Monday, December 2, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

On Thanksgiving day we woke up to see everything white. It felt like Christmas day. The girls and I ran outside to play in the snow and build “Olaf Bellini”. 

When we came back inside the girls had hot coco and marshmallows while I started on the dessert I was bringing to the Matutes later on for our Thanksgiving feast. We always spend this marvelous time of the year with them.

Bianca was feeling better and her fever finally broke up. She is just developing bumps all over her body which bothers her a lot. I think it might be reaction from the fever.

We had a great time at the Matutes. We danced, sang, laughed, and eat delicious food. It was a perfect night with family and dear friends. I love Thanksgiving time, and I am so grateful for having such wonderful people in my life.

After the feast we hit a few stores for Black Friday shopping. We didn’t need anything fancy really, just shoes for Ale and the girls. We also bought simple Christmas gifts for a few friends. We got back home past 1am.

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