make it special for our family every year. Our tradition includes decorating the house, special dinner, and our delicious and much anticipated chocolate fountain.

Today after daddy came back from work he surprised us with flowers, cards, and chocolates. He also told us to get dressed to go out for dinner. He didn’t tell us where we were going until he parked the car at Olive Garden!

It was a wonderful surprise! The girls (and I) love Olive Garden, and daddy knows that. We were so excited! We had a wonderful night, and I came back home with my heart full.

Since Giovanna had eaten way too much chocolate today (and feeling a little sick because of that), we decided to have our chocolate fountain tomorrow. I can’t wait! 

Dear Ale:

You are my forever Valentine and I love you more than you can even imagine. I am so grateful for having you as my eternal companion and I am so proud of our journey together. 

I love us and everything we have built together.

Forever yours,


Thursday, February 13, 2020

School Valentines Prep

Since Bianca has Fridays off, today was her Valentine’s party at school, and differently from previous years her class passed out Valentines.

Bianca’s preschool is a sugar-free school, so the kids are not allowed to pass out candies. Because of that I bought cute Minions cards and pencils to go along with it.

For her teachers and some school staff I bought gigantic chocolate apples and wooden rose petals. The roses are beautiful and they really look like real ones.

Then as soon as Giovi got back from school she helped me finish her Valentines for tomorrow. This year she’ll be passing out delicious mint Oreos.

We also made a Panda Valentines holder for her. It was easy, fast and cute!

Previous Valentines holders here and here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Heart attack

A few weeks ago I was released from my calling with Young Women, and I was called to be Primary Activities leader.

The Primary Activities is part of the new Children and Youth program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and requires monthly meetings/activities for girls from eight to twelve years old.

Since Valentine’s Day is so close, for today’s activity we drove the girls over two friends who haven’t coming to Activities lately to heart attack them.

The girls sneaked into the front door and quietly taped all the hearts filled with beautiful messages they had written earlier on. Then they would knock on the door and run away.

It was so much fun, and so rewarding! As soon as the girls found all the hearts taped on their doors, I started getting messages from their moms.

When I showed the messages to the girls they shouted of happiness. Our activity was a success!

I love their little hearts and the desire they have to minister to their friends. They are already an example to me, and I look forward to our next activities together. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Bianca’s been grounded for the past five days for not listening to the teachers, and for not being nice to her friends or her sister.

I don’t know about you, but around here sometimes talking, explaining, asking, and patiently waiting for changes don’t work. And that’s when major action needs to be taken.

Today, after hearing Bianca’s teacher complain about her behavior in class (AGAIN), and after her bad attitude with me, I told her that as soon as we’d get home she would get spanks. And she did. 

I don’t like spanking my kids, I mean, what mom does, right? But, unfortunately, sometimes that is the only thing that seems to work.

Bianca was really sad (and so was I), and she sincerely apologized for not being good, and for “giving me a hard time” (her own words). I forgave her, and we talked about how she needs to be a good girl and respect her family, her teachers, and her friends. 

After this episode she started listening better, and playing nicely with her big sister for the rest of the day.

Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll hear good things about her at school. Fingers crossed!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Nina is back

While in Florida Bianca lost her nina. Nina- a cute white lamb- has been part of Bianca’s life since she was born. She came attached to her favorite binky.

When Bianca was two years old I cut the lamb off and I threw the binky away. Bianca kept sleeping with her lamb and named her after her sister’s naninha.

When daddy heard she had lost her nina he didn’t think twice and bought another one. When it arrived at home I cut the binky off once again, then we surprised Bibi saying nina had flew all the way back from Florida.

She was so excited to see her nina again! 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Bye bye Florida

When the day to come back home arrived I was ready to return to Ale and my home, but I wasn’t ready to leave my family. Saying goodbye is always the hardest thing for me.

 Earlier that day my mom, my sister and I stopped by at a couple of stores and at Costco to by vitamins for them to take to Brazil. Then when we got back home it was already time to go to the airport.

It was pouring rain when we left!!! Florida was sad we were living. 

Fortunately, we arrived safe and sound at the airport, and with lots of hours before our flight (thanks Ale!).

My family stayed with me, helped me to return the car, check the bags, and just make me company until it was time for us to go. We ate at Panda and took some last pictures. I even bought a Red Sox t-shirt at Fans for $9 bucks. (MOC airport is awesome).

Bye bye family I love with all my heart. See you in 2022 for our Christmas in the mountains.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tutta Nostra Famiglia at Islands of Adventure

This was the last park we visited. My mom stayed with Giovi and Bibi at home, while Ale, Bia, Lucas, my sister and I headed one more time to Universal. 

I decided to go without the girls because I thought the Islands of Adventure was meant to bigger kids and adults. It turns out it is perfect for little ones, even more than Universal Studios actually.

So I couldn’t help but think the entire time how fun it would have been to have them with us, specially at the Seuss Landing! That place is so cute!

Since I don’t ride roller coasters, I let the gang do their thing and I went to explore other parts of the park by myself (Spider Man and Hong King 3D are awesome). I was able to go in three different attractions while they were in line for The Incredible Hulk Coaster.

P.S. The Jurassic Park River Adventure was closed. Closed! (Mad face).

Then we met again to have lunch. We tried the famous Bubba Gump. It was delicious!

After lunch Bia and I finally rode the much anticipated Hogwarts Express. Now, here are my personal thoughts about it: not exciting. Although, the express gives you an authentic experience (everything looks the same as on the movies), it is nothing more than... well... a ride (with some scenery images on the windows).

I don’t know... I just think they could do a little better- perhaps the characters can show up for pictures in the cabins? Or the dementors can try to invade the cabin to soak up our souls? Something like that...

Like I have mentioned before, I am a big HP fan, so this experience was awesome anyways, specially having my Bia with me.

I came back home with my heart full, deeply grateful for this beautiful day I got to spend with people I love, and all the fun we had.

I also came back home to find three happy girls with lots of news to tell, a delicious dinner, and a much needed hot cocoa (it was really cold that day).