Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Easter Prep- Covid-19 day 381

 Easter and General Conference are around the corner, and I am finishing a few things to gather with the Britos this weekend for our annual Easter celebration.

We will have delicious food, games, and Easter egg hunt for the girls. We are also saving our eggs to dye with them too.

I love celebrating Easter with one of my favorite people. This is our seventh year together. First time BB (Britos & Bellinis) Easter happened, Giovanna was only four.

This year I am making Ovos de Páscoa for the girls. I made two different flavors- Nutella and strawberry. Then I shut the eggs with a little surprise inside.

I am so excited. I hope they love it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Pool- Covid-19 day 380

We are so lucky to be able to go for a swim on a Tuesday!

Next week, Spring break will include lots of swimming too.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Weekend & General Conf. -Covid-19 days 377-379

 This weekend we decided to finally take the girls to the new Orem Recreational Center to swim. Ale got us a corporate membership a couple of weeks ago, but we were a bit apprehensive to go.

On Saturday I packed some snacks and swim towels and we headed to the pool. There were more people than I would like, but what to expect on a Saturday, right?

Fortunately, we were able to distance ourselves from other people, and anytime we were not in the pool we had our masks on. After all, the pandemic is still a reality.

The girls had a really great time swimming. Next time I’ll take them during the week- maybe Monday or Friday. With membership we can go anytime we want. 

After the pool we drove to Lehi to have a barbecue with the Matutes. It was awesome! We had yummy food, great company, and movie.

On Sunday we watched to our beloved prophet's message. (Easter AND General Conference is next week!!!). I love this gospel!

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Covid-19 updates:

-We are still feeling good and excited to get our second dose.
- The Siqueiras are grieving the loss of Rebecca's father this past Friday. He died after health complications due Covid-19. We are sad and praying for them.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Cowgirl- Covid-19 day 375

Bianca’s progress at horse back riding is amazing. She really loves horses and riding, and she is so good at it!

When we started with the lessons I knew her trainer was looking for a new place to move to. It turns out she has found it, and it is in Payson!

Payson is about half an hour from our home, and now I don’t know what to do. I am feeling inclined to drive to Payson once a week, just because I love Shauna’s methodology and respect for the horses.

OR I might try to find another good instructor a little closer from home. We’ll see. The only thing I am sure of is that this beautiful cowgirl of mine will keep riding horses.

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Covid-19 vaccine updates:

Ale and I are feeling great. It’s been over twenty-four hours since we got it and there’s no sign of fever, body ache, headache or tiredness. Our arms were a bit sore yesterday, but today we can barely feel anything. Apparently, we were one of the lucky ones who didn’t experience any side effects. Thank you goodness!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Vaccine- Covid-19 day 374

 Today marks the day we got our first dose of the vaccine against the Covid-19. It is a historical moment for us. Years from now our children and grandchildren will learn about this pandemic and how we thrived and won against it.

Words are not enough to express my deeply gratitude for science and the knowledge and talents God gave His children to develop to do good.

I am grateful for this vaccine. I believe in it.

This morning after dropping off the girls at school, Ale and I drove to American Fork bfor our appointment at 9:10 to get our first dose.

As soon as we got there we were greeted by the army (thank you for your service). We showed them our forms and ID, then we were lead to a table to check some information and schedule out next appointment for the second dose.

Then we made a second stop where our information was double checked before being lead to two nice old ladies/nurses to get the vaccine.

They explained possible side effects and what to do to alleviate them. Ale and I got shots on the left arm. Then after waiting about fifteen minutes, we headed back home happy and grateful.

Thank you Heavenly Father for showing us mercy and endless love by leading our scientists to develop this vaccine. Thank you scientists for working so hard, under a lot of pressure, and against time to develop this vaccine. Thank you health care workers, nacional guard, and volunteers for making this happen in order and safety.

What a happy day! 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Well deserved- Covid-19 days 370-372

Our weekend was fun, relaxing, and well deserved, specially after a rough week.

We had plans to sleepover at the Britos this weekend, but on Friday our car broke. So on Saturday Mindy offered to pick us up. (Thank you sister!)

We made Brazilian pizzas, facials, and we played games until three in the morning. The kids also played and watched movies until past midnight. My favorite kind of weekend.

On Sunday, after an amazing dinner together, we came back home driving the Brito’s car. They kindly offered us to use it until we buy a new one. (Thank you again!)

We have been having several issues with our car for the last couple of years, but I think the problem is more complicated then before and not worth our time and money.

Anyways, I am so grateful for their generosity and friendship. It warms my heart. I love them and I am so thankful for them in our lives!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thursdays- Covid-19 day 368

 Thursday is Bianca’s favorite day of the week.

I like Fridays. lol

Have a good weekend y’all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

179 years- Covid-19 day 367

The Relief Society turns 179 today!

On this month when we celebrate the “Women’s History Month” I can’t help but feel grateful for the amazing women from Relief Society who love, serve, and contribute so much in their communities.

I remember countless times when sisters from Relief Society reached out to me offering spiritual comfort, help, and services in times when I needed the most.

I am proud of being part of this inspired organization and for being able to also serve my community and fellowmen.

“In this divinely established sisterhood, it is marvelous to see women working together and supporting one another and their communities with such grace and strength. There is an inherent promise of belonging among us, and I pray you each feel that you belong—because you do! Each and every one of you sisters is needed; each of you has God-given gifts and abilities that can lift and strengthen others in our journey together”. 

-Jean B. Bingham

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Meeting- Covid-19 day 366

 After several weeks waiting for Bianca’s evaluation results, today we finally met with Mr Potter- the school principal, Mrs Keri Heath- special education administrator, and Mrs Haws- Bianca’s teacher.

Mrs Heath went through what tests were done and Bianca’s scores in each category. Fortunately, her cognitive skills are above average. Her reading skills are between average and low average.

The bad news is that they can’t figure out where Bianca’s difficulty in reading comes from. With that being said, we had to decide the best approach to better help her.

After one hour of meeting, we decided Bianca should continue with the intervention program, instead of being referred to the special aide- at least for now.

We feel it was the best decision for our Bibi. I am sure with the help of intervention program she will be able to get to where she is supposed to be.

She is a bright kid with so much potential!

Monday, March 15, 2021

One year- Covid-19 day 365

Today marks one year since kids engaged in remote  learning, since toilet paper became a hot commodity, and our homes turned into office, church, and school.


When I think about this difficult season, I try to focus on the good things that happened, and lessons learned from this pandemic.

I’ve already mentioned many times my profound love and appreciation for home church. I think this is one of the best things about this pandemic- being able to partake of the sacrament in our home.

Making of our homes an extension of church taught me so much about how important it is to teach our kids the gospel in the home, emphasizing to me that the foundation of their testimonies lays primarily within the family.

These times also taught me about self reliance, both material and spiritual, and how crucial it is to be able to listen to the Spirit and follow his guidance.

I also gained a good amount of patience, and appreciation for small little things like breathing, taking a walk at the park, hugging, and many more that we usually take for granted.

As the vaccine reaches more and more people, we are hopeful that our lives will soon come back to normal-  at least for a moment, before another trial finds our way. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Cashew- Covid-19 day 362

 This beautiful girl of mine has been asking to ride a “big horse” for a while now, and today she finally got to do it.

Shauna, her trainer, let her pick any horse she wanted. She picked Cashew, and they both got along really well.

From now on Giovi will not longer ride Chester, and she is very, very excited about that.

Giovanna’s been learning not only how to ride, but also how to care for the horse. And that’s what I love the most about the classes.

She knows how bring the horse from the stall to the arena and from the arena back to its stall, how to brush it, and how to saddle and unsaddle the horse.

I think it is pretty cool!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Endocrinologist- Covid-19 361

Today we took Giovanna to the endocrinologist for her six-month follow up visit.

We were happy to hear she’s been growing and she is unlikely to need hormone treatment.

She did another bone study test, and fortunately she still has a good gap to grow. She also doesn’t show any signs of puberty.

The doctor performed a physical exam on her and there’s no change on her thyroid glands. But next time he sees her (in one year) he will ask for blood tests.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

This week- Covid-19 day 359

I am so excited about this week, specially because it will be a short school week since this Thursday and Friday will be snow make up day.

Giovanna is not bringing homework home. Her teacher gave students a couple of days to work on and finish late works and assignments.

Fortunately, Giovanna is up to date on her assignments and can have this time to relax and play.

And that’s what she did today after school. She read for a while (she is finishing her second book on the Lola Levine series in Spanish), then played and watched Raya and the Last Dragon (again).

I spent a good portion of the day answering emails, filling out forms, and scheduling appointments. Giovi has endocrinologist this week and Bianca has an appointment with Dr. Vierra next week.

I also scheduled a time to talk to the Special Education team who already has the results for Bianca’s evaluation.

The days are getting warmer and pleasant. I even thought about going camping these days the girls are having off, BUT the temperature is supposed to drop these next few days. Bummer.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Raya and the Last Dragon- Covid-19 days 356-358

Who had watched the new Disney movie Raya and the Last Dragon?

We had. And we love it!

(We also watched the prince Harris and Meghan Markle's interview at Oprah and the new Royal Family drama).

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Happy Women’s International Day!

Friday, March 5, 2021

School work- Covid-19 Day 355

As summer approaches I start scanning the girls’s school material of the whole year (of course I am a couple of years behind).

I usually save the cutest ones I want them to have and see when they’re adults, and I scan the rest and throw them away.

I’ve been doing this for the last four years since Giovi was in preschool. After this school year is over I will be only scanning Bianca’s school work til she completes 4th grade.

I really do hope they’d appreciate it one day, because it is A LOT of work!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Healthy- Covid-19 day 354

I’ve decided to change a few things on our family’s diet. The girls have been eating a lot of starch, and Ale and I could definitely lose a few pounds.

Tonight we had cauliflower cheese sticks, whole wheat past, and green salad for dinner. I also baked homemade brownies with almond flour and dark chocolate.

The girls didn’t like the cheese sticks very much, but they had two slices of brownie, specially Bianca who doesn’t mind healthy version of her favorite foods. 

Let’s see if we can keep up with these changes. Fingers crossed! 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dr. Seuss- Covid-19 day 352

 Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss. We love all your books!

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Two things about today:

1) I did miss Dr. Seuss birthday’s fuss at the girl’s school this year. I am not sure if they don’t really celebrate it, or if the lack of excitement was due to Covid. 

Dr. Seuss birthday 2018 and 2019.

2) Six Dr. Seuss books will not longer be sold due “racist content”. I love and praise equality, but some things are just dumb and unnecessary in my humble opinion:

•And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street (1937)

•McElligot’s pool (1947)

•If I ran the zoo (1950)

•Scrambled eggs super! (1953)

•On beyond zebra (1955)

•The cat’s quizzer (1976)

Monday, March 1, 2021

Bowling- Covid-19 days 349-351

 This weekend our family met the Britos to celebrate Tales’s birthday. On Saturday afternoon we all headed to Brad’s new restaurant grand opening.

Then after a delicious Hawaiian meal, we went bowling. I confess Ale and I were a bit concerned being around so many people touching the same balls.

But we were able to help the kids keep their masks on and keep their hands sanitized as much as we could.

We had a really fun time, and I am glad we decided to go and celebrate Tales on his special day.

The kids played and played until they were too tired to play anymore. 

After bowling, the Britos (including Mell and Thairon) stopped by for a quick visit and of course games.

So far our family is feeling great and healthy. Hooray!