Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend- Covid-19 days 440-442

 Memorial day was busy and fun. I feel blessed, grateful, and humbled for being able to enjoy family time while others are feeling loss and ache. I feel and pray for them.

On Saturday we had the Britos over for our second year of Luau. It is always so fun to be with them. I’ll post all about it soon.

Today we headed to Lehi for a cookout and kickball with the Matutes. I had never played kickball before and it was so much fun!

We closed the night with s’mores and a nice conversation around the fire-pit while the children jumped on the trampoline.  It was a perfect day (and weekend).

Friday, May 28, 2021

Summer party- Covid-19 day 439

One of Bianca’s friend’s mom invited the entire Kindergarten class for an end-of-year party at her home. It was so nice of her! All the kids had a blast! 

Let summer break begin!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Last day of school- Covid-19 day 438

Today is the last day of school for our pretty girls. We did it! It was a long year of changing and adjustments.

Bianca was in love with her new school at first sight. Giovanna missed her old friends and Spanish class on the beginning, but soon she made new friends and was happy again.

The curriculum was rigorous and it demanded a lot from Giovi. I am beyond proud of her! She gave her very best throughout the year. It wasn’t easy. We had tough days. But she did it!  

Today she came back home with an achievement certificate for being one of few students who had straight A’s.

I am so grateful for her teacher Miss Johnson for being THE best teacher I’ve ever known. She’s one of the reasons why Giovi succeed at school this year.

To show my deep appreciation for her I put together a few things to gift her. I also prepared some end-of-the-year favors for Bianca’s classmates and teachers.

After school we took the girls to have a special dinner at Olive Garden, and we gave them the surprise I’ve been keeping from them for the last few weeks. They love it! 

It was a great school year. I couldn’t be more pleased and proud. But now I am excited and ready for summer! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Field day and more- Covid-19 day 437

After 2020 and its social distancing and all, this year school field day is back! I was so happy for the kids, because field day is really fun.

Giovanna along with sixth graders and other fourth graders walked to Lindon Aquatic Center right across the street to swim. 

Bianca and her friends from Kindergarten had field day at school grounds with fun activities, water balloons, and snacks.

Earlier today Bianca had a play date with his classmate Harrison. I took them to the park, then they had lunch at Mc Donald’s since Ale was in a meeting and I couldn’t use the kitchen to cook (small apartment).

In the afternoon the girls and I headed to North Salt Lake to return Tales’s car and to sing happy birthday to Casey who’s turning three. Cute girl!

It was a fun day for the girls and a busy one for me. There’s a lot going on right now in our family. Soon enough I’ll share all the news.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Uniform Swap- Covid-19 day 436

Today was a long day! In the morning, I ran some errands, then I went to the bank to withdraw some cash for uniform swap later on. Then I came back home with twenty one dollar bill in my wallet.

I decided to volunteer for uniform swap this year after finding out volunteers had a head start in buying them. Last year when I went for a couple of white polos, all was pretty much already gone.

This year I was able to get everything the girls needed for next school year and I am very pleased. BUT uniform swap was harder then I thought. It was a lot of work!

My back hurts for curving over the table, my feet hurts for standing for hours (5 hours), and my fingers are sore for opening and shutting safety pins. They hurt as I type.

We had pizza for dinner since I was way too tired to even think about cooking. Ale and I watched a couple of shows, then I ran to bed. Tomorrow will be another busy day.

Two more days til summer break!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Changes- Covid-19 day 431

 Today when I picked up Bianca from school I knew something was going on. As soon as I greeted her as she entered the car and I asked how her day was, she started crying.

She said her teacher told the class they would be moving to a different class next school year and she wouldn’t be their teacher anymore.

She also said she doesn’t want to move classes and she doesn’t want new friends or a new teacher.

It is interesting how Bianca doesn’t like changes. She never has. I remember it look a village for her to get used to her Primary Sunbeam class. Then the following year when she found out she was moving to a different class, she had this huge meltdown.

She has a strong personality, infinite energy, and incredibly creative mind, but she is also extremely caring and loving, and she is owner of a big soft heart.

I can’t count how many gift bags she got from my craft box and filled it with beautiful drawings and paintings she made for her teacher, friends, and us.

I love my baby girl so much it hurts! 

We talked to her about next school year, what to expect, and how fun it will be to see old friends and make new ones! Plus, she can visit her Kindergarten teacher class anytime she wants.

I think she understood it and it is a bit happier now. Besides, she still has one more week to enjoy Kindergarten life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cucumbers- Covid-19 day 430

 Years from now, I just want to remember that once Bianca was five years old and LOVED logs of cucumbers! 

I love you forever baby girl! 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Scout- Covid-19 day 429

I’ve had a tough, tough, tough time these last few days, BUT the good news is that the girls finally got their VERY FIRST PET!

Welcome to the family Scout! 

Things to remember:

-Scout came home on a Saturday afternoon- May 15th, 2021

-He is four months old

-He bites. I’ve been training him by wiping my hands with toilet paper and leaving it in his tank so he can get used to my smell.

-He sleeps all day and plays all night, which makes a little tricky for the girls to play with him.

-The girls are obsessed with him and can’t wait to finally be able to hold and play with him (although they had already held him for a bit).

-He loves eating and he is a chubby, cute, little fur ball.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Tulip Festival 2021- Covid-19 days 426-428

This past weekend the girls and I went to check the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.

I am positive that in another life I lived in the jungle. I absolutely love being around nature. It calms my heart, it recharges my battery, and it always feels like home to me.

The flowers in the Ashton Gardens are so pretty and smells so good! The soothing sound of the stream and the powerful sound of the waterfall are so relaxing!

I also love how they’ve improved things around the garden. My favorite part has sure become the The Light of the World Sculpture Garden, which displays 35 sculptures and 14 scenes of the life of Jesus Christ. It is so powerful!

The girls had a really great time. After the Gardens we had delicious ice cream at Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt. Yum!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Mountain Man Rendezvous- Covid-19 day 425

 I had no idea what Mountain Man Rendezvous was until Giovanna brought me a paper from her teacher asking parents to volunteer on the annual MMR at school.

It turns out Mountain Man Rendezvous really existed in the past between 1825 and 1840 where trappers and mountain men would sell their furs and hides, and replenish their supplies.

The Rendezvous at Giovi’s school was so fun! Parents, students, and other volunteers dressed up as Indians, Pioneers, Mountain Men, and Cowboys.

The kids were able to participate in so many wonderful activities such as archery, candle making, log sawing, and much, much more!

We had a fun time, and the festivity ended just in time to pick up Bianca from Kindergarten. I am so glad I got to volunteer (and take some pictures too!). 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Art show- Covid-19 day 424

Today the girls got to display their beautiful art work at the their school’s Art Show.

They were so proud of themselves and their friends who did an amazing job. I was impressed by so many creative minds. 

The girls got prizes, then we headed back home for some Panda Express.

Good job baby girls! 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Back to the gym- Covid-19 day 423

 Guess who is back to the gym?

Slowly, I am getting back to my exercise routine. So far, I have done classes I used to do at Vasa, like High Fitness and U-Jam.

Today I tried something new- Kickboxing, and I absolutely loved it! I know it will become one of my favorites. It is so much fun and it burns tons of calories!! Also, punching all my frustrations away is a plus!

I am really enjoying our rec center membership. Last Saturday, I took the girls to swim in the morning and it was awesome. Actually, it seems to be the best time to go swimming with just a few people in the pool, which means clean water and clean changing rooms.

Resuming old routines feels strange, exciting, and scary all at the same time. Even though I am still wearing a mask while in the common areas of the rec center, hand sanitizing my hands often, and being fully vaccinated, I still feel a little concerned about the virus.

After over a year in this pandemic, going back to "normal" doesn't feel so "normal" after all. I know it will take time to readjust, but we will get there.

I am just grateful and hopeful for my family and friends out there to be able to enjoy the same freedom soon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

BWW- Covid-19 day 422

 Our family is guilty of eating out. I know how to cook, BUT I cook a lot of chicken and pasta, so sometimes my gang craves something different.

Tonight we had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. I know it is chicken, but at least it is a different flavor other than my own. Ale ate blue cheese hamburger- his favorite.

His stomach has been not the same since he started with the TB antibiotics. So being able to pick something he thinks it won't make him throw up helps a lot.

I can't believe school will be out in less than three weeks! I can't wait. The next few weeks will be busy with end of school year festivities, and I love it!

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother’s Day 2021- Covid-19 days 419-421

 It was a fun Mother’s Day weekend with lots of love, laugh, and good food.

My day included breakfast at The Corner Bakery and dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Eating makes me so happy, it was the perfect gift for this mama.

We also drove to Lehi to welcome back sister Villatoro who just finished a LDS mission (welcome back home Laura!), and to North Salt Lake to have a special dinner with the Britos.

Thank you family and friends for making me feel so special. I hope all mamas out there also felt much loved.

* * * * * * *

Covid-19 updates:

Coronavirus is still going on. Although, vaccinations have been administered across Utah, cases are still increasing. Most of people gave up on their masks since governor Spencer J. Cox lifted the masks mandate in April.

Our family still wear masks everywhere we go. And we are still holding home church, even though church has resumed its regular Sunday service and activities. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Why not?- Covid-19 day 418

It is a beautiful day and Bianca is off from school today. So why not going to the park, right?

Have a great weekend y’all.

And happy, happy Mother’s Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

TB side effects- Covid-19 day 417

Ale has temporarily stopped taking his antibiotics for TB. Yesterday he woke up around 1:00am throwing up and with an awful headache.

He stayed in bed all day, and didn’t eat anything until later that day, poor thing! 

We called the nurse, who talked to the doctor who said the symptoms were side effects of the medication and suggested two options: start a new treatment with a different medication for the next nine months, or give Rifampin another try in a couple of weeks.

Ale will give Rifampin another try. I feel so bad and helpless. I wish I could do more to help.

In the meantime, we pray and faithfully wait, believing these difficult and uncertain times will pass.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Happy birthday Mindy- Covid-19 day 416

 Happy birthday to my best friend!

I took this beauty to have dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We had a great time. 

Love you Mindy!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuberculosis- Covid-19 day 415

 A few weeks ago Ale was diagnosed positive for TB. He took some x-rays from his chest and fortunately his lungs are fine, which means he doesn’t have the disease, but still carries the latent TB infection.

I feel so bad for him! That poor soul seems never catch a break.

This week he started on rifampin, and we are anxious about the horrible side effects of the drug. Have I mentioned I feel so bad for him?

He’ll take the meds for the next four months, and during the treatment he will visit with a healthcare provider and do some more lab tests, specially because of the high level of ALT in his liver.

Maybe soon we will hear good news and have reasons to celebrate and put a big smile in this big guy’s face?

Let’s sure hope so. Fingers crossed and a prayer in our hearts! 

Monday, May 3, 2021

Mountains- Covid-19 day 412-414

I LOVE this time of the year when I wake up and go to bed listening to the birds sing (Yep. They chirp at nighttime too around 9).

Spring reminds me of renewal and second chances. It reminds me that even after a long winter, the green will reappear and flowers will bloom again.

Today, I came across President Nelson’s talk on this last General Conference about how we can move mountains in our lives through faith in Jesus Christ:

“Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life, even though your personal challenges may loom as large as Mount Everest. 

Then he compares our faith to a growing mustard seed. The mustard seed doesn’t turn into a tree overnight, and so doesn’t our faith. Our faith should be constantly growing, every day, slow and steady. I love this though!

Then he finishes:

“Your growing faith in Him will move mountains—not the mountains of rock that beautify the earth but the mountains of misery in your lives. Your flourishing faith will help you turn challenges into unparalleled growth and opportunity”.

This talk speaks so much to my heart! Specially in these last few months when we’ve been going through so much.

I relate to every single paragraph of this talk- my personal growing faith throughout all these years here in the U.S, the miracles required to move some mountains in my own life, the Lord’s timetable, the Lord’s mercy, and so much more.

I love this gospel with all my heart. I love the knowledge I have that I am not alone. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are watching over me and my family. I can’t imagine my life without this knowledge.

And I know that with my growing faith mountains can be moved and miracles can and will happen in my life.