Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Bianca poops on the potty

Last Sunday Bianca pooped for the very first time on the potty. 

I know, it is gross! But I had to take a picture. I was so excited!!!

Good job baby girl! 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Doctor Marathon

 I snoozed the alarm clock twice when it ringed at 7:35am this morning. Giovanna had early class today, and I was so tired because Bianca woke up crying at 11pm and didn’t go back to sleep until almost 3:00am. She is complaining her belly hurts and she is also having diarrhea. So this morning after dropping off Giovanna at school I took Bianca to see a doctor.

The doctor said it could be a stomach bug, but he asked for an appendix ultrasound just in case. Appendicitis in children this young is rare, but not impossible. So right after this visit I headed to American Fork Hospital for an ultrasound. For some reason the technician could not see her appendix, but took some other images and gave them to the radiologist to look. The radiologist called the doctor who had asked for the ultrasound, and the doctor talked to me on the phone.

At this point I was already worried because the technician couldn’t see Bianca’s appendix. The doctor told me Bianca was fine, and everything else on the ultrasound looked good. But I wasn’t a 100% confident, so I called her pediatrician (who was out for vacation), and I ended up scheduling an appointment with a nurse practitioner. 

So I drove all the way to Murray. Since I moved from Salt Lake I have decided I would keep my children's pediatrician- Dr. Viera. We love her. She is amazing and worth the drive. The nurse examed Bianca and assured me she was fine and she didn’t need another ultrasound. 

I brought a stool test kit home for her, but she hasn’t pooped yet. I’ll see how she sleeps tonight. If she has another rough night, I’ll take her in again and the doctor will run some additional tests. 

Monday, February 26, 2018


Last Saturday I took the girls to sled on the snowy hills from Windsor Park. It was a nice day to go because it wasn't so cold (like last time) and the sun was out.

The girls sled til their hearts content, then played on the playground. A little after noon we came back home for daddy (who is still sick), and we all had Cafe Rio for lunch.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Snow, Snow

Today after dropping off Giovanna to school I cleaned all the winter viruses we spread around the house these past weeks. I sanitized the couch and all the pillows. I did loads and loads of laundry, and I changed all bed sheets. I vacuumed the carpet and mopped the floor. I can't believe how sick we've been lately, and I am anxious for that to be over! Ale is recovering from his cold and soon (hopefully) we will all be fine for a long time.

While I cleaned the house the snow didn't stop falling outside. Everything is so white and beautiful. I like snow when I don't have to go out. I think it is really pretty. If we ever go back to Brazil I will sure miss days like this. And I bet the girls will too.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Perfect Lie

Every time my heart is heavy, I pray. I pray for peace and guidance. I pray for comfort, and Heavenly Father always finds a way to comfort me. Sometimes He sends angels on my way to make my day happier, or sometimes He simply reaches my heart with an inspired message.

A while ago when I was feeling hopeless as a person, mother and wife, I read an article that deeply touched my heart, and made me understand a lot of things. It is called The Perfect Lie Satan wants us to Believe (and why we do). I even wrote some impressions I had in my journal.

Today a friend of mine posted a video on her Facebook page, and coincidentally was about this same article I had read months ago. This message came back to me in a time I need to be reminded of these things once again.

How many of us, mothers and wives, feel our dreams have been crushed, that we are not enough, or we don't do enough? This message is absolutely inspiring, and I invite you to pay attention on these words. Satan is definitely clever and he won't stop until we believe we won't ever be enough.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Chocolate Fondue

Last weekend I was feeling better so we finally did our traditional Valentine's fondue. The girls were so excited, and Giovanna had been waiting patiently for me to get better.

I cut some strawberries and bananas just enough for both of them. Unfortunately, I wasn't felling like eating anything. This virus was the worse! Aargh!

Chocolate Fondue over the years here and here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

UVU Basketball

After four terrible days being sick, last Saturday I woke up feeling much better. At night we headed to UVU to watch the men's basketball game. We got seats on the front row, and even were invited to shoot some balls during the break. It was really fun!

Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day

I almost didn't believe my eyes when I woke up this morning to see everything white outside. It has finally snowed!

Since Giovanna didn't have school today we headed to the park right behind our place to sled. But it was sooooo cold Giovanna sled three times then started to cry. Literally. 

Later today we took lunch to daddy. This was the first time Giovanna went to visit daddy at work. I usually only have Bianca since Giovi is always at school until 3:45pm.

Then after dinner I took the girls for an ice cream. (Ale is sick so he stayed home). Every time it snows we happen to go out for an ice cream. We don't really plan that, so I guess it is just our thing!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

These past weeks have been rough on our family with everybody sick. Yesterday we had the missionaries over for dinner, and since I wasn't (still not) feeling so great we postponed our traditional chocolate fondue for another day. 

Later on, after the missionaries had left, our family exchanged some valentine gifts. 

Daddy got new pants, and mommy got new make up. The girls got toys and clothes. 
And everybody got chocolate!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

Last night I helped Giovanna make Valentines for her classmates and a Valentine’s box to take to school today. This is the first time Giovi asks me for one, so I wasn’t sure how to make it or even what the box was for. I am Brazilian and we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day in Brazil. Well, at least not the way we celebrate it here.

After some research we made a box based on this idea. I cut and wrapped a cereal box, and Giovi decorated it with hand-cut hearts. It turned out really cute!

Since I am super sick and I wanted to keep things simple, I bought some little valentine's boxes with stickers and had Giovanna tape them in the same hand-cut hearts we used on her valentine’s box.

We also dipped strawberries in chocolate to give to her teachers. I mean, who doesn’t like strawberries and chocolate for Valentine’s, right?

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Winter sickness

Last week Giovanna started complaining of headache. I even checked her out of school twice. Then on Friday she had fever and didn't make to school at all. She had gotten a cold, which passed to Bianca, who passed to me (and possibly Ale). I've been doing nothing but taking pain killers and resting.

I feel so blessed I have two wonderful girls who play with each other, and make each other's company while I lay down on the couch to rest my ill body. Sometimes, Giovanna wakes up in the morning, she goes to Bianca's room, then grabs her out of her crib, and plays with her until I wake up. I even hear Giovanna shushing her little sister to be quite so I can sleep a little longer.

They also make a huge mess in their rooms (which I'll have to help clean up when I feel better).

They are so little and so thoughtful. They are constantly asking me how I am felling, bringing their stuffed animals to make me company, and some water in case I am thirsty. They love me and take such a good care of me. I am sure one lucky mama.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Potty Training starts again

This week I have decided to start potty training Bianca again.

She is a smart little girl who understands everything and repeats everything, and specially knows what she wants. Bianca loves sweets and already knows every time she potties she will get a candy. Sometimes she protests she wants diapers on, but overall she is doing a pretty good job.  At least better than the last time. 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Giovanna loses her second tooth

Last Monday Giovanna lost one more tooth. We were at Chick Fil A when she said one of the bottom teeth was bothering her. When we took a look the tooth was practically falling out - just like the first time.

We told her to pull it out all by herself, but she wanted mom or dad to do it, so dad helped her right in the middle of Chick Fil A. The restaurant was nearly empty and there was only a few people staring at us. Haha. And yes, we sanitized our hands before pulling the tooth out.

The tooth fairy stopped by and left $5 to our toothless girl.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Welcome Baby Milena

Today our family went to visit baby Milena who was welcomed to this world a few weeks ago. Milena is daughter of Steve and Mechaella Arbon, good friends of ours, and we are just happy to be part of such special moment for them. 

I always say babies are little miracles. And they truly are!

Look how cute baby Milena is! 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Ale sells his guitar

About a week ago Ale posted his guitar on KSL. A couple of people came to see it, and one of them ended up buying it. Giovanna still doesn't know the guitar is not longer with us- we didn't tell her because first time someone came to see the guitar, she started crying. 

I confess I was also sad to have to say goodbye to it. We've been having wonderful memories since 2009 when Ale got the guitar. He even wrote a song for Giovanna when she was born.

His favorite tunes to play were Guns n' Roses, but sometimes he would try songs from Disney movies like Moana, Zootopia and Coco just to make the girls happy.

Sweet Child O' Mine - 2013

Knockin' on Heaven's Door - 2015

A few weeks ago we gathered around daddy one more time before the selling. On the video he is playing (and singing) Un poco loco from Coco movie with Giovi, and I am laughing on the background. Coco is Bianca's favorite movie of all time.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Utah Olympic Park

Last Saturday we woke up early and headed to Park City. I think it's been a year since we were there last time. We stopped at the outlets, we had lunch, then drove up to Utah Olympic Park.

We visited the Elf Engen Ski Museum and George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles 2002 Olympic Winter Games Museum. 


We were expecting snow and lots of cold, but the weather was actually nice. Every year winter in Utah is getting drier and drier. We are barely having snow and it is sad because I was looking forward to ski with the girls this year.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Story of our Life - Part X

Story of our Life I, II, III, VI, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Today I will be sharing my last post on the series Story of our Life. This post includes the most recent events since Ale lost his job at Brainstorm exact one year ago. 

As I had mentioned before, we were waiting on Ale's OPT (Optical Practical Training) to arrive, and when it finally came, the company he was working for had already filled his old position. Somehow I had a strong feeling that this would happen, but we always hope for the best, right?

Anyways, Ale started to look for a job and for our surprise no one called him back for an interview. Month after month he applied for several different companies and any of them called him for an interview, except for two who called then decided to go with another candidate afterwards.

I have no words to explain how hard it was for us to live another day. I was stressed, Ale was stressed, and, unfortunately, the girls felt our stress too. We even sold Ale's motorcycle to raise some money.

Then when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I had a long conversation with Ale. That was when we decided to pray together. Every day.

After weeks praying, Heavenly Father blessed us with a job interview for Ale, that turned out to be his current job. They extended him the position a few days before Christmas. What a Christmas gift!

I have a strong testimony about prayer. Heavenly Father is always willing to bless us. We just need to turn to Him in sincere prayer, believing He has the power to heal us from our pain and help us on our needs. We had pledged for weeks for Ale to find a job, and He answered our prayer.

Remember Ale had a meeting at UVU? He went to talk to his mission president who currently holds a chair at UVU to see if there was any financial aid he could take advantage of, but unfortunately the University restricts that type of aid for citizens only, not international students. 

So that is our currently situation. Ale's OPT is good until the end of this month. Then we have sixty days to enroll in another school or leave the country. We haven't decided anything yet, but we've been constantly praying for guidance. It is a crucial time for our family, and I know Heavenly Father will keep blessing and inspiring us.

I had a doctor appointment a couple of weeks ago, and the doctor prescribed me Fluoxetine- the same one I had taken a few years ago. This whole situation is making me really depressed and anxious. It's been a hard time for all of us, and because of that I've been hard on the kids. But I am one hundred percent sure we will overcome these difficult times, and everything will be just fine.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Riding Free

A few weeks ago we discovered Spirit - riding free on Netflix. It is a series based on the 2002 movie Spirit - which I have never watched. 

Bianca, who absolutely loves animals, is obsessed with the series and asks to watch it every day after taking her sister to school. She also named all her horses Spirit. I don't judge her- the series is really cute, and we always sit down together to watch it.

It doesn't come as a surprise to me how much Bianca loves this show since her and Spirit relate in so many ways- they are both leaders, courageous, fearless, and at the same time loving and caring.

I love this age. It can be challenging but also really rewarding. I remember when I used to sit down with Giovanna to watch Sofia the first. It was her favorite show. I miss those times. It is sad they have to grow.