Monday, April 6, 2020

190th General Conference- quarantine days 20-22

This weekend our family sat down to participate in the 190th General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and commemorate two hundred years of Joseph Smith’s first vision.

The girls got their traditional Conference packets, and I took notes of my favorite talks. I keep a General Conference journal since 2011.

Favorite quotes by sessions:

-Saturday morning

Joy D. Jones
"The Lord loves effort, because effort brings rewards that cannot come without it" (Pres. Nelson)

-Saturday afternoon

Gary E. Stevensen
"Build a good foundation in your lives and the life of your family for times to come"

-Sunday morning

Jeffrey R. Holland
"The righteous desires of our heart will someday, somehow be ours. If we lose our hope we lose our last possession. We didn't come this far just to come this far".

Special announcements:

-New church logo:

-Eight new temples announced, including one in United Arab Emirates, Dubai and one in Shangai, China.

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