Tuesday, March 31, 2020

FaceTime - quarantine day 16

I haven’t been sleeping very good these past days, and because of that I’ve been having hallucinations. I often ask Ale if he did or said something, and he answer is no. I guess this current troubled time is making everyone a little crazy.

In the morning, I received a message from a mom of one of Giovanna’s friends from school asking if her daughter could FaceTime Giovi.

Around 5pm June called her and they talked for a quite some time. They chat about what they’ve been doing for fun these days, about homework, and about how they miss school and each other. It was super cute!

While they were talking, Giovanna took pictures of June and her cute family. She learned that from her dad who, for some reason, always takes pictures whenever he is FaceTiming someone.

Than later, Mindy also FaceTimed me to see how we were doing. I think people have not used FaceTime as much as they are using it right now. But I am grateful for technology that allows us to still communicate and “socialize”. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Chief in charge - quarantine days 13-15

The girls have started to feel the quarantine. They've been asking about going back to school, about playing outside, and about Easter which we celebrate with the Britos every year.

With the craziness of these last couple of weeks I haven't figure out what we will be doing for Easter or General Conference yet. I usually prepared Easter baskets and Conference packets for the girls, and as much as I want to keep our traditions going, this COVID-19 is making it hard.

Sundays are becoming the day I most look forward to. Turning our home into an extension of the chapel, and having the girls share their testimonies and Ale bless the sacrament for our family has been the most humble and spiritual experience for me.

In the midst of this chaos I feel blessed for having the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It gives me peace and assurance that everything will be fine because Heavenly Father is the chief in charge.

We sang "Come thou fount of every blessing" as our opening hymn. This is one of my favorites hymns, and I used to sing it to Giovanna every night before bedtime.

"Oh, that day when freed from sinning
I shall see Thy lovely face
Clothed then in the blood washed linen
How I'll sing Thy wondrous grace
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry
Take my ransomed soul away
Send Thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day".

Friday, March 27, 2020

Forward with faith - quarantine day 12

In the morning I woke up with really bad cramps, so I went back to bed and stayed there for a few hours while Ale worked and the girls fixed some cereal for themselves.

When I got up I was feeling a little better so I took the girls out of their iPads and sent them to do homework. Giovanna struggled so much to finish her math lesson it got me beyond frustrated.

Ale woke up with migraine, so he wasn’t feeling so patience himself either.

On top of that we received news from an acquaintance that contracted the COVID-19 virus and is in critical condition at the hospital. His name is Alacy, and Ale and I taught his little girl Cecilia at our CTR class at church while living in Salt Lake.

I confess this news hit me hard. We are praying for his family and for his recovery.

I feel this virus is getting closer to us and I hate it. And I know Satan wants us to feel discouraged and hopeless specially during these uncertain times. It is okay to have not-so-great days (like today), but it is important to shake it off and move forward with faith, knowing Heavenly Father is in control of everything.

President Nelson has asked us to join in a world wide fasting for relieve from corona virus this Sunday. I have a testimony that through fasting and prayer great things can be accomplished.

Also, the happiest birthday to my brother-in-law! We love you!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

From today - quarantine day 11

Today we:

Plus work, homework, meals, prayers, cleaning, movie, and scripture study.

Also, tomorrow is Friday!! Not that it makes any difference, but...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Old Memories - Quarantine day 10

Today we followed our schedule as usual, then I added daily exercise to my routine. Since everything closed because of the virus, I stopped working out.

(Pos workout)

So I joined some other moms on a Facebook group, where we share our experiences, share recipes, and support one another. I am excited!

Then I started looking at some old pictures from when my girls were babies. Soon Giovanna and Bianca joined me when they heard cute giggles coming from the computer.

We laughed together and remembered tender moments. I love them so much!

They also made me show them every birthday party we threw to them since they were one. Then they compared their parties (of course), and picked their favorite ones.

Giovanna's favorite:

My least favorite:
I worked SO hard on this party, I remember promising myself never throw a birthday party to Giovi ever again. My balloon arch didn't work and kept falling, I had a horrible time figuring out the table cloth (I always do), and I just didn't like the decoration.

Bianca's favorite:


My least favorite:


Bianca's first birthday was supposed to be Little Mermaid. But because of our circumstances I had to change it last minute and we decided to do a picnic at the park. The party turned out really cute and we had a great time indeed. But I wished I had more time to plan and prepare for her very first birthday.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Keeping ourselves busy - quarantine days 8 and 9

Yesterday, I got an email from Alpine district announcing that the school dismissal was extended through May, 1st. And so Headstart.

I confess this virus is depressing me. I fear for my family in Brazil, for my mom who is over sixty, for my husband and kids, dear friends, and I fear for myself. But I know fear is not from God, and I am trying to stay put and exercise my faith.

Last night, our family watched Onward, the new Disney movie. It was definitely not my girls’s favorite. They kept asking me when Ian was going to see his dad even after the movie was over. I try to explain to them Ian saw his dad his whole life through his big brother, but I guess they didn’t buy it.

Today, the girls did their homework in the morning, then we followed our schedule with playtime, electronics, and naps. I am trying to keep a routine, specially for Bianca who loves and misses her preschool.

I prepared a lesson using the packet her teacher emailed me, which includes breathing techniques, numbers, letters, reading and dancing time.

We laughed so hard while running around the living room with “Let’s go swimming” by The Laurie Berkner band.

Later on, our living room turned into an obstacle course. We played music, and timed how long each of us took to complete the course. It was super fun!

Then we all calmed down to study the scriptures. By the time we were done it was already past bedtime, so the girls hurried to brush their teeth and go to bed.

When the house was finally quiet Ale and I ran to under the blankets to watch the season finale of This is Us, our favorite show.

Despite all challenges this virus has brought us, I am grateful for having my gang healthy and close to me. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sacrament in our home - quarantine days 6 and 7

This Saturday we did some cleaning, ordered food, watched movies, and prepared our home to sacrament meeting.

Last week we received a letter from the stake announcing priesthood holders should lead, and bless the sacrament for their families and to those who don’t have a priesthood holder in their homes.

On Saturday I gathered the girls around the kitchen to bake the bread we would be using for this special occasion. We also baked some delicious sugar cookies.

Then on Sunday morning Ale got dressed to bless the sacrament for a couple of sisters from our ward. Later on, we broke the quarantine and had the Britos over to partake the sacrament with us.

I know it was a little risky, but it was so good, spiritual, and much needed. We also spread hand sanitizer all over our hands every fifteen minutes or so.

We sang I am a Child of God leaded by Bianca. Then she shared a brief testimony, followed by Claire and Giovanna. It was beautiful and touching hear their love and reverence for their Heavenly Father.

Then Ale and Tales blessed the bread and the water and we partook of the sacrament (in tears). It was really spiritual, and I felt deeply grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ  in my life. He is the center of our home.

After sacrament I shared a message about what we had been studying this past week on Come, Follow Me. Then we watched a movie and concluded Jacob chapter seven in the Book of Mormon.

Saying goodbye to the Britos felt heavy and bitter because we don’t really know when we will be able to see each other again. We were thinking maybe for Easter in a few weeks, but in reality we believe things will get even harder as new restrictions are reinforced every day.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Catching up - quarantine day 5

This quarantine has helped our family catch up on our Come, Follow Me studies. We got a little behind since our trip to Florida and couldn’t catch up until now.

This week we studied about Jacob teachings and the allegory of the Olive Tree. I am so happy Giovi is learning about figurative language at school; it definitely helped her easily understand the comparison between the tree and the house of Israel.

Bianca is also learning so much! When I asked who Jacob was she said he was the one who was teaching the people from the plates. I love the way her little brain works! And I love this inspired program. It’s been a blessing to our family!

This Sunday we’ll be having sacrament meeting in our home. Ale will be blessing the water and the bread for us to partake. It will be memorable for our family and I am looking forward to it.

Have a beautiful (and safe) weekend!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

School assignments - quarantine day 4

In the meantime, I get several emails from Bianca’s and Giovi’s school with assignments to be done while they are home.

Giovanna needs to read in Spanish and English for twenty minutes each, complete two lessons of Imagine Math, five units of Lexia, writing, plus Ms Maureira’s Spanish packet with math and literature to be completed and returned by the end of each week.

Bianca needs to be read to for twenty minutes every day, and complete the monthly ‘school to home practice’ sheet. They also emailed me notifying me soon they will be sending online activities to be done at home.

Besides that, we also sit down as a family to do Family Home Evening once a week and daily scripture study.

It’s been a process adjusting ourselves to this new schedule, but we’ve been doing good, and the girls have been exceptionally nice.

Tonight, as I put the girls to sleep, turn off the lights, and lay down on the couch to write I feel accomplished. I look back to my day knowing that I gave my very best to my family. And for me this is the most important job I can have.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Earthquake - quarantine day 3

This morning I woke up around 6:30am after Ale left for work and I went to the quiet living room to read the Book of Mormon. I’ve started reading it again, in English this time.

While I was reading it the walls started to shake. For a minute I thought it was my neighbor’s washer or drying machine, but it wasn’t. I checked outside to see if was windy, but even though it was raining it was not windy.

It took me a while to realize that that trembling could actually be an earthquake. I texted Ale who was at work already and I asked if he had felt it too. He did, but just like me, he didn’t think it was an earthquake.

It turns out it was an earthquake, and it came from Magna. Its magnitude was only 5.7 here in Orem, but it did some damage in areas like Salt Lake City which is closer to Magna. Business closed to evaluate the damage and employees had the day off.

I spent the day thinking about these last events, and about the future ones that will keep happening. I am not sure if I am ready for the them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St Patrick's Day 2020 - Quarantine Day 2

Happy St Patrick’s day!

In the morning (I woke up past 10am again!) the girls were excited to play Wii. I got controllers to play Mario cart and archery that were forgotten in the cable box since 2009 or so.

When Ale and I got married and moved to Utah we bought a Wii game. We used to challenge each other on a basketball game all the time. Now our kids play with it. It still works like old times! (a shout out to my hubby who takes the best care of our electronics).

Our day included green outfits, Wii, and homework in the morning, naps after lunch, and a quick go out to get some Brazilian deliciousness (let’s support our local business!) in the afternoon.

Later on, we played St. Patrick’s games. Giovi came up with a game where she hid all green toys she could find in the house, then taped green obstacles on the walls, and had me and her dad find the toys. It was hilarious and so much fun! 

Then we played St. Patrick’s scavenger hunt. The girls had to follow the clues to find each a “pot of gold”. They played so hard they were sweating when the game was over.

After that Ale and I watched an episode of This is Us. I can’t believe next week is season finale already!

Before 10:00 pm the house was in silence.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantine Day 1

Today starts the first day of the COVID-19 quarantine. Schools are cancelled, church meetings are cancelled, and any other services or activities have been postponed.

I have planned a schedule to keep my sanity with the girls home all day. The schedule involves games, TV time, homework, reading, free time, naps, and scripture study. I might consider some exercises in the morning, since I’ll be canceling my gym membership too.

This weekend we drove to South Jordan to eat at The Pie in celebration of Pi Day. It’s been a long time since we went there. Bianca was just a baby. We also met Mindy in West Valley to get some medications she ordered from her pharmacy.

Since we were so close to our old place, we decided to take the girls to see the apartment we brought baby Giovanna from maternity when she was born. Everything looks the same.

Then on our way back home, we stopped at Jordan River Temple. I love this temple!

As soon as the girls started coughing we ran to the car and we headed back home.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

Today was a frightening Friday 13th. In the morning I got the girls and together we headed to American Fork (again) searching for oil and sugar. We were able to find oil, and I was lucky enough to find one last pack of sugar lost on an empty shelf at Walmart.

I’ve been faithful praying for guidance in what I should buy and how much I should buy in order to keep our home stocked for these coming weeks of uncertainty. He is being so merciful and He has constantly blessing us.

Just yersterday Ale found a few packs os Tylenol. Remember I couldn’t find any?

The schools were canceled and the girls will be home for the next two weeks. Then we should hear from them with more information of what’s next. Church meetings were also canceled.

I am grateful for being ready for whatever happens in these next few weeks. A while ago I prepared a binder full of material to teach the gospel at home when times would come when we wouldn’t be able to attend the meetings anymore. I sure didn’t think this would happen anytime soon though.

In the meantime, “let not (our) heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Giovanna is still feeling a little under the weather, but little by little she is getting better. Yesterday, she complained her ear was hurting, and Bianca started coughing, so I gave them the last drops of Tylenol I had home.

This morning, after dropping them off at school, I drove to American Fork hoping to find Tylenol for the girls. They were all gone at Walmart and Costco. At 9:30 the line outside Costco was turning around the warehouse. At 10:00 am when they opened the doors, the toilet paper was gone in minutes. I was able to get one (they were giving one pack per family).

We are living crazy times. And I’ve been pondering about D&C 38:30 a lot lately when it says “(...) but if ye are prepared ye shall not fear”.

I think this scripture teaches us beyond of what we actually understand. In times like this, I realize most of us are not prepared the way we should be. It makes me think it is not only about being spiritually prepared, but also physically (how’s our food and supplies storage going?), and intellectually. 

When I see all the shelves empty, that tells me people are uninformed. They are not getting proper information from liable media. And because they are not proper informed they start acting out of feat not really knowing what they are doing. 

That scares me (and frustrates me too). I had bought plenty of Tylenol and Motrin a while ago for the flu season, and I’ve already used (almost) them all. I need more to treat my girls who are sick NOW, but I can’t find them because other people have bought them to stack them up, and maybe not even use them until they expire.

Oh, well. I’ll keep looking.

And praying.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Young Womanhood

Past Sunday was really special to me as I received the Young Womanhood Recognization for working and completing all the goals on my Personal Progress.

Although, I have done it in the past while being a young women, I felt strongly encouraged to do it again, specially knowing that this beautiful program won’t long exist. 

On the last ten minutes of class I gathered Giovi, Bianca and Ale to go to the Young Women classroom where I, along with other young women, would be recognized.

I can’t even start telling how beautiful, important, spiritual, and special it was when the bishop called Giovanna so she could put the medallion on me.

I was so grateful Ale was there to support me AND record the occasion. He stopped recording to help Giovi with the necklace clasp.

I am so deeply thankful for this wonderful gospel in my life that teaches me how valuable I am to Heavenly Father, for teaching me I am part of a plan which if I follow I will return safely back home where I came from. 

How wonderful is that?

Get to know these truths too by simply clicking here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Hermana Porras

Happy birthday hermana Porras!

This past Saturday we celebrated hermana Porras’s 55th birthday with a beautiful and fun party. There was delicious food, good company, good music, and lots of dancing.

We love the Porras’s family. Thank you for having us. We had a wonderful time!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Giovi starts therapy

My baby #1 had a rough few last days sick with cold. She started coughing on Thursday, then she had fever and started with itchy/runny nose.

Today she woke up feeling a little better. She has no fever, but she’s still coughing a lot. I feel like after getting sick it takes a lifetime for us to stop coughing.

Because Giovanna’s therapist has a super tight schedule, I didn’t want to cancel their first session. I was hoping Giovi would be feeling better by then- which she is.

After picking up Bianca from school fifteen minutes earlier, the three of us headed to Provo to drop off Giovi. That morning I explained to her what to expect once we get there, just so she wouldn’t be scared.

When I left I noticed Giovanna super shy around the therapist. But I was so happy to see her smiling with confidence when I picked her up. She told great things about her time there. She told me they played fun games and they talked about emotions.

She is very excited to go back next week. I really do hope these sessions will help us to help her to grow up to be a healthy, confident, beautiful young woman.

:: Pictures :: A few Sundays ago after church. My mom brought these beautiful dresses from her last trip to Thailand. These pictures were taken before Giovi’s doctor appointment and before her diet change.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week wrap up

This week:

1. March is here!
2. We start getting ready for General Conference. 
3. I am called and set apart to serve as Primary’s second counselor (I am so excited!).
4. I get a stomach bug (and apparently Bianca too).
 5. Field trips and Windsor movie night (Frozen 2)- Ale took the girls while I enjoyed a couple of hours of peace and quiet.
6. Costco has no water and no toilet paper (people are going crazy because of coronavirus- COVID-19).

7. Huge line outside of Costco at 9:30 am (P.s. Costco opens at 10:00 am).
8. I completely forget to pick up Bianca from school and Ms Kaylee has to call me (I got there at  12:05pm. Bianca leaves at 11:45am).
9. Bianca and I fall hard on the ground at Smith’s parking lot while running to get to Seagull Book store before daddy who was driving the car. 
10. Laura Villatoro opens her mission call- Oakland, California!
11. I start barre fitness (so far so good).

12. Giovanna has an idea to help keep her community clean (cute girl).
13. We visit the possible new school for Giovi and Bianca.
14. Friday off- Ale wakes up with migraine and doesn’t go to work, Giovanna wakes up coughing and feverish and doesn’t go to school, Miya is sick with flu so I don’t babysit her today, and Bianca has no school on Fridays.
15. Ms Kaylee and Ms Marisa (Bianca’s teachers) come for a home visit.
16. There is no hand sanitizer at Walmart, Target, Maceys, or Dollar Tree. It’s all gone.

Have a wonderful weekend!